Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 34 Fishing Again

Chapter 34 Fishing Again
Seeing the thing floating in the tide, Zhou Hui thought for a moment that it was kelp. This was the scene when he found the kelp land for the first time, but he immediately realized that the thing could not be kelp, otherwise it would take several days. Kung fu has long been discovered.

Approaching the rushing sea water, he saw that the thing was gray-red, and he grasped it with both hands. The fluffy feeling reminded Zhou Hui of something, and his eyes lit up.

With sore arms struggling to exert strength, there was a burst of yellow sand in the sea, and a large piece of gray-red sand was suddenly pulled out of the sea, revealing its true colors in the low sun with a bang:
A large piece of gray-red cloth with a fuzzy surface.

good stuff!
Looking at the large piece of fabric with seawater flowing in his hands, Zhou Hui's eyes filled with anticipation showed joy, and he couldn't help laughing.

With this thing, whether it is used as a quilt or other functions, it is very useful!
Cleaned up the remaining sand with sea water, and cleaned every area and corner of the fabric, and then threw it directly on the sand without sea water and dust, making this large piece of fabric with a length and width of one meter long Leave to the sun.

Within 10 minutes, the moisture on the fabric should be completely dried, and it will definitely not delay the use at night.

However, the only thing that is not good is that it was not discovered a few days ago. If it could be discovered, maybe it would not be so miserable... Looking at the fabric that was dragged to the sand by himself and under the sun, he subconsciously thought.

Afterwards, Zhou Hui didn't find anything useful again. Thinking about it, how could something useful be discarded...

When he returned to the camp, he randomly found a stone on which he could sit and placed it on the sandy ground shaded by trees, and found two more stones to place in front of him.

The two stones are tools.

Another tool that needs to be forged is the fishhook!
Grab the fishing rod from the side, and carefully untie the self-made hook wrapped around the end of the hemp rope fishing line, and then the hook was slightly bent again by Zhou Hui, and the angle of the hook gradually became smaller and smaller.

After thinking about the failure of fishing last time, the biggest problem should be the hook. One is that the angle of the hook is not bent enough, and the other is that the tip of the hook is not sharp enough!
The bending angle was adjusted again, the fishhook was placed on the rock in front of him, and then Zhou Hui started to grab another rock and smash it hard!
First, the fishhook was flattened so that it was no longer in a three-dimensional shape, and then it was replaced with one hand holding half of the fishhook, and the other half was placed beside the stone, and slowly smashed carefully.

Maybe it wasn't smashed well enough to be truly sharp, but this was the best he could do.

There was no difficulty in smashing the body of the hook for a while, but he really worked hard on the tip of the hook for a while.

More than half an hour later, Zhou Hui raised the iron hook and looked confidently at the barely sharp tip of the hook.

Re-attached the twine to the refurbished hook, but he did not intend to start fishing immediately, but broke some fresh twigs and green leaves from the jungle, and found a few dead, crooked stalks from the mud. long branches.

In addition to these, he pays attention to the relatively straight long branches.

This time, the function of the long branches is no longer for building a tent, and the twisted branches of the tent can still be used. The real job of the long branches is to make weapons, which are the raw materials for weapons!
In the end, he picked up three relatively straight, long branches that did not grow distorted, each of which was more than one meter long, which was very suitable as a weapon.

Zhou Hui, who found the raw materials for the weapon, then lit a fire on the beach.

The raging flames rise high, crackling and devouring wet or dry firewood. Zhou Hui around the flames is far away from the flames. In cold weather, the flames can bring warmth, but in this weather where the sun is so warm, he no longer needs warmth. , too much warmth is heat, and heat can only bring him harm.

The heads of the three branches were burned by Zhou Hui enthusiastically in the flames, and he was looking forward to the results of the burning.

This is the easiest way to make weapons that he saw on the Desert Island Channel before, that is, to burn one end of the branch, and then wait until it is black and no longer so strong, then take it out and put the black end on a stone Keep rubbing, it is easy to get sharp.

In this way, the wooden barbed fish can be made, and the hook fishing is added, and the two methods of obtaining fish are complete.

After burning for a while, Zhou Hui took out a pair of hands and held it, placed it on the smooth side of a stone on the ground, and began to rub it back and forth.

Sure enough, it was easy to rub off a lot of black residue at the beginning, and then it was much more difficult, but this is not a difficult task, and it can be smoothed out after a long time of grinding.

It took a full hour until his arms were sore, and he finally got three barely sharp wooden thorns.

Not as good as expected, but not bad.

Throwing these on the beach for the time being, Zhou Hui did not rush to spearfish in the sea immediately to experiment, because according to his previous fishing experience, he expected that he would not get a single fish scale after stabbing in the sea for a long time.

However, he still walked towards the sea with a large pile of found branches.

Dragging these things with both arms, they walked in the sea water, and finally dragged them to a small but large reef in the sea.

He decided to fish on this reef.

Because he had the second experience of setting up a tent before, he was already familiar with the matter of setting up a tent. tent.

Or it is more appropriate to call it a fishing tent.

It was a new name he invented on the spot for the new tent.

Pick more fresh young leaves and branches that contain water and plug them into the tent space, and in this way, the fishing tent on the reef is complete.

"That's right, Zhou Hui brand fishing tent, sunburn free!" Zhou Hui stood on the beach looking at the reefs in the sea, and then stood on the reefs. At the same time, the fishing tent under the dazzling blue sky was in a good mood, and let out a happy voice , but childishly muttered to himself.

No one can say a word these days, but now he would like someone to jump out and say his tent is ugly and his words are childish, but it is impossible.

Zhou Hui went back to the beach to pick up the fishing rod and went into the sea again. He sat in the shaded fishing tent and threw the hook into the sea. In this way, the fishing started again.

The noon sun is strong and the temperature is extremely high. The sandy beach is golden and hot, the sea is shining brightly, the white waves in the distance are more magnificent, and the blue sky is blue. …

The sun shines brightly on the sea, washing away all the coldness, but it just can't shine into the fishing tent on the reef in the sea, and all the light is blocked by dead branches and green leaves, blocking it out.

In short, Zhou Hui is very satisfied with the fishing tent he built, and he doesn't have to worry about his skin getting sunburned over time.

Lift the hook from time to time, the newly hung bait is still on it, and then feel free to hook again.

The light wind surrounds the surroundings from time to time, making the leaves on the fishing tent rustle gently. The sea breeze is not too strong, and the waves are not as violent as the previous few days. The sun is bright, shining high on the sky and the sea, and everything is peaceful .


Zhou Hui's Desert Island Survival Notes:
[1. Coconut is a kind of plant that grows on many islands. It is a good choice for those who have first landed on the island, except that the coconut shell is really difficult to open. 】

[2. The beaches of ordinary islands are covered with a lot of waste products transported by the ocean. This is garbage belonging to the human world. However, for the deserted islanders, they can find very few precious resources from it. 】

[3. Under certain conditions, it is the best policy to boil fresh water to a boil, especially if there is no flowing stagnant water. Even if the stagnant water in Tanzhong is clean and clear, it needs to be heated to eliminate bacteria. Of course, the exception is the case of dying of thirst. 】

[4. In the face of plants or fruits that are not known to be toxic, you can apply the juice of the fruit to the skin. After a period of time, notice whether there is any discomfort or abnormality in the smeared skin area. There is no reaction and no toxicity. On the contrary, it is poisonous. 】

[5. If you really can’t open the coconut shell, you can find a coconut crab to try it. It is professional in opening coconuts, of course, if it cooperates.Tip: Be careful with the claws of live coconut crabs. 】

[6. Banana tree stems can be broken without the help of tools. Break off the banana trunk from a position near the ground, dig out the soft core of the tree stump on the ground, wait for a period of time, and automatically filter out the untreated ones. Fresh water, but don't expect much to spare. 】

【7. If you have the materials and time, you can try fishing. After all, this is not a waste of energy. Even if you really can't catch food, at least you can kill your time. 】

【8. Learn to climb trees. When facing some dangerous animals that can’t climb trees, you can at least climb to the top of the tree and keep fighting with the animals under the tree. It depends on who can’t bear it first. 】

[9. A wooden stick can be made into the simplest weapon. Burn one end of the wooden stick with a flame, take it out after burning to a certain extent, and use this end to polish it on a stone. At this time, the black charcoal can be easily removed. Grind it off, and then you can slowly grind out sharp wood thorns. The same is true for bones, but it will waste more time. (Reminder: If you meet a dangerous animal, please don’t go up with a wooden spike, or you will only leave a broken corpse.)]

(End of this chapter)

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