Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 132 Weakness

Chapter 132 Weakness (Seventeen)
The cool river water splashed onto his face in waves. Even though his face, which was originally a little hot, slowly turned cold, Zhou Hui still felt very hot all over his body, very hot, and couldn't stop being hot.

So Zhou Hui asked for his coat and threw it nearby, took off his shirt, put it in the river and washed it on the spot.

In this kind of weather, a thin piece of clothing dries quickly, and there is no moisture on the clothes in more than an hour, so taking advantage of the river here, he feels that the clothes still need to be washed.

After washing for a while, Zhou Hui stood up, turned around, walked out of the river, walked into the woods, found a more suitable tree from tree to tree, and hung his clothes on a low branch.

However, during this process, Zhou Hui sometimes trembled all over while washing clothes, and sometimes his hands trembled unnaturally, as if he had been frozen in the severe cold weather. When he walked into the woods, his steps were also limping. Turning, walking very slowly, as if advancing through a cold blizzard.

Yet the trembling was from the burn in his thigh, the trembling from the pain, and the limp when he walked was also from this wound, and he couldn't walk quite naturally because of the pain.

Before he limped and said that he was afraid of touching the wound, but he didn’t really reach the point where he couldn’t walk normally. Now he’s fine, his legs are really limping... Zhou Hui bent down, picked up the coat from the ground, picked up the torch, and picked up these He found a place with less weeds, approached the shadow of a tree, leaned against the trunk, and sat down slowly. Finally, he finally sat on the ground, resting with his head raised.

It's just that no matter what he did, he was deliberately protecting the wound. Even when he sat down like this, he would bend his legs to prevent the wound under his thigh from touching the ground.

As soon as he sat down, apart from the burning pain under his thighs that seemed to heat up a little, Zhou Hui's consciousness was a little blurred and he wanted to sleep.

However, he knew he couldn't rest, at least not now, or a wolf would come at random and take him away without waiting until night.

Or... is he actually dying?
This kind of thought suddenly came to mind. Although there were no shocking waves, it was as solid as a rock in the sea. Although it was not at all conspicuous compared to the ocean, it was not the main reason, but no matter how violent the ocean was, it could not shake the rock. penny.

The wound was bleeding, weak, and he had no strength to move around. He just wanted to close his eyes, as if he was about to die... Zhou Hui's eyes were blank, and he thought without any abnormalities. Although he didn't feel much discomfort about death, this The precursor of death is really suitable for death. Isn't this... is it about to die?

Zhou Hui was stunned suddenly. Although he could feel that he still had some strength, besides wanting to rest, the wound was bleeding, and physically far away from death, why did he think of this?

Then, he immediately thought of the saying about people who are about to die. Although people don't know exactly what death they are, some people have a hunch in the dark, so they subconsciously arrange the funeral as soon as possible.

Of course, he felt that he had nothing to arrange for his funeral. When he died on the island, he would probably be a corpse eaten by other animals. In human society, he would have died when the ship was shipwrecked. , since there is no funeral to arrange, I can only feel that I am going to die. In fact, this is my own prediction about my own life and death?

Yeah?Zhou Hui looked out of the woods in a little confusion, at the blue sky above the river, and looked at one or two white clouds floating in the sky.

But still very sleepy... Zhou Hui shook his head, enduring the scorching heat under his thighs, as if he was being approached by a high-power electric light and kept shining.

Under such circumstances, it was extremely difficult for him to even walk normally, but the wound was not easy to touch water to relieve the pain, so he had to wait for an hour to barely rest before walking, even though he was still hungry.

During the break, Zhou Hui turned his head and checked his injuries, and found that there seemed to be no bleeding from the wounds, but some were burnt and a little red.

Even the area around the wound was so burnt that it was a little browned and wrinkled.

Won't it be cooked...Zhou Hui was worried about the new miserable appearance on the wound, so he touched it very lightly with his fingers, but immediately a piercing pain hit him, making his face pale again Distorted, it seemed that he had encountered unbearable pain.

Since the result seems to be pretty good, I don't know if the disinfection is successful or not. Anyway, I have tried my best, and I have done everything that needs to be done. The rest is left to fate. Zhou Hui leaned on the tree trunk as if resigned to his fate, and no longer inspected the wound. , but his brows were still furrowed from time to time, showing that he was not as comfortable as he appeared on the surface.

But the wound really hurts...


The river flows slowly.

The sun was shining outside the woods.

Occasionally the wind does not blow into the woods.

Zhou Hui leaned against the tree trunk, thinking about something, but his brows were still furrowed from time to time, looking very painful.

The pain from the wound made him unable to rest in peace, so he could only think about things he could think about.

Speaking of which, how should I hunt like this now?
Zhou Hui looked at himself silently. Now his condition is very bad. Let alone a goat, it is probably difficult to catch a rabbit.

It seems that I can only wait to die...

Waiting for death is of course self-deprecating and subconscious. If he really wanted to die, he would have died a long time ago, and there is no need to wait until now, so Zhou Huiyue felt that he had enough rest, stood up carefully, and limped towards his drying clothes. Put it on, put on the coat, put the remaining three torches and two bone spurs on the belt around the waist, check that the lighter is still there, and then walk into the woods and go to other places in the woods.

He only expected a rabbit to crash into a tree and die when he passed by, or to find a large nest of land crabs.

Although this is simply impossible.

After wandering slowly in the woods for a long time, it should have taken more than half an hour before Zhou Hui discovered a hole.

It is not a relatively large rabbit hole, but a small hole, but it is not the hole of the land crab, because the hole of the land crab is not very deep, and the innermost part can be seen at a glance when the sun is sufficient.

And this earth hole is bottomless, almost black.

Maybe it's actually... Jerry's house?
It's probably a mouse hole, either a mouse hole or another small animal's hole, but no matter what kind of hole it is, he can't wait for the animal inside to come out by itself, so Zhou Hui thought for a while, then limped and frowned and left. , A stone came from nearby, which he had to move back with both hands, and stood at the entrance of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled a branch that was neither thin nor thick, and barely supported the stone.

He even tried several times so that the easily broken branches could stand up the stones. He checked the angle at which the branches were inserted into the ground, and made sure that the stones would fall when the branches touched. Finally, he completed the simple trap.

(End of this chapter)

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