Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 128 Weakness

Chapter 128 Weakness (Thirteen)
In the flat dark green forest, a brown-haired hare ran out of the hole without any movement. , looked around vigilantly.

Gradually, it heard the sound of "certain voices" as soon as it got close to certain places. He ran and jumped over, his eyes reflected a dazzling blue.

There is also an extra "strange thing" on the beach that is not too bright or too big.

The "strange thing" didn't move, so it watched from a distance for a while, then it ran to other places, but it still came back often, quietly observing the "strange thing" on the beach

It may be that the extra things on the beach have not moved for a long time, like a rock, a rock that has grown out of thin air, so it walks over, leans on it with its fluffy body, sometimes crawls on it, and observes Going, probing.

Finally, it got close to the "protruding" end, sniffed it with its nose, then opened its mouth, and bit it down.

Bite, nothing happens, bite again, wait again, "strange thing" jerks!
Zhou Hui raised his heavy head, drooped his depressed eyelids, and followed the pain.

Then he saw a hare that turned and ran.

Dazed for a moment, Zhou Hui instinctively wanted to get up and chase after him, but the hare had already run a certain distance before he half-raised his body, which seemed to be stuck in a computer, and just as he was about to raise his foot to chase after him, his calf felt cold and sore. Even the whole body was in pain, and he threw himself on the sand.

Zhou Hui's face was stained on the sand, and his eyes were turned aside blankly. After thinking about it for a while, he finally remembered what he had experienced.

I finally recalled that at the last moment of last night, I felt sand grains in the darkness, so I finally jumped on it.

His last memory is - when he threw his eyes back from the corner of his eye, the sky was already hazy and bright, and he could see it clearly.

It turned out that he had been floating in the sea for half the night...

It turned out that at dawn, I returned to the island again...

Lying on the ground and resting for a long time, Zhou Hui struggled to get up, and found that his body was still cold and painful, and his whole body was in pain. As for the right arm that had been paddling the sea water, it was almost scrapped...

And the stomach is still a bit hungry... Zhou Hui rubbed his stomach in confusion. Because he wasted a lot of energy at sea, although he ate almost half a rabbit before, he didn't feel full at all.

Looking at the very blue sea, the sea surface is blue, and the dazzling white light is scattered on the sea, floating on the sea surface, making the sea more blue.

Judging by the degree of sunlight, it was the afternoon of the next day. After two full days and half a day, running around every day also consumed an unknown amount of energy. It is no wonder that most of the hares are full.

It's a pity that I didn't catch the rabbit just now... Zhou Hui looked towards the relatively flat woods, thinking back to the rabbit that was at hand just now, if he caught that rabbit too, he would almost be full.

Taking his eyes back, Zhou Hui took a few steps in and looked around, and found that this was also a beach, but this beach was too small, smaller than the beach on the small island where he lived before, only a little more than two meters inward distance.

As for why this beach is so small, it is probably because there are large reefs surrounding the island on both sides. The reefs on both sides are not high, and the tallest dark gray reef on the right is only about three meters long. It may be Because there were no reefs in the beach that was only four or five meters long in the middle, a small beach was washed out. No, sandy land is more suitable.

It was because he was almost blind in the ocean last night that he saw such a low terrain and rushed here.

Put the plank upright on a reef around it, spread out the trees slanting towards the sandy ground, and when you really approach the woods, you find that the woods inside are really flat, just like the terrain of the small island.

Holding his body that became tired again and wanted to sleep, Zhou Hui walked inside in a daze for a while, and soon, he found that the trees here were not the same as the surrounding trees.

At first, he didn't notice anything. There were too many inedible plants and trees on the island. It was nothing to be complicated, and it had nothing to do with him anyway, but he soon noticed something was wrong.

Because, he picked up a, no, half a shell on the ground.

Half an acorn shell.

Zhou Hui squatted down, picked up the empty, fruitless acorn shell with a dazed expression, looked at it dumbfounded, raised his head again, and looked up.

He saw one or two ripe acorns hanging on some of the strange trees!
Just like that, he stood there, staring dumbfoundedly for a long time, when he kept repeating in his heart that the species prosperity on this island was too rich, a brown, slender, very small, hairy The fluffy creature crawled out from the other direction of the tree root, its big fluffy tail swung out, and looked at him with black eyes.

He opened his mouth slightly, and the acorn shell in his hand fell to the ground.

Squirrel, that's a squirrel!
At this time, Zhou Hui's heart was already complicated to the point where it was impossible to add more. Although acorns and squirrels really matched each other, and although he had lamented many times about the abundance of species of plants on the island, but...but it was not necessary. So rich, right?
He just switched from one side of the island to the other and met a squirrel?
This can no longer be explained by reasons such as "the island is very large" and "the species is prosperous"

Zhou Hui looked at the squirrel looking at himself with complicated eyes, stayed on the branch for a while, and then ran away, to nowhere.

It took a long time before he calmed down. After he calmed down, he walked back instead, to the small sandy field that he had just come up to.

Because that piece of wood was still placed there by him.

After a few minutes, Zhou Hui stepped towards the sandy ground and passed through the trees that were mostly shaded by the sandy ground. He stepped on the sandy ground and stroked the edge with his hand. The edge was a straight line. A bit of plank that looks like wood in nature.

This piece of wood is not the one when he was washed up on the island for the first time, because when he tried to kill the wild boar pit off the cliff, that piece of wood had already fallen with the wild boar, and he couldn't pick it up again. return.

And he rescued him on the sea last night, and now the same very regular plank leaning on the reef was picked up by him on this island.

Zhou Hui squatted down and rubbed the obvious splicing lines on the board with his hands, remaining silent.

In other words, the board he picked up on this huge desert island was man-made.

 change first

(End of this chapter)

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