Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 176 Killing the Wolf

Chapter 176 Killing the Wolf (8)

Only then did he think about removing the trap he made yesterday and using it as bait.

In fact, this is not simply because I didn't think of it before, but in Zhou Hui's mind, that trap is already a trap of "nothing to gain".

It's just that no harvest simply means that Zhou Hui himself has no harvest, not that wild boars or wild wolves will not fall into the trap.

If a carnivore is really caught in a trap, he will not take it, because all the animals in the forest can smell blood, only Zhou Hui, a human being, will never know if there is any animal caught in a trap, and the surrounding There are risks involved in keeping watch.

So in his heart, he never thought about the trap.

Now that I think about it, it is natural to take down the corpse of the wolf and use it as bait, but I don't know if any animals really fell into the trap after such a day or two.

It's not too far from the lake, so Zhou Hui quickly found the route and saw the lake very quickly along the route.

And before he really got close to the lake, Zhou Hui had already heard the familiar howl of pain from the wild boar.

It's just that the voice is a little tender.

Zhou Hui hurriedly approached the trap to have a look, and found that one of the potholes was exposed, and inside was a wild boar that was not that big, weighing about a hundred catties.

So he didn't bleed profusely, was not tortured to death by the wooden spikes in the pit.

Zhou Hui originally wanted to take advantage of the pothole and hack it to death with several knives, but seeing its not-so-strong body, he didn't slash.

It's just that it doesn't mean it's soft-hearted. He just thinks that this wild boar is much better than those tough wild boars, and it should be hungry and injured for two days, so it will probably be easy to catch.

So he cut some vine branches from around the lake, peeled off a lot of tough bark, and smiled at the young wild boar in the pit.

Nearly two hours later, the little wild boar was tied up and pulled out of the pothole by Zhou Hui, and was dragged in one direction.

It took nearly two hours, of course, because even though the wild boar's body is small, it still takes a lot of time to tie him without getting hurt. After all, it is much easier to kill directly than to kidnap.

And it can wrap a lot of bark around the little wild boar, almost tying it into a rice dumpling, and it can be dragged away because its four hooves were cut by someone with a knife. It shivered.

Although it was a bit difficult to drag, the distance was still very close, so the little wild boar was quickly dragged to the destination where the surrounding vegetation had been cut down.

By the way, he also dragged here a piece of bloody wolf meat that he chopped off.

Zhou Hui first tied the bark of the wild boar that bound its four hooves and body to the only small tree that had not been cut down in the center of the field. Then he faced the little wild boar and raised the machete without any hesitation.

Then he chopped the bloody dark red wolf meat into pieces.

Fragments of flesh and blood were sprinkled on the little wild boar's body and rubbed on it, staining it blood red.

He did this to attract the wolves with the smell of blood. As for why he didn't kill them, it was to cause trouble for the wolves so that they could not finish hunting so quickly.

After doing this, Zhou Hui let out a sigh of relief, took the blood-stained and rusty machete again, and took the shotgun to the top of the tree that he had been looking for from the very beginning.

On this tall tree, he could see the little wild boar in the open space, but because of the distance, the wild boar was almost reduced to a point.

So when the clear sky was smeared with countless layers of burnt yellow like a painting, Zhou Hui began his long wait.

When he got on the tree, he used the bark to tie himself from his feet to his chest, and tied himself to the top of the tree. Although psychologically he was really afraid of falling, but at the same time he felt that he was tied very firmly.

During the long wait, he saw the little wild boar wriggling from time to time, but did not break free from its restraint.

At the same time, there are no wolves coming to hunt.

It took most of the day to prepare, so today ended quickly. Zhou Hui frowned as he looked at the scorched yellow and dark green woods under the dim sunset, and at the little wild boar that hadn't broken free in the dim "hole". He untied the restraints on his body one by one from his feet to his chest, and slowly descended the tree with weak steps.

But Zhou Hui, who got off the tree, didn't rush back to the cabin in the sunset, but was ready to sleep on another tree crown that was low but whose trunk could make people lie down.

Before the orange light completely faded away, he took out the jerky from his pocket, opened his mouth, closed his teeth, and began to bite silently.

This is the jerky he prepared in advance yesterday, and he planned not to go back to the cabin today, so as to facilitate on-site supervision.

The result of supervising the wild boar did not disappoint Zhou Hui, so he responsibly made his preparations work.

Night is different from daytime. Even if there are wolves infested at night, he is not ready to act, because there is no light at night, which is not good for him to act.

The most important thing is to stay on such a tall tree all day, even if you don’t fall, you will feel weak even if you look at it. If you really stay on such a high tree all the time, sooner or later, something will happen.

And until it was completely dark, nothing happened, no screams of wild boars, no accidents.

In the dark night, Zhou Hui became more and more silent, silently listening to the continuous sound of insects in the forest...


The day of supervision ended hastily. When the sun shone brightly and the light fell on the woods again, Zhou Hui hurriedly went down to check, only to find that the wild boar still hadn't broken free, but was alive and well.

In the morning, he went to the lake, ate the mutton jerky that had a fishy smell but was still delicious, and made a hasty meal with the cool water of the lake.

In the morning he still supervised like yesterday, but everything remained the same.

So, taking advantage of the strongest sunlight at noon, he got down from the tree, and with a machete, he came to the little wild boar that was still alive. A few stones fell on it, and it was hacked to death with a few knives.

Then its bloody corpse was covered with bark, and Zhou Hui hung it on a tree at the edge of the open space.

Since it was attracted by a lot of bloody smell yesterday, let's cut the wild boar covered in blood.

So the wild boar was hacked to death.

But somewhat unexpectedly, the day passed slowly, and the wild boar's body was still hanging in the original place. He could see it clearly from the tree, and there was no sign of the wolves.

It was another dark night, Zhou Hui did not completely descend from the tree, but was halfway up the tree, raised his head, and quietly looked at the dark sky.

Today there is no starlight and no moonlight.

On that island before, he still liked looking at the starlight, but he didn't like the moonlight very much. He felt that the moon was too bright when there was a moon, which was not good.

But when he arrived on this island, for some reason, he suddenly felt that the moonlight was also very good, and felt that the dark island without the moon was too monotonous.

Especially now, when he raised his head and looked at the thick clouds covering the dark sky that could barely be seen even in the dark, he became more and more silent.

But it was as if the heavens seemed to be against him, the moon hadn't appeared once in the past few nights when he came to the island, and he spent every night in the shadows.

Looking at the high sky full of shadows, looking at the entire forest covered with shadows all around, Zhou Hui suddenly felt blocked, bored, panicked, and even wanted to go crazy.


There was a small voice in the tall trees.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Hui suddenly turned towards the sky in the darkness, opened his mouth, and yelled loudly:
"You're brighter!!"

The yelling words quickly melted into the dark island, making the island even more silent and dark.

But after a few seconds, there was a sudden wind blowing, and the thick cloud layer that was faintly visible in the sky began to move to one side, and then the edge of the cloud layer quickly became bright and translucent.

After a while.

A round of bright, silvery-white moon appeared in the black night sky, above the pitch-black island, quietly shining moonlight, as if it had always been like this in eternity.

(End of this chapter)

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