Chapter 76

The assailant captured from Qishan, Zhao Qingshan did not say to hand over to the police, but directly planned to lynch.

His father is out of danger now, and the injury appraisal can at most be set to level eight. At that time, they will be asked to pay tens of thousands of yuan in compensation, and then get the beating person in and sentenced to one and a half years. Perplexed.

Six young men with gaudy tattoos were tied up and thrown into the rear compartment of Ma Guoqing's double-decker van.

Zhao Qingshan hated this group of people to death, he threw them into the car, and he got into the car and beat and kicked them one by one.

This group of people had never seen such a scene before, and everyone was shocked.

As the saying goes, those who are dumb are afraid of being violent, and those who are arrogant are afraid of dying. In this world, how many people are really dumb, really arrogant, and really desperate?

When the car came to Fenghuangling Village, Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Wendong and the others to drag the few people whose names he hadn't asked until now to the most remote chicken shed.

The mouths of these six people were stuffed with torn socks, their hands were tied behind their backs, and their eyes were full of fear.

"All kneel to me!"

As soon as Zhao Qingshan drank, the six people were so frightened that they immediately fell to their knees.

When these few people first met Zhao Qingshan on Qishan, they were still majestic, but now, each of them was so frightened that they lost their souls.

"Do you know why you were brought here?"

Zhao Qingshan saw that there was an older man among the group, so he walked up to him and pulled out the torn sock stuffed in his mouth.

The man was shirtless and had a very popular over-the-shoulder dragon tattoo.

At first glance, this guy was deeply influenced by the Bewitched Boy.Ever since the movie "Bewitching Boys" hit the mainland, many young people thought about being gangsters, fighting, grabbing territory, and collecting protection fees.

The Bewitching Boy movie started to be released after 96, and then it was released in series in 2000.Including "Man in the Jianghu", "The Raptors Crossing the River", "One Hand Covers the Sky", "Invincible", "Enter the Dragon" and "The Winner Is King".

Movies have a profound impact on a person. It is said that after the introduction of the American drama "Garrison Expendables" in 1980, the urban juvenile crime rate rose several times.

The influence of the Bewitched Boys series far exceeds that of "Garrison Expendables".

Boys who have almost watched the movies of Bewitching Boys, especially when they are fifteen or sixteen to eighteen or nineteen years old, admire the lives of those gangsters in the movies who value loyalty and dare to fight and kill.

So, since Bewitched Boy was broadcast, you can see Chen Haonan's over-the-shoulder dragon tattoo played by Ekin Cheng everywhere on the street.

The young man with the dragon tattoo on his shoulders should be two or three years older than Zhao Qingshan.

"Know, know..."

The over-the-shoulder dragon nodded repeatedly, eyes full of fear.

"What's their names?"

"My name is Peanut, this is Cyclops, this is Little White Dragon, this is Loach, this is Dragon Fruit, and this is Baldy."

Zhao Qingshan frowned, this group of people are fastidious, and they all have stage names.

Zhao Qingshan nodded, then looked back at Liu Wendong and asked, "Wendong, look, what should we do about this?"

Liu Wendong was a half-way person, so he leaned into Zhao Qingshan's ear and whispered, "We have to see who is behind them, who buys it, and who is the guarantor."

Zhao Qingshan didn't understand the jargon on the road, so he waved his hand and said, "Then ask."

Liu Wendong circled around these cute young people with stage names, and finally came to "Peanut".

"Which way do you mix?"

"East District."

"Eastern District? On the Eastern District side, Maodan and Maohuang are there. Do you know these two?"

"I know, our big brother."

Liu Wendong smiled, turned his head and whispered to Zhao Qingshan: "Mao Dan and Mao Huang are watching the scene in the Internet cafe in the East District. They don't have any backstage, so they can clean up casually."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, and then deliberately whispered to let those few people hear: "How about we kill them?"

Hearing this sentence, "Peanut" trembled a little with fright.

In fact, the so-called social people, despite their majesty on the surface, are actually superficial heroes. When they really encounter hard stubble, their true nature will be revealed.Even if an ordinary person really fights with them, those with tattoos and paintings of dragons will have to scare them away.

In Zhao Qingshan's previous life, an incident happened. There were two open-air barbecue restaurants at the entrance of Nanhu Park in the East District, and there was competition between them.One of them is said to be a social person with an open-air barbecue. He has tattoos and dragons. He speaks louder than others and often bullies the other family.

The other one was doing their own business and didn't intend to cause trouble. However, one day, the boss of the social barbecue grill found fault and came to drive away the guests from the other table. Behind, according to the back of the head is a stick.When this stick was applied, Brother Society immediately collapsed, and it took him two or three days to be rescued in the hospital before he came back alive. At any rate, it was considered a life-threatening situation in Society without any sequelae, but a large area of ​​the back of his head no longer grows hair.

Then the barbecue owner who beat people was sentenced to two years in prison, and then he was related and rich, and he was released on bail to continue to barbecue.When the social elder saw it, he was so frightened that he ran away and quit.

There is a saying that don't bully honest people. When honest people get angry, it is estimated that the bully will not even have a chance to regret it.

Zhao Qingshan is not an honest person, of course he will not wait until he is bullied beyond endurance before resisting, if anyone dares to bully him now, he will make the other party be punished immediately!
"Big brother, big brother, it's not bad for us, Li Xifeng asked us to do it. Li Xifeng said that you cut off his money by sending chickens to Qishan, and then gave us 5000 yuan, telling us not to let you send chickens. Big brother, big brother Don't be impulsive, we also eat for one bite."

In 2003, 5000 yuan was not a small amount of money. It seemed that the other party really regarded himself as an opponent, and at the same time, the other party must also know that sending chickens to Qishan was a very profitable way.

There must be four or five chicken dealers who sent chickens to Qishan. Now that I have made them unemployed all of a sudden, it is normal for the other party to hold grudges, but they actually moved their minds and hit their father. Zhao Qingshan couldn't bear this matter. .

Zhao Qingshan frowned, and then said to Liu Wendong: "Take this person, go and catch that Li Xifeng for me."

"Okay, get this bastard here right away!"

"But one thing, don't do anything to the people next to you. Don't let them call the police. We won't be able to say anything."


Liu Wendong took "Peanut" and drove down the mountain in the second-hand pickup that Zhao Qingshan bought for him.

(End of this chapter)

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