Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 30 A Cool Day

Chapter 30

"Crackling" is the sound of dense raindrops constantly hitting the plastic sheeting and leaves wrapped in the tent. Zhou Hui no longer worried about the sound that kept ringing above his head.

I still remember that the leaves on the tent kept collapsing a few nights ago, and the rainwater dripped into the tent through the holes in the leaves, and then flowed onto myself, or fell into the flames, crushing the remaining However, in such an extremely cold environment, I still need to put two indifferent hands on top of the fire, and use my palms to catch the cold raindrops. During this process, the chilly sea breeze also penetrated The big hole that was broken in the tent kept pouring into the tent.

Just thinking about that cold and wet feeling makes me cringe.

Fortunately, all of this has passed... After a brief absence, Zhou Hui came back to his senses. Now, he is sitting on a dry wooden board without a trace of moisture, and with his hands that are not soaked, he continues to emit heat A piece of dry firewood was also added to the fire without a trace of moisture.

Immediately, the red flame rose another three points, and a warm feeling came over my face, and then slowly shrank back.

After eating all kinds of sour conch or oyster meat, Zhou Hui put another large iron pot on the fire, which contained strips of cleaned kelp.

Soon, the clear water boiled, and the kelp also exuded wisps of umami and ocean flavor under the boiling hot water.

When it was almost cooked, Zhou Hui used a wooden thorn to pierce the cooked kelp without hesitation, biting into the thick seafood flavor.

Although he had eaten a lot of shell meat before, and now he started to eat seaweed, Zhou Hui didn't care about it at all. Perhaps because he had drifted on the ocean for a long time and his body was deficient, he always felt that he couldn't get enough to eat.

Even, if possible, he very much hopes that he can gain weight and become a fat man with fat in his body, so that when he is hungry for a long time and can't find food in the future, he may be full of fat. How many more days can the meat keep him going?

After a full meal, Zhou Hui gradually became sleepy facing the flames.

He knew that this was the reason why he was full after eating, but if he wanted to sleep again, he would have to wait until night.

Because he is sleeping now, when he wakes up at night, all he needs to face is the dark, cold and hungry night.

Dark nights are hard...

Through the gaps between the leaves and branches blocking the entrance of the tent, you can see that the rain outside is still heavy, and the crackling sound above your head has not abated. Zhou Hui is going to go for a run outside when the rain stops outside. Sleepiness, on the one hand, is to convert the energy in the body into heat to keep the body healthy.

Withdraw your gaze and continue to wait, maybe the rain will become smaller after a while.

Then, he waited for nearly four hours...


Sunset West Mountain...

There are no mountains in the west here, only the sea, and the night of the sea is more terrifying than the night of the land.

At four or five o'clock on the land, the half-set orange sun will dye the earth a golden red, and even in some places where the environment itself is extremely beautiful and the space is wider, there will be more orange light spreading, directly making the whole world The whole world was covered with a layer of golden light.

However, here, in the sea area of ​​this island, the warm sunshine has gone away at only four or five o'clock, leaving only the last light in the deepest and farthest sea.

Coupled with the frequent sea breeze, dark clouds, and continuous rain in the past few days, the sky is already half dark now.

If it is under the same conditions in the city, there will still be countless electric lights in the city emitting light, and the sky at night can be clearly illuminated. Fluorescence seen.

But there is nothing to see in the dark night here.

Looking at the last light that could be seen through the gaps in the disordered branches, Zhou Hui knew that he would never go out again today.

This also means that he will go to sleep on an empty stomach again today.

However, Zhou Hui was used to such a situation. He just put the small iron pot outside the tent to catch the rainwater, lit the fire again in the shaded tent, and then did push-ups in the tent.

Fortunately, there was enough space in the tent to do a full push-up.

Since he can't exercise outside the tent, he can do push-ups in the tent. If he only relies on the fire for warmth, Zhou Hui suspects that he will freeze to death sooner or later on this small island where it often rains.

He doesn't do many push-ups. After all, his physical strength is not very good. He sits and works in the office during the day and sleeps soundly in bed at night. There are always people who can have muscles and strength without exercising.

Looking at the blazing flames warming him in front of him, Zhou Hui glanced around wearily, and was about to go to bed to end the exhaustion of the day.

He used to have the habit of staying up late, but the biggest problem is that there is nothing on the island, to be precise, there is nothing on the island, and there is nothing on the island that can be used for entertainment.

I used to lie in a comfortable and warm bed, read those good-looking novels, play exciting games, drink juice when I was thirsty, and open a bag of snacks when I was hungry. That was the best reason to stay up late.

Staying up late is not the same as staying up late, he can definitely accept that kind of staying up late, but now, is it necessary to stay up late and stand outside in the heavy rain to accept the baptism of nature?

Feeling more and more drowsy, Zhou Hui strengthened the stones around the fire to make sure that no flaming firewood would fall out of it and burn himself. I sprinkled a pool of the same dry leaves on myself.

Shrouded in flames, he felt that his consciousness was slowly falling into a deep sleep, and his vision gradually blurred. The brightness of the flames and the shadows where the tent could not shine gradually came into contact with each other, blurring into one piece.

Finally, he seemed to see the flames that were no longer so bright but still warm, and heard the crackling rain outside the tent.

The rain seems to have stopped, but it doesn't matter anymore, because it's night now, and he is already asleep... Zhou Hui, who is almost going to sleep and has only a little consciousness left, can't help but radiate his thoughts at will. The next moment, he, just fell asleep...

the next day.

When I woke up, I didn't hear the sound of rain anymore, but I didn't feel any warmth either.

After waking up, Zhou Hui sat up, and the leaves on his body fell with a clatter. He looked at the tent covered in darkness in a daze, not knowing what time it was or what time it was.

After a while, he couldn't bear the cold and climbed out of the tent. It was gloomy outside. It should be morning, or afternoon, more like the end of the day and night.

Seeing that it wasn't raining, but it was the big black clouds that occupied the sky for several days, Zhou Hui didn't feel resentful or cursing, he just felt that the time should be noon now?

When the flames were re-ignited on the branches, the situation that seemed to be frozen by the cold seemed to work, and the brain slowly became active.

However, he still didn't know what time it was, and he couldn't even guess the approximate time.

After warming with the flames for a while, Zhou Hui started to walk to the other side of the island with shells and gravel. After more than half an hour, he came back with a thick piece of kelp, which he planned to use for today's breakfast.

After a tasteless breakfast, Zhou Hui came to the beach.

The sea wind was so strong that the people on the beach were shivering.

Facing the very cold sea breeze, Zhou Hui looked up at the sky.

In this way, he looked up for a long time.

But he still didn't see a brighter light than the surroundings.

Not at all.

(End of this chapter)

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