Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 137 Weakness

Chapter 137 Weakness (21)

This...Zhou Hui froze in place, feeling that the bone spur in his hand did not bring any sense of security, and it might be the fuse of his own death!
His eyeballs moved a little tremblingly, and he immediately glanced at the goat who had run away, leaving only a back view, then turned his gaze back, and faced the blood-red wild wolf with an unknown emotion.

This unknown emotion is actually called fear.

Suddenly, Zhou Hui's eyes narrowed, and his eyes fell on the blood red spots on the wolf's body.

There are traces of blood-red streaks, but there probably is no such natural pigment as "red" in this forest. In fact, the red streaks are obviously the scratches of some kind of beast!

It hurts!Captured by other wolves?boar?No, or a leopard... While the thoughts in Zhou Hui's mind were spinning wildly, he raised his stagnant legs and slowly backed his legs.

Then, he saw that the wild wolf seemed to hesitate for a moment, but also moved.

This is treating me as a new food... As he stepped back, he stared at the "wild wolf staring at him with dark golden pupils." Although his brain was a little chaotic, he finally understood the situation:
This is a lone wolf, even a wounded lone wolf. It is unknown whether it was scratched by a fellow wolf or a leopard. In this state, it is impossible to even catch a goat.

However, Zhou Hui didn't want to fight at all, thinking that he could win.

There is only one wolf on the opposite side, and it is also very weak, but isn't he weak?This wolf can still bite a goat, but he can't even catch up with him!

Zhou Hui panted lightly while walking backwards, his dizzy pupils kept reflecting the figure of the lone wolf with several bloodstains on his body. He was already tired after walking a short distance. The wolf can still run...

As a result, Zhou Hui gradually straightened his back, slightly clenched the bone spur in his hand, as if facing the injured hunter in front of him without any fear.

Step back and face the predator.

In this way, he backed away from a distance, trying not to look so weak, and the injured wolf kept tracking from a distance.

Probably because of the injury, he didn't show any aggressiveness at the moment.

However, the thoughts of confrontation in Zhou Hui's mind gradually decreased. If he was hungry, he would have no strength, and he would not be able to fight for his life, let alone desperately, and he almost lost the strength to walk.

Suddenly, he turned around, moved forward normally, and fled normally.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, the sky was misty and white, and some shadows had been cast in the woods on the two sides.

While walking, I turned back from time to time to check the speed at which the lingering wolf was following me.

It was fine at first, but as he walked, Zhou Hui noticed that the wild wolf behind him began to speed up...

Stepping on a hard stone, Zhou Hui's face was pale and he was panting all the time. At this moment, he wished he could find a place to sleep.

It's a pity that as long as he dares to do this, the wild wolf behind him will dare to tear himself into pieces of flesh and blood.

On the way, Zhou Hui kept his eyes on the spot from time to time, grabbed a handful of stones in his trouser pocket as he passed a section of the road, and looked around with heavy eyes, as if he was looking for something.

Looking back again, the wolf's figure had approached to a great extent, and the pair of dark golden pupils that had been staring at him became clearer, and the oppressive feeling came from behind, making the hairs on his back stand up. Standing like needles.

It probably saw that this "prey" of itself was easier to catch than the goat, weaker than it, and saw through the reality, so it grinned occasionally, trying to really catch up.

Zhou Hui didn't run away quickly, didn't turn around to deal with the wild wolf, he just silently pulled out a torch from his waist, took out the lighter that had been on his body from his pocket, lit it, and lit the torch.

In an instant, flames glowed from the torch, dancing with raging tongues.

At this moment, in his eyes, this is hope.

Suddenly there was a sound from behind, Zhou Hui grabbed the heavy torch that made him feel weaker, turned around suddenly, and the torch turned around, hitting the space behind!
In an instant, Zhou Hui's pupils reflected that the wild wolf who was already very close to him was about to pounce on him, but the torch was in the middle, and just after accelerating the jump, he arched back to his body and retreated some distance. Staring at himself behind the flames.

With a light sweep of the torch, the wild wolf was driven back, but Zhou Hui didn't feel any excitement, he just half raised his eyes, half lowered his head, panting, feeling tired, too tired...

Because he still had the strength to hold the torch, he was able to drive the wolf back, but that was all he had left.

Because of the flames, the injured wild wolf didn't feel close to it. It seemed a little anxious to walk around, but no matter how it walked, the flames were always facing it and guarding it.

But even so, he could still see the injured wild wolf staring at him, with no intention of retreating at all.

However, Zhou Hui held the torch and retreated, pressing the flames against the gray wolf and retreating.

As he got closer, Zhou Hui finally saw some features that he hadn't noticed before.

There are two scratches on the face, on the front legs, and there should be some under the body, but they don't seem to be fatal, and the face is a little tired, and the fur seems to be a little withered... Is this an old wolf?

Noticing that it was probably an old wolf, Zhou Hui didn't think about anything else, only thought that if it was really that old, it would die of old age!In this way, in the natural world, it can be regarded as the end of life. Hello, me, everyone.

But in reality, this was obviously impossible, so the injured wolf still followed him.

In this way, Zhou Hui kept retreating without desperate efforts, while the wild wolf kept following with great awareness.

But while looking around anxiously and backing away, while guarding against the danger in front of him, after a while, the sky seemed to have not experienced dusk and began to darken, and after the flames on the torch shrunk a little, Zhou Hui suddenly turned around and accelerated towards a tree. go.

Probably feeling that the "prey" in front of him was about to run away, the injured old wolf sometimes shifted his direction, intending to attack from the side, and sometimes let out a low growl that was not so at ease, like a threat or a warning.

But with just a gentle sweep of the warm torch, he didn't dare to do anything.

Retreating to the side of the trees, Zhou Hui bent down, staring at the old wolf who was also staring at him, and kept picking up some small firewood on the ground with his free left hand.

A bunch of small walls of fire that were too small to make people feel pitiful ignited.

Taking advantage of the flames igniting, the old wolf retreated a little, Zhou Hui walked around behind the tree, tensed his body suddenly, and was about to climb up.

(End of this chapter)

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