Chapter 48 Attack
The reason is simply because there is no shovel that can move the soil
Even if there is a shovel, when it comes to implementation, you will encounter such problems and such problems, and you cannot really implement it.

As for making weapons, he can only make not so sharp wooden spears at most, and he can't make precision weapons like crossbows at all. Even if he wants to sneak attack, he can't find a chance to sneak attack.

"It's really difficult..." Zhou Hui looked at the turbulent ocean and the sea fish that occasionally jumped out of the sea in the far sea, muttering and couldn't help but make a sound.

Although it was difficult, Jean did not cause him distress, because these days' experience made him understand that there are always more solutions than problems, and if he thinks about it more, the answer will always come out.

Suddenly, he felt the fishing rod sinking obviously.

Zhou Hui, who was thinking about the problem, gave up thinking immediately, and suddenly changed into a picture of a silver sea fish, and he felt like clearing a game, so he began to lower and lift the fishing rod, entangled with the sea fish under the sea.

Feeling almost done, he lifted the fishing rod vigorously!

With a swipe, a grayish-yellow figure was connected to the fishing line and fell on the rock in front of him. Then Zhou Hui saw the face of the grayish-yellow thing quickly become clear, and then its size rapidly increased. It just went up a lot.

It turned into a ball directly!
And Zhou Hui, the fisherman who caught the ball, was dumbfounded.

Looking at the thing that swelled into a "ball" in front of him, and seeing that it was covered with similar spikes, it didn't move, just swelled there like that, Zhou Hui was stunned for two seconds, and then finally realized that he had caught something.

It's a puffer fish!

He actually caught a puffer fish!
Zhou Hui touched his forehead twice with a headache, feeling the urge to kick the "ball" in front of him back into the sea.

Because as far as he knows, puffer fish are highly poisonous.

If one day he can't think about it and is desperate, then he can catch a puffer fish, disembowel it, and cook it in a pot as the last meal in his life, and as himself who ate a whole puffer fish, absolutely The whole body will be paralyzed, and death will be extremely painful.

It's a pity that he doesn't want to do this yet, so this thing is useless to him now.

No, it might be useful too... The outstretched legs stopped, Zhou Hui squatted down, looked at the prickly puffer fish that swelled into a ball, couldn't move, and thought about the deadly toxin in its body, he suddenly had A bold idea!
Of course he won't come to eat, but he can give it to others, or other animals, or wild boars!
As soon as the idea came out, Zhou Hui's eyes staring at the puffer fish slowly widened, surprises could not stop appearing on his face, even his pupils were full of inexplicable ecstasy!



Zhou Hui reached out and picked up the hemp rope fishing line, and the puffer fish phase sequence controlled by the fishing line was lifted. Looking at the "acupuncture ball" that was lifted, he understood that success or failure might depend on it.

He exhaled, thinking of the ferocious wild boar that appeared in the dream, Zhou Hui's mouth turned up, revealing a smile that didn't even have the slightest hint of a smile:
"I have prepared a big gift for you..."


In the afterglow of the setting sun, in the dimly lit island forest, Zhou Hui held up a torch. The light of the fire dispelled layers of shadows around him. He looked at the bloody flesh piled on the leaves without any treatment, and then glanced at the feces of a wild boar nearby. , quickly left here.

The flesh and blood is the flesh and blood of the puffer fish. He directly smashed the puffer fish into a pile of bloody minced meat with stones, allowing the toxin to spread all over his body.

He also placed the pile of flesh and blood near the ball of wild boar droppings, which he had searched for for a long time. The chances of the wild boar returning here were higher than in other places.

And what he needs to do next is to go back and wait slowly.

If he's lucky, he doesn't need to do anything else, he will be able to see a lying wild boar carcass tomorrow. Come on, the possibility of discarding food for nothing is still very small. After all, toxins are colorless. On such a poor island, how can wild animals give up the food that has already reached their mouths?

I hope that wild boar can meet that piece of minced meat... In the tent where the fire was shaking, Zhou Hui drank the last bowl of fresh water anxiously, trying not to feel thirsty and dehydrated. As for the fresh water needed tomorrow, tomorrow Besides.

It is good that he can drink all the fresh water he needs in a day.

In the black world, in the brightly lit tent, Zhou Hui listened to the tide of the waves and carefully listened for any other strange sounds.

But he waited for a long time, and he didn't know what time it was, and he didn't hear a sound.

Only the direction of the waves and the whine of the sea wind.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, it's not good for him if something happens at night... Zhou Hui comforted himself, he couldn't tell whether it was worse or he was relieved, just when he was about to put out the fire and make plans tomorrow , he suddenly heard a hurried humming sound coming from a very far away, as if it came from the direction where the minced meat was placed!

Zhou Hui's heart beat violently, and he hadn't reacted yet. At this moment, the humming sound suddenly became louder, more obvious, and more urgent. After a few sounds, it took only half a minute. Then, the heart-piercing screams and roars of wild boars pierced the darkness, and rushed into the tent shaken by the flames!

Zhou Hui sat up abruptly, his heart beating nervously. He only felt that the surrounding silence was directly shattered by the impact, and the darkness outside seemed to hide countless monsters and ghosts, making it extremely noisy.

This time, he was sure that this was not a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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