Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 43 The Dreadful Crisis

Chapter 43 The Dreadful Crisis
The sun shines on the small island, and the bright light passes through the gaps leaking from the knotted branches and dark leaves that make up the top of the island forest, and quietly reaches the somewhat dark interior of the forest.

The soft light keeps falling, and it attaches to the surface of the brown and green trunks, blocks the shoots of the small trees, and disperses some in the air, and finally, they fall to the ground and are dead everywhere. On the surface of the yellow leaves, it stopped on the dark brown land that supported the creatures on the entire island.

Among the yellow leaves, a light green bud is growing tenaciously.

The last bit of light really fell on this tender bud...


A big foot stepped on it!
The big feet that fell from the sky shook the yellow leaves, making the air reverberate. There was no trace of peace in this disturbed place, it was full of vibrations. After the big feet passed, the green shoots were deeply bent in the yellow leaves, and the last bit of green seemed to have disappeared. .

Zhou Hui ran in the hot woods in some embarrassment, his speed sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but whether it was fast or slow, he didn't know that he had just stepped on a young life with hope, and he didn't want to know.

The sound of panting rang in the ears, and the vibration of the heart on the left side of the body thumped, resounding together with the sound of breathing, as if forming a duet.

Now he really doesn't feel tired, even though running desperately has made his breathing louder, but the current experience is so strange, he doesn't feel tired, he just feels that he is not running fast enough, still not fast enough!

He can run even faster!
Occasionally, when there was a sound of wind blowing over the leaves beside him or unknown places in the distance, Zhou Hui would immediately stop his gallop and quickly turn his head to look around, listening for any abnormal sounds. After making sure there was nothing, he turned back, He continued to walk quickly towards his camp and towards the beach with no expression on his face.

At first he was not so fast, but the more he walked, the more he felt that something was following him, and he refused to give up on himself.

The leaves blown behind him were that thing, and the shadows hidden behind the surrounding vegetation were that thing, so that he felt that there was a sudden impassable road in front of him because of that thing.

It's coming!

Slowly, he walked faster and faster, and his expressionless face couldn't stop the walk from turning into a run. He just wanted to get out of the woods where that thing was hidden as soon as possible!
Suddenly, Zhou Hui was stunned expressionlessly. He saw his tent in the distance, and further away from the tent, the blue sea outside the forest.

He didn't know whether the wind blowing from behind was hot or cold. He only had one thought, which was to run fast, and he was already doing so, running forward with almost all his strength.

Approaching the camp, crossing the tent, and touching the hot sand, Zhou Hui remained expressionless, but his forehead was covered with sweat, but his heart felt like it was exploding.

Zhou Hui fell on the beach.

Panting heavily, until this moment, his stiff face slowly relaxed, no longer so tense, and the emotion of fear surged into his heart like a wave and reached his mind.

Supporting his weak and weak limbs, he slowly climbed up and turned his head to the side. Only then did he have time to notice the things around him, the simple water fetching device he had made for fresh water before.

The fire has not been extinguished, the small fire is boiling the little sea water in the boiling pot, there are water droplets attached to the steam on the plastic film, and there is a small amount of fresh water in the coconut shell.

The experiment worked.

But he wasn't happy at all, only fear and deep panic, his body was very tired, and his throat was a little dry.

Zhou Hui hurried over, picked up the coconut shell, and gulped down the little water inside.

Relaxed a bit, sitting on the beach, facing the hot sun above his head, panting heavily, looking at the blue sea.

The sun shines on the ocean, and the dots of bright light on the deep blue water form one piece, like the most unique treasure in the sea, as beautiful as yesterday.

But looking at these panics has not diminished much.

Zhou Hui looked at the sea silently, seeing the beautiful ocean scenery in front of his eyes, but there were lingering traces in his mind.

That's the track of a predator.

He thought that even if there were hunters on the island, it must have been turned into a puddle of mud by the mighty force of nature, but the fact is that he was wrong in his judgment.

Completely wrong!

The skulls of rabbits on the island, the small bite marks on the ribs of wild boars, and the most obvious is the pool of blood in the mud. He found hairs that were suspected to be rabbit fur in the blood mud. Either today or yesterday, the rabbit was killed time!
Suddenly, he thought of the gray rabbit that frightened him and ran away last night.

Could it be that one?
Just then, a gust of wind blows...

Zhou Hui turned his head abruptly, his eyes focused on the woods:
But he found nothing.

However, even if he didn't find it, now that he looked at the vegetation that could block his sight, he only felt that the predator was hiding behind it!

Feeling this possibility, Zhou Hui slowly stood up, and while being vigilant about his surroundings, he added some firewood to the fire, and with his weak but much better legs, he took the fishing rod from the beach and thought for a while. , took another wooden grass, and walked to the fishing tent on the reef in the sea.

"Forget it, catch a fish first and calm down..." Thinking of this, Zhou Hui walked onto the reef, feeling much safer and at the same time slowing down his tense heart.

He thought that the hunters should not come here yet.

Squatting in the shadow of the fishing tent, Zhou Hui exhaled slowly, hung the bait on the hook, and then put the fishing line in the seawater with trembling hands.

Now, I can relax a little bit to recall what happened just now.

If, if I didn't guess wrong, that hunter should also be a wild boar!
Although he turned his head and left at that time, he saw that the surrounding grass was crushed, and his body was not small.

Moreover, wild boars are omnivorous animals, not only eat meat, but also eat grass when they are hungry, and eat plant roots, unlike pure carnivores. If they don’t eat meat, grass can’t be digested. There is a tiger and lion on the island. impossible.

Wild wolves or cheetahs are also impossible. Now that I think about it carefully, the weeds are pushed to the two sides, so the size of the predator must be very large.

Combined with the first two wild boar bones, maybe there is really a third wild boar alive on this island!

As for the food necessary for wild boars to survive, rabbits are probably a good choice, because there is never a lack of vegetation and weeds on the island, and they are the food of rabbits.

Slowly and carefully thinking back, he recalled the skeleton with gnawing marks on the ribs, and recalled the tragic traces of the corpse...

Maybe there were three wild boars on this island before, and the first one that died was the one I found for the first time, the one that had been dead for the longest time, the second was the one that was most mutilated, and the last one was the one that had always been alive. Ultimately, the one who has always been alive.

If it is the most powerful one, then its size...Zhou Hui held the shaking fishing rod in both hands, thinking that the body that he found was almost the size of a domestic pig, and it was better than their most powerful wild boar...

A wild boar with a weight close to that, or even 500 catties?

Zhou Hui had no expression on his face, or he didn't know what expression to use to express his thoughts, but the fishing rod in his hand kept shaking, and then stopped suddenly.

In the sea water, a sea fish of unknown shape and type bit the bait and swam away into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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