Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 26 New Island

Chapter 26 New Island
The huge dark green island occupies almost all of Zhou Hui's line of sight. Even if you are far away, you can see the towering island mountain, the rugged terrain formed by the island mountain and the island surface, and the dark green covering the entire island. The island forest, all of these tell of the size and heaviness of that island.

Unlike the small island under his feet, Zhou Hui even felt that the complex island on the other side of the sea could be called land!
Looking at the huge island that was far away from the sea, but still clearly visible, Zhou Hui stood on the edge of the reef for a full minute before suddenly waking up.

He had thought that there might be other terrains in other parts of the island, which is not surprising, but he had never thought that there is such a huge island directly on the opposite bank of the sea on the other side of the island!

In a trance, Zhou Hui really regarded the big island opposite him as land for a moment.

After being in a daze for a while, Zhou Hui raised his foot and walked forward, stomping on it a few times to make sure that the stones under his feet were not loose and fragile rocks, and then he heeled safely and stood on the stone pile.

Looking around, there are rocks, and weeds grow tenaciously from the gaps. As for the trees, there are only a few small trees of unknown species scattered in the rocky ground.

Zhou Hui looked at it suspiciously, or was shocked that there was such a huge island on the other side of the sea, or was surprised that the last area of ​​the small island under his feet was actually a strange rocky land, because the line of sight could pass directly through the rocky land and see the sea water The big island on the opposite bank, so he just took a few glances to see the flat rocky land.

Looking back at the dense forest behind, and then looking at the rocky ground ahead, he didn't expect that there was a second island in this sea area, and he also didn't expect that although the island's terrain was flat, its distribution was so weird.

There is a dense forest in the back, why is there a rocky land with nothing in front?

Arriving here, the exploration of an island is probably complete.

However, Zhou Hui didn't know how to face the result of the final exploration.

The island on the other side of the sea is of course very big, and the situation there should be very good, but it is really too far away from me, which is a bit illusory, and the rocky land is just under my feet, but... what is the role of the rocks in this place? ?
Without obstacles, he could see the not-so-clear sea surface at a glance, and naturally he could roughly see the situation of the rocky land, and what he saw were rocks, rocks, rocks, except rocks and rocks!

Seeing this, Zhou Hui looked back again, recalling the time and distance it took to come here, and compared it with this rocky land.

The rocky land occupies about one-third of the size of the island... Yue Yue slowly made a guess, but the result of the guess was quite obvious, and the result was not good.

What's the use of having so many rocks? This is for him to open up wasteland?

As for resources, don't even think about it, what resources can there be in a pile of rocks.

Zhou Hui found nothing, but finally found a rocky ground and continued to walk forward.

Although there will be nothing further ahead, but he is still heading towards the coast here with the last hope, and he wants to get closer and look at the opposite island to see if he has arrived Possibility on that island.

There was no obstacle, no danger, and he moved forward very quickly. When he was approaching the coast, Zhou Hui seemed to see something churning in the sea water, but it was still a little far away and he couldn't see it clearly.

"Oilfish?" He guessed and guessed.

Although edible fish is really delicious, it is really unrealistic, and it is impossible in shallow and deep seas.

Soon, he came to the coast. There is no beach here, only pebbles and reefs washed by the sea water again and again, and with the sea water churning, there are not only some weeds in the sea water, but also many dark green stripes. shape.

They are wide and long, black and green in color, undulating in the sea water as if they have no weight, sometimes they will stop in the sea water, sometimes they will roll with the sea water, just like real waves, there are many of them, they float in the shallow water of the coast, They made the only person on the coast stunned!

On the cobblestones on the coast, Zhou Hui took a deep breath, and the excitement jumped in his mind uncontrollably, showing a shocked expression along with his face.


They are kelp!
This group of guys surging with the sea turned out to be kelp!
Seeing this scene, Zhou Hui let the seawater submerge up to his bare feet, and let his hands also be submerged in the seawater. When he brought it out again, there was an extra piece of genuine kelp in his hand.

Feeling the feeling in his hand, Zhou Hui's breathing became slightly louder, and he didn't know where to throw his disappointment and frustration about this stone ground.

Best of all, there are so many of them!

He raised his head and looked at the seaweed one by one, no, maybe it can already be called a piece, he believes that these pieces of kelp are enough for him to eat in the future!

Excited, Zhou Hui immediately grabbed a few shells in his pocket, intending to use them as knives, and cut off the kelp in his hand first.

Of course, it is said to be cutting, but it is actually a little bit of rubbing with the sharp part of the shell, but this cutting is much easier than vines, and he is very happy now.

Not long after, Zhou Hui harvested a one-meter-long piece of kelp, folded it a few times, took a last look at the island on the other side of the sea, and prepared to return with the kelp in his arms.

Since there is such a large piece of kelp here, I will talk about the rest later, after eating all the kelp!
When returning to the edge of the dense forest, Zhou Hui suddenly felt that his feet were stepped on a crooked, unsteady, and almost hit the rock.

Zhou Hui looked back in doubt, because he almost fell when he stepped on a rock just now, but the weight was not right, it felt very light, which was very strange.

Then, he saw a gray-white stone the size of a fist.

Looking at the rock that tripped him, he felt that something was wrong, and he seemed to have forgotten something. Just when he wanted to take a closer look at the gray-white rock, the folded kelp in his hand suddenly slipped.

His attention was brought back by the huge harvest, and when he turned around, Zhou Hui immediately forgot what happened just now, and planned to return to the camp as soon as possible to taste the newly acquired delicacy
Zhou Hui completely forgot what happened to be wrong just now, and walked into the dense forest.

What he didn't detect was that if one looked at the gray-white rock from another direction, one would find that the side of the rock was raised and there were two equal holes on it.

Below the two holes, there is a bigger hole. The surroundings of the larger hole are not neatly gray and white, but gray and white next to each other, forming a row, two rows above and below...


After a certain distance, Zhou Hui returned to the camp.

The fire was moved to the beach after it was reactivated.

On the cold beach, Zhou Hui directly stuffed kelp into a large iron pot and boiled it slowly over the flame.

During the cooking process, he sat next to the iron pot, and either put the soaked wood next to the flame and roasted it slowly, or put the wood directly in the fire, and a lot of white smoke came out.

When the white smoke disappeared and the moisture in the firewood evaporated, he took out the half-burned firewood and used it as firewood stock that would not smoke at night.

It takes almost two hours to cook and burn, so that the raw kelp can be fully cooked, it may not be delicious, but this is a necessary and safe method.

And next to it, there was already a lot of dry firewood that had been burned.

The big iron pot was replaced with a smaller one to boil water, while Zhou Hui squatted in front of the big iron pot on the sand, and waited until the temperature in the pot dropped a bit before he dared to pierce the kelp at one end with a piece of clean firewood. Pick it up.

Bite down the finger-thick dark green kelp, and the thick umami taste spreads in the mouth immediately. Although I didn't taste the exact hot and sour taste, the umami taste of the kelp itself is delicious enough.

Although he had only had breakfast not long ago, and there was still a long time before lunch, this was a deserted island where there was nothing. Don't talk about Zhou Hui, anyone would come to this kind of thing.

Therefore, a whole kelp went into the stomach.

And he finally felt full.

After eating a whole piece of kelp and slowly drinking the freshly boiled hot water, Zhou Hui felt that the hunger from the past few days had finally recovered a little.

(End of this chapter)

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