Chapter 14 Water

Debris and incomplete crab shells are sent to the coast where the tide is high. After only a few broken white waves roll over, the remaining shells of coconut crabs are completely buried in the beautiful and dangerous sea.

Maybe its last remnant is rolled in the sea; or buried in the deep seabed, quietly waiting for the decay of time, gradually shattered into foam; or just because of the existence itself, it causes many accidents and wonderful coincidences.

Of course, Zhou Hui still felt that the possibility of the crab shell getting stuck in the belly of some unlucky fish was quite high.

After thinking wildly in place for a while, he slowly got up and yawned in place.

The small pot was filled with the raw water in the big pot, and it was burning on the flames of the fire, eliminating the bacteria in the water, and he himself felt a little sleepy because he had eaten too much for the first time when he rushed to the desert island. Now I start work after dinner.

It is worth mentioning that the not-so-hot fireball hangs in the majestic sky, appearing and disappearing from time to time. Even though it is almost noon now, the temperature has not risen very high. Coupled with the frequent sea breeze, it is now at most It's just that you don't wear a coat, so you won't be too cold or not.

Next to the fire, Zhou Hui sat down again, facing the flames emitting white smoke.

He's trying to figure it out.

He was thinking about how to save the tinder.

In fact, in the original situation, he didn't include the matter of preserving fire as part of his work.

Because, according to the original weather, there is no need to think about this matter. The lighter is a flint lighter that I bought not long ago, and the fuel is still sufficient. Even if I light it once a day, it may not be a problem to use it for a year.

However, today, it rained, the firewood was wet, and everything changed.

And in order to start the fire, he had to burn some more fuel to dry the leaves and firewood, which was a waste of fuel in the lighter.

He can't guarantee how much rain will fall on this island in the future, and how much fuel will be used in the lighter.

Therefore, he needs to find a way to save the fire, preferably once, so that the fire can last all night.

While thinking hard, Zhou Hui directly pulled out a burning stick from the fire. The burning end was still burning with flames. Then he inserted the burning end directly into the sand and buried it deeply.

This is the principle that is good for isolating oxygen. If most of the oxygen can be isolated, maybe a little flame can be simmered in the wooden stick, and it will become a dark fire state, which will not go out for a long time.

Then, Zhou Hui picked up the dry grass that had been roasted until it was very hard. It seemed to be the dead body of some kind of plant, but it didn't matter anymore.

After igniting a little with a flame, quickly put it into the pre-arranged half-broken coconut shell, and then continue to buckle the larger one with another smaller coconut shell.

After buckling up, quickly cover it with relatively moist leaves, and block the gap between the two coconut shells because the edges are inconsistent. In this way, another method of preserving fire is ready.

Carefully placing the kindling in this way on the ground, Zhou Hui took a closer look. On the surface, there was no abnormality, no flames ignited, and it looked good.

In fact, the principles of these two methods of preserving kindling are the same, they both control oxygen and keep the burning material in a smoldering state.

However, this is the only thing Zhou Hui can think of for the time being. The first is random thinking, while the second is more rigorous. The two coconut shells are turned backwards to leave a certain space inside, and then block it with wet leaves. Oxygen, the humidity of the leaves and the temperature of the fire.

After a while, Zhou Hui pulled up the fire stick that was simmering in the sand.

After pulling it out, the place where the fire was originally burned was pitch black, only wisps of white smoke were blown away by the sea breeze.

Sure enough, this simple and crude method will not work.

Undoubtedly a failure.

Think about it too, if this method works, what do human beings still want to do with so many ways to preserve fire.

In the second method, while waiting for free time, Zhou Hui continued to pull out half-burned or just-burned sticks from the fire, and extinguished the flame in the sand.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue experimenting with the same method, but that he started to use it to make dry firewood without moisture.

At night, if it rains, the fire needs to be moved in the tent. He doesn't want to use the wet firewood as fuel for the fire, and the white smoke will fill the tent.

In that case, he suspected that before he was eliminated by nature due to the harsh living environment, he would be choked to death by the white smoke from the burning of wet wood.

Just like now, the unburned firewood is taken out one by one, and then filled with very moist wet grass. The water firewood is placed on it, and the fire is immediately suppressed, and a large amount of white smoke billows out, which is very conspicuous and choking.

Even, as long as some more wet firewood is added to it, the flame is likely to be extinguished, leaving only billowing white smoke.

Therefore, this process is destined to be very slow, and Zhou Hui has to take advantage of the burning time to find firewood.

After a quarter of an hour, the work began to slowly stop.

On the side, there are many piles of dry firewood for firing.

At this moment, the second tinder made before slowly revealed the truth in the coconut shell.

Opening the small coconut shell covering it, I saw a small group of weeds piled inside against the background of the big coconut shell, and in the small weed pile, a little dark red was attached to it, which seemed to be burning, and seemed to be burning. Did not burn.

However, Zhou Hui was quite excited.

Holding up the coconut shell, he used a small wooden stick to block the outermost withered grass, and carefully began to blow on the dark red spot.

Then, the dark red began to spread, more and more, and brighter, and after another breath, the dark fire was about to turn into an open fire!He stopped.

Because, experimenting with the method of saving tinder has been successful!

Zhou Hui was a little excited.

For, though it is in the whole of existence, keeping tinder is only a fairly small part, which cannot stand the accumulation of a little bit until it grows more and more.

At first he survived the shipwreck, ate coconuts, and picked up the simplest tools and utensils on the seashore. Later, he succeeded in drinking fresh water, building tents, lighting fires, and eating. Just before that, he even caught Arrived a coconut crab, found a new way to open a coconut, saving time and effort!
Now, not only can he start a fire, but he has learned how to keep it!

Thinking of this, Zhou Hui let out a breath.

In this way, he can finally save fuel...!
Halfway through being happy, Zhou Hui suddenly stopped, and a slightly excited smile froze on his face.

and many more……

Something seems wrong?
Putting down the hand that was subconsciously raised because of excitement, Zhou Hui's gaze turned to the pile of ash that had just been extinguished with only a little spark.

There seems to be something wrong...

First of all, what he originally wanted to save was the fuel in the lighter. Because of the rain, the firewood was very wet, so he had to use a lighter to keep lighting it to heat the dead grass and the surface of the firewood to remove moisture, which undoubtedly wasted fuel.

So, he came up with the method of saving tinder.

Although there is no problem on the surface, the problem is that dry firewood and hay are needed to ignite the fire!

That is to say, regardless of whether the lighter or the kindling, hay is needed. In fact, the most important thing is not to ignite, but to dry firewood.

With dry firewood and dead grass, in fact, he just ignites it with a lighter, and the gas used is very scarce. He didn't have to care about this at first. The machine was easily ignited successfully, and he didn't need to save the tinder to ignite it again!

Wanting to understand all this, Zhou Hui's expression was completely stiff, and then he showed a wry expression.

This is tantamount to... a waste of time, only to return to the original point?

 After I finished writing, I realized that I missed a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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