Chapter 109
A lot of sunlight shines on the island surrounded by sea water, but because the island is too large, all the sunlight that shines on it is occupied or scattered by the terrain on the island.

A piece of sunlight is scattered on the continuous sea, a piece of sunlight is scattered on the semi-circular sandy beach, a piece of sunlight is scattered on the surface of forest mountains, a piece of sunlight is scattered into light fragments, and the phase sequence falls into The bleak interior of the island forest.

The light was scattered by the islands.

So the island is no longer bright, but dark.

Above the continuous sea, the island forest is densely covered, and the surface of the forest is still covered with a layer of golden awn, but the inside of the forest is pitch black because the golden awn leaves cover the sky.

A weary gasp sounded from time to time in the darkness.

A golden light shines into the dim woods from one direction, passes through the layers of cover of vines or trees, cuts through the surrounding dark environment, and continues to travel deeper and darker into the depths of the forest.

As a result, the exhausted panting followed this blocked thing to block most of the light, and only a little light remained intermittently in the depths.

Following this bit of brilliance, it keeps ringing in the direction of more brilliance.

I don't know how long it took, and the hysterical panting suddenly disappeared, because the front was no longer dark, only the golden light shone along the outlines of the trees, reflecting in the dark forest.

Because of the reflection of the light, the trees that block the light appear darker, darker than the darkness deep in the forest. Because these trees are so dark, the golden light behind the trees appears brighter, extremely bright.

It was as if there was a world of golden light hidden behind the trees.

In the darkness, the pace of progress accelerated, embarrassingly accelerated, crazily accelerated, regardless of everything.

Suddenly, the golden light shone on the body crazily, instantly clearing away the darkness attached to the surface of the body, and then it continued to shine, shine, and shine, as if even the darkness hidden inside the body had to be completely destroyed. Baptism is exhausted.

Zhou Hui ran out of the dark forest, bathed in the orange light of the setting sun, and stood on the edge of the orange sea, constantly heaving his chest illuminated by the orange light. At this moment, it seemed that even the air he was breathing was filled with orange light s color.

The periphery of the forest was surrounded by orange light, but in Zhou Hui's eyes, there was a more beautiful scene. The magnificent ocean was still turbulent, but at this moment it was no longer a deep blue, but a golden red orange glow.

What kind of scenery should this look like when the whole stretch of sea that can't be seen at a glance is full of orange sea water and rich orange light sea water?
Now, he sees it.

In the ocean, there are flowing orange sea water everywhere, the orange sea water collides, the orange sea water shines, the orange sea water surges into tides, the orange sea water sets off orange waves one after another, the orange sea water It's a whole sea of ​​orange.

In the western ocean, where the sun sets, the orange sun itself, the source of all the orange light, is red, like a unique and most unique precious treasure that belongs only to heaven and earth.

The sea water around Juyang, compared to the sea water in the distance, is so intense that it seems that it cannot be melted, and it is so thick that it is like a fire. Everyone who sees this scene will probably be worried, maybe the sea around the orange light will be real in a moment burn up, and burn up the whole ocean...

Zhou Hui stood on the high sea, facing such an ocean, his body remained still for a long time.

In fact, he was also very tired. He walked through the forest, constantly looking for a way out, and ran for a whole afternoon. Until now, at sunset, he managed to get out with the help of the light shining into the forest.

In the ocean, there is not only the orange sun and the orange sea water, but also a small island covered by a layer of golden light located in the orange ocean. A lonely island is illuminated by the sunset light, just staying quietly in the ocean In the sky, it looks lonelier than the setting sun, and even more lonely than the dim light.

It was the small island where he lived and lived before.

Withdrawing his gaze, his gaze shifted to the far lower left, where he was familiar with the bamboo forest and the familiar sea, and this was just the place he walked out of.

Simply put, he was looking in the wrong direction.

Looking at the distance between the two sides, Zhou Hui realized how far he had traveled in the directionless forest.

There was no talking to himself, no admiration, not even much admiration in his heart, Zhou Hui just picked up the somewhat deep wood grass, looking for a way to go back, without making any sound, just like this under the orange light Return silently.

Going up from the bamboo forest is an uphill slope, and going to the left is also a sloping sea edge, so the terrain of this island is from northeast to southwest, so to go back to the bamboo forest, he has to go down. Sometimes some roads are smooth and simple, while others have rolling gravel or steep slopes, requiring a lot of care.

The easy road was not fast, and the difficult road was slower. Zhou Hui walked back slowly in silence with his somewhat fluffy legs.

Relatively speaking, the other things today did not consume a lot of physical strength, and the only time that he was lost in the forest was the one that consumed a lot of energy and energy.

However, getting lost in the forest is not as simple as finding a way out. The pressure in his heart, and the fact that he can see nothing but woods no matter which direction he goes, are enough to make his psychological defenses collapse a little bit.

There was even a period of time when he thought extremely irrationally that he had traveled to a vast and boundless different world in the forest, that's why he couldn't get out, and then he was going to be trapped here forever?

Fortunately, relying on a twilight beam, he successfully found it.

Even if you find the wrong way, it's much better than being unable to get out at night.

Time passed by every minute and every second. When Zhou Hui successfully walked to the place where there was no more difficult terrain beyond the bamboo forest, it had already passed for an unknown amount of time. What could be seen was that the wind was gradually blowing on the edge of the sea, and the sea breeze was blowing. It also blew away the remaining light on the sea, so the sea was dim.

Most of the orange sun that exudes infinite orange sank into the darkening ocean, as if the ocean was going to swallow the sun.

Zhou Hui finally returned to this familiar sea.

After he came back, he entered the bamboo forest without vigilance, without giving up his mind to see if he could get some more food, without building a tent, without doing anything, he squatted in the grass that blended into the shadows, just tired and numb. Looking at the ocean that has not much light.

A little residual light shone on Zhou Hui's expressionless face.

Soon, the orange-red outline also sank into the pitch-black ocean.

So it was pitch black on the beach.

So the last bit of light that shone on Zhou Hui's face disappeared.

The bamboo forest is pitch black, the woods are pitch black, the sky is pitch black, the sea is pitch black, and the patches of green grass growing on the sea are also pitch black, dancing in the darkness by the pitch black sea wind in the dark night.

In the end, Zhou Hui blended into this dark world, and then no longer separated from each other.

(End of this chapter)

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