Chapter 120

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the cloth strips he had prepared a long time ago finally came into use today, but if possible, he would rather not use these "bandages" for the rest of his life.

From the right pocket of the open coat, he took out a piece of bald cloth, and began to draw on the injured thigh. Zhou Hui put the "bandage" on the injured area with a slightly pale face, carefully wrapped it around and then In a circle, every time I touched the wound, it brought a burst of pain, but fortunately, the pain was tolerable.

After the cloth strip was wrapped, a thin hemp rope was pulled out from the left pocket and tied to the cloth strip, barely controlling the "bandage" so that it would not fall off.

The hemp rope is a small strand he untied from the hemp rope. He has often peeled off the bark of some trees for the normal required rope, or directly replaced it with soft rattan. As for the relatively softest rope that is not needed, Naturally, it is used to bind wounds.

Even the plush fabric of the "bandage", he almost pulled out the fluff on it, because from the very beginning, it was expected to be tied to the wound, so the "fluff" that was easy to fall off was stained with flesh and blood. The surface is not good.

As for whether such a "bandage" may bring other real or bad effects, it really can only be resigned to fate.

After tying up the wound and putting down his trouser legs, Zhou Hui slowly walked ashore. At this time, there was no sign of any animal on the waterfall.

Yet his face remained pale.

Because of hunger, exhaustion from insufficient rest, numbness from poisoning, loss of strength in the body, strange hot flashes due to wetness, and pain in the legs.

After going ashore, Zhou Hui found that every step he took would bring a burst of squeezing pain to the wound, and even after taking two steps, he almost fell to the ground due to the negative impact on his body.

Then he suddenly stabilized his body that was about to be tilted, and then stood up alone, straightening his body
After two seconds of silence on the spot, Zhou Hui glanced ahead, then continued to move forward slowly in silence, trying to move his body well.

Logically speaking, after such a negative physical condition, he of course needs to rest in a safe place, eat well, and then without any accidents, the poor physical condition can improve little by little, even if it is Everything will be fine.

However, where can there be a safe place around, where can I get three meals a day?
Of course he can find a place to lie down, rest without any more fatigue, and cultivate his body, but then there is only one final result for him—that is death.

Because no matter where, the lodgings don't seem so safe, because there is no stable food and hot water, because no one will ask him to find these.

So he can only find it by himself.

The wet body gradually dries up, but Zhou Hui still feels hot and cold in the body. It's strange, just like the weather above the ocean. The sky was clear one moment, and cloudy clouds covered the entire turbulent ocean the next moment. .

In particular, this feeling also brings dizziness to the head.

Could it be a cold or a fever...Zhou Hui looked at himself, thinking silently.

However, although his state is very similar to a fever, he has no headache, sore throat, or nasal congestion. Apart from the drowsiness that people occasionally feel in daily life and the strange feeling of hot and cold in his body, it has nothing to do with fever, and , That's what he thinks, and at the same time, he also hopes that his body was not too healthy before, but he was not too weak either. He hadn't had a fever for more than a year, nor had he caught a cold after being exposed to the rain. As soon as I got to the island in the rain, I got a cold and a fever...

As he was walking, he found a tree root that looked like a walking stick on the ground. He immediately bent down to pick it up and used it as a real walking stick.

Just like that, Zhou Hui, supporting his broken body and leaning on crutches, surrounded by trees and bushes, and under the silent gaze of all the surrounding vegetation, his figure disappeared little by little around the waterfall.


It took a long time, and the waterfall behind finally turned into a white shadow in sight, and there was only a river rushing down beside it.

From the front, the river was divided into two because of a boulder, one of which led to a strange place, and the other was the river he followed when he came.

So he returned along the familiar river.

After an unknown period of time, Zhou Hui finally came to the small waterfall. He followed the roots of the tree and gradually descended. When he was holding on to the roots and tightening his broken body, his pale face turned red. When both feet were fully on the ground, the flushed face turned pale again, even paler than before.

Going down the waterfall, he didn't meet the wild boars before, and he didn't know how wild animals divide their territories, whether wild boars are considered food in the eyes of wolves and cheetahs, or whether they are both contenders and have the same strength Divide the territory, but for him now, no matter how they divide the territory, he doesn't want to see any of them.

Then he went downhill.

Here, Zhou Hui found a few dark rabbit holes, but there was no sound at all inside. Unluckily, as soon as he came here, a silly rabbit rushed out desperately, and then became his food.

So he could only find some heavy stones, plug up the rabbit holes he found, and leave two holes, one for putting smoked grass, and the other for rabbits to come out.

His current body is very weak, not to mention whether he can slowly kill wild boars and gray wolves, but he can't even beat a goat, so the only animal Zhou Hui can bully is the rabbit.

However, from a realistic point of view, the rabbit is actually not very easy to bully. If it was easy to bully, he should have caught the rabbit long ago.

To catch rabbits at the entrance of the rabbit hole, besides waiting for the rabbit, there is only one way to smoke, although he knows that the success rate of this method is not too high, although he understands that there may be many rabbit holes connected, he can't wait at all The rabbit would come out of this hole, but that was the only way he could do it.

It can only be done this way.

Coughing inexplicably, Zhou Hui took out the lighter that he always carried with him from his pocket, opened the iron cap, and rubbed the iron wheel.

A little spark popped out, and then an invisible, dancing flame was brought out. The flame hit the weeds, ignited the weeds, and then ignited all over.

Zhou Hui stared blankly at the burning flame, and watched the flame cover the whole pile of weeds quickly with an unstoppable trend, and all of them burned.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered the injuries on his body, from exhaustion at the beginning, to hunger, to poisoning and injuries, and finally fatigue and inexplicable symptoms attacked the body together, and the pain became more and more, not good Feeling more and more.

Like this clump of weeds that's fully ablaze and glowing with fire

(End of this chapter)

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