Chapter 58

A pair of palms grasped the root of a branch at the very edge of the tree.

After grabbing the tree root, the pair of palms that seemed to crawl out of the deepest part of the mire, the hell of the mire, grabbed it forward vigorously, driving the mire to squirm like jelly.

A few seconds later, a circle covered with muddy water and rotting leaves protruded from the quagmire near the palm, and the palm grabbed it further, first pulling out the circle part more, and then It was the palms that smeared the tree trunk frantically, smeared off the muddy water, and then hurriedly wiped it off on the circle.

The palm wiped away the muddy water, revealing a pair of eyes, a nose, and a mouth.

The mouth that had been wiped away by the muddy water suddenly took a big breath, and then carefully cleaned the nose and finally the eyes.

Zhou Hui opened his eyes, looked at the tree roots he was holding in his hands, his heart was beating wildly in the silence, and fear couldn't stop rushing to his heart and brain, until his whole body was filled with the tension between life and death, and the feeling of barely passing away. This sentiment that the road has taken a small half step.

He stood on the edge of the cliff.

Looking back, death is still behind.

Glancing at the quagmire he walked behind and the wooden vines half inserted in the mud, he turned around and pulled his hands carefully and tighter, pulling his body towards the trees with difficulty.

Finally, he pulled out both arms completely, and quickly knelt down on the firm enough mud ground with his right leg, which was covered with black earth-colored mud, and pulled the remaining half of his body, which was still engulfed, out of the quagmire.

In the end, he was all out, covered in mud, and as soon as he was out, he approached the tree frantically, hugged the tree, and didn't want to let go any more.

If there were other people in this place, they would probably be able to see a clay figurine stuck to a tree, and the clay figurine has been looking around restlessly, almost shaking its head.

"It didn't sink, it really didn't sink..." Zhou Hui said to himself, putting his palm on his chest to feel the proof of fresh life. In fact, he could feel the heart in his body without letting go of his palm. Peng Peng jumped wildly and never slowed down.

It took a long time for him to really slow down, and he smiled a few times, then turned around and stared at the culprit who forced himself into such a situation.

It hadn't come up to the mud bank yet.

But now is not the time to take revenge and vent his grievances. He is not sure if there is a quagmire behind the tree. If it is a way out, he has to come out quickly. He really doesn't want to die in this ghost place any longer.

Wiping the mud from his palm on the tree trunk, he briefly cleaned up the muddy water on his head and ears. He took a last look at the muddy puddle, thinking about what happened just now, it still made him pale and unable to control himself.

"Almost, really almost sank into it..." Zhou Hui turned his head, but his mind was still surrounded by cold muddy water, his feet were limp, his vision was dark, and he didn't dare to breathe. Under such circumstances, even struggling with one's hands is an extravagant hope. Only by grasping the roots of the tree with both hands is the real hope.

It was really close, he would stay in this terrible quagmire forever.

He patted his head with his hand to remove a lot of remaining fear, and he looked forward.

There are twigs on the ground, which are the tools he can use. The ground in front of him looks normal, but he still takes one step with weak feet, and tests three steps, walking very slowly.

Even after taking three steps, he took two steps back and looked around vigilantly.

Then he took 5 minutes of his time?Only a few steps away.

Occasionally, when he stepped on the mud without even submerging his feet, Zhou Hui's body would tremble instinctively, and his steps would stop immediately, and after a while, he would continue to move again.

After a few steps, finally, his bare left foot stepped on solid ground and hard stones, all of which made him feel extremely intimate.

At this time, Zhou Hui looked at the two feet blankly, and found that the slippers on the left foot had been left in the mud for a long time, and only the same muddy slippers on the right foot were still left on the feet.

It doesn't matter, it's good to be able to survive... Zhou Hui said to himself, and then looked around with extreme caution, making sure that the future is hard land and there is no quagmire.

However, instead of leaving, he turned around and looked across the quagmire.

The corners of Zhou Hui's mouth turned up, and then he made a wide circle, avoiding all the mud, most of his body was covered with rotten leaves and mud, his legs seemed to be limping, and he approached from the other side of the mud wild boar.

However, he didn't dare to get too close. At most, he dared to stand on a mixed ground of mud and solid ground, looking at the wild boar that was still some distance away.

Facing this distance, he instinctively wanted to bleed a wild boar pierced by a spear, and kill it before it came out. Then, he remembered that his wood grass had been broken when he jumped from the tree before. It became two halves.

As for the bone spur at the waist, it was sharper than the wood mao, but it was not long enough, so it was impossible for him to go down and fight to the death.

What's missing...Zhou Hui breathed out, and then he thought of another method.

Since you don't have a spear, hit it with a stone!

As soon as the thought flashed, he had already acted, looking for a large and heavy stone from the vicinity, preferably a stone that could smash the wild boar into the mud!

However, there are no such big stones. No matter how hard you search, you can only find some stones with the size of a fist.

Zhou Hui looked at the small stones in his hands, and his emotions exploded, wishing to kick these stones into pieces!
Why can't even find a bigger stone in this broken place? !
In the end, he threw stones at the wild boar one by one, but he couldn't even throw out a piece of blood. When he smashed out all the stones he could find, there was still no blood red.

Fortunately, he vented a lot of his residual fear, and his mood stabilized.

After stabilizing, Zhou Hui looked around quickly, and then he limped away quickly, instead of going up the slope, he went in another direction.

Because, he also wanted to find a big rock and sink this damn wild boar directly!

The stones on the ground are separated by feet, and you can't walk very fast, but compared with the mire, this kind of road is really easy to walk. Zhou Hui walked very smoothly and excitedly.

After 10 minutes, he found a stone bigger than a football in a place he hadn't come to!

Zhou Hui carefully picked up the stone with difficulty, and rushed towards the direction of the quagmire.

When he rushed back excitedly, he saw that the wild boar had retreated and was leaning on the vegetation, wiping the muddy water off his body with the plants.

(End of this chapter)

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