Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 99 A Major Announcement Has Arrived

Chapter 99 A Big Announcement Is Coming
When Zhao Qingshan was a child, at the age of four or five, he followed his mother to visit relatives in the county town of Tainan City. Looking at the roads in the city, they were either asphalt roads or cement roads. There was no dust on them, and he felt envious. .

Later, the road from Zhaizi Village to Fangjiazhuang Village was built as an asphalt road. Zhao Qingshan and his rural children who were seven or eight miles away who didn't have an asphalt road were even more envious.

Now that I have the strength, it is no problem to build the entire road into asphalt.

The fact that Zhao Qingshan was going to turn the dirt road from the head of Fangjiazhuang Village to the foot of Lianhua Mountain into an asphalt road caused a sensation in the entire Zhaizi Township.

Because I had greeted the township in advance, and as an important achievement project, the township chief naturally wanted to take a photo when the construction started.

As a young boy who has just walked out of high school for more than a year, to be able to take a photo with the village head at this moment, in the eyes of ordinary people, that is really a great skill.

Zhao Qingshan's word-of-mouth and prestige in the hearts of the common people in the three villages of Fenghuangling Village, Xiaomiao Village, and Damiao Village has suddenly reached a very high level with this dirt road renovation project.

It can be said bluntly that in the history of Laigang County, there has never been such a capable young man.

Of course, Laigang County has a relatively short history, only 1991 years from its establishment in 2003 to 12.

If it is placed in the long river of Chinese history, there will be many young heroes. Huo Qubing made great achievements in defeating the Huns at the age of 17, and Xiang Yu rebelled against Qin at the age of 24.

Of course, compared to these two ruthless people, Zhao Qingshan is really nothing.

However, what Zhao Qingshan did was a bit awkward in the eyes of someone.

Zhao Qingshan's prestige is getting higher and higher. In Fenghuangling Village, the villagers always talk about Zhao Qingshan, and they also turn to Zhao Qingshan for arbitrariness. This makes Liu Mingcai, who used to be the head of Fenghuangling Village, unhappy.

However, in Zhao Qingshan's eyes, what is that Liu Mingcai, the village chief who embezzled millions in compensation for land occupation in his previous life by building highways?

In 2004, when the expressway was built to Fenghuangling Village, Zhao Qingshan felt that it was necessary to remove Liu Mingcai's position as village chief and hand it over to someone who could be controlled by him.This candidate is Cao Mingren.

For Zhao Qingshan's road construction, he needed to find a person who was fully responsible. Zhao Qingshan thought of Cao Mingren.

After all, I still have things to do on the Dongling side, so it's hard to take care of the road construction side.

The day before the start of the road construction project, Zhao Qingshan approached Cao Mingren and said that he wanted to hire him as the supervisor of the road construction project, responsible for supervising the progress of the entire road construction.

The reason why Cao Mingren was asked to do this was that on the one hand, he could examine this person's ability, and on the other hand, he could also give money to Cao Mingren to see how this person's character is.

It is really hard to find a truly selfless leader, but if you want to give you 50 yuan, you spend 49 yuan to do things, and keep 1 yuan for selfishness, that is justified.But if you are given 50 yuan, if you spend 20 yuan to embezzle yourself, and only use 30 yuan to do things, then this person is no good.

Of course, if Cao Mingren was truly selfless, then Zhao Qingshan helped him to the position of village chief, and the people of Fenghuangling Village would be blessed in the next step.

Cao Mingren readily agreed, after all, the next step is to manage 50 yuan, which is a fat job after all.

The road repair project has started, and when the next step is to go in and out, it will be much more convenient to get in and out of the car. In winter, even if it is freezing, sweeping the snow on the road will not delay driving.

After this matter was done, Zhao Qingshan was busy repairing the fence around Taohua Ridge, surrounding the barbed wire, and building chicken sheds.

The work of repairing the fence must be carried out first, and then the work of enclosing the barbed wire will not be carried out until the chicken shed is completed.

Because the project is relatively large, a small village construction team alone cannot guarantee the progress of the project, so Zhao Qingshan sent two construction teams from Damiao Village, one construction team from Xiaomiao Village, one construction team from Fangjiazhuang Village, and one from Zhaizi Village. Both construction teams were invited over.

In this way, together with the construction team of Liu Yutang who built the house in Suishi Ridge, and the construction team of Xiye who built the road, Zhao Qingshan invited eight construction teams to work for him at once.

All the people in Zhaizi Township were discussing how much money the young man in Fenghuangling Village, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old, had to have.

During this month, Dongling was bustling with activity. Every ten days a batch of chicks were brought in, and a shed was built every ten days.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Zhao Qingshan repaired the original muddy dirt road into a brand new asphalt road.

Through the matter of road construction, Zhao Qingshan could see that although Cao Mingren was greedy, he was cowardly, and he didn't embezzle much money, at most ten or twenty thousand.

Zhao Qingshan held the evidence of Cao Mingren's corruption in his hand, so that he could scare Cao Mingren if he didn't listen to his words in the future.

The hatchery on the other side of the gravel ridge has also been built, with a row of ten brand new tile-roofed houses. In the next ten days, the hatching machines from Taishan City will be transported over.

Then on the entire Dongling side, Zhao Qingshan directly surrounded the 22-acre apple orchard with a [-]-meter wall.At the same time, in the apple orchard, Zhao Qingshan built another [-] chicken sheds.Moreover, Zhao Qingshan used barbed wire to divide these chicken sheds into [-] independent spaces. Next, a batch of chickens will be raised in each space without mixing with each other.

By the end of October 2003, Zhao Qingshan's East Ridge renovation plan had been completed.

Entering October, the farm work is over, and then there is a period of leisure in the countryside.

At this time, the villagers of Zhaizi Township suddenly saw a notice on the bulletin boards at the gates of their respective village committees, saying that general elections would be held at the end of this year for the entire Zhaizi Township.

The term general election is something new to the people of Zhaizi Township.

Not only Zhaizi Township, but all the villages in Luzhong City saw such a notice at the end of 2003.

As soon as the notice came, the village exploded.

You know, no matter which village, the original village head is an old village head who has worked for 30 to [-] years, but there has never been a change of term, and I feel that the next step of this thing is that the village head's son may even take over.

There are quite a few people who want to be village chiefs, especially in a big village like Zhaizi Village, where there is a lot of money. People who want to be village chiefs have to go from house to house, promise a lot of things, and win votes.

Zhao Qingshan, on the other hand, quietly followed the movement of Fenghuangling Village.

(End of this chapter)

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