Chapter 63 Rest
Zhou Hui found his mobile phone that had long been out of function in the stone pile, took back his small iron pot one meter away, and retrieved the coconut bowl for eating from the grass. Finally, he searched around, Three meters away, the tarpaulin that was supposed to cover the tent was pulled back.

Zhou Hui looked at the pile of tent materials on the ground with a headache, and was quite speechless. The tent he had just built in the morning was dismantled by wild boars again, so it naturally needed to be reassembled again.

Fortunately, the distilled water on the beach was not overturned, but the firewood under the big iron pot was burned out.

Picking up the coconut bowl, he gulped down a bowl of fresh water, which moistened his somewhat dry mouth. Then he picked up firewood again, lit the flame, cut off part of the kelp and boiled it with seawater in an iron pot.

Sitting on the beach under the shade of a tree, looking at the dazzling sun rising in the highest part of the sky, Zhou Hui misses the cloudy days before. If it rains, then he doesn't have to work hard to distill the fresh water that is not enough to drink , eating kelp full of bitter taste, torturing his tongue, and smelling of sea water all over his body.

Bathing in seawater naturally wouldn't waste water, but it would make his body smell of bitter seawater. Even his clothes were wrinkled and wrinkled after being soaked in seawater and dried out. He didn't feel comfortable at all.

Zhou Hui was resting, looking at the bright, shining, and connected illusory spots on the sea, a little silent, thinking about the situation on the island, not knowing what to say.

In fact, it is still a wild boar problem.

Originally, he was about to be able to really survive on the island, thinking about food, or water, or housing, or finding a way to reach another big island, and many other plans, but the danger of just a wild boar was overwhelmed. Messed up all his future plans.

He was afraid that he would run into a wild boar as soon as he turned his head and be chased away. He was afraid that he could only be blocked by trees to escape, and he was afraid that he would be attacked and eaten by wild boars at night when he was not aware of it. He was afraid that he could only stay on the island all the time. Dodging in fear, stranded in the future.

If he doesn't have to avoid danger, he will definitely go to every place on the island. If he doesn't have to avoid danger, he will definitely get more food from the island. If he doesn't have to avoid danger, he will enjoy it slowly, even if he can't enjoy it. He must also be able to find more fun from the island. If there is no danger, then he can do everything without any worries.

Perhaps, he shouldn't just think about any way to quickly solve the only danger here, but a way that will take longer but can definitely solve the danger!


Thinking about this, Zhou Hui opened his eyes, and suddenly lay down on the sand, only to realize that he had accidentally fallen asleep just now!
Fortunately, he was not attacked because of this.

After confirming that there was no danger around, Zhou Hui immediately let go of his vigilance, and felt refreshed for a while. Thinking about the method he had dreamed up in his sleep just now, he found that this kind of plan was actually feasible.

The simplest plan in this kind of plan is that he digs a big hole, big enough for the wild boar to fall into and never get out of the hole, and uses cover and bait to lure the wild boar into it. , naturally he is the active party.

Of course, the disadvantage of such a plan is that it will definitely waste a long, long time and physical strength. After all, there are no tools on the island, and only stones can be used to dig a little bit.

The gentle sea breeze blew onto the beach and took away a lot of hot fog from the iron pot. Zhou Hui added some sea water to the iron pot and some firewood under the pot. It takes a little longer to cook.

The plan to kill the wild boar is naturally very important, but the execution of the plan requires physical strength, and physical strength requires a full meal, so Zhou Hui decided to give himself an extra meal in order to successfully kill the wild boar, so he grabbed a stone and slammed it hard at the coconut Hit the tree.

After smashing it three times with all its strength, the stone and two coconuts hit the sand together.

Zhou Hui picked up the coconut and smashed it hard with the reef attached to the sand. After 15 minutes, he drank clear coconut juice that was slightly sweet and had a pure taste.

After drinking all the coconut juice, he smashed the coconut in half, exposing the tender and whiter coconut meat under the sun, and continued to squat under the shade of the coconut tree, chewing a mouthful from time to time. Slightly sweet coconuts that are firm but not lacking in fruity flavors, sometimes overlooking the magnificent ocean.

That's right, this is the life we ​​should have, huh...Zhou Hui is a little happy, because he drank clear and delicious coconut juice and ate delicious coconut fruit, which is one of the few happiness and delicacy on the island .

Sunshine, sandy beaches, islands, oceans, coconut drinks, and a comfortable environment, these combined make him feel like a vacation.

Huh, as long as the wild boars don't come to make trouble... Zhou Hui's mouth is full of the aroma of coconut fruit, and the last piece of tender coconut fruit in the coconut bowl is also in his mouth, he thought so.

Wild boar is a pig, so it is easy for people to associate it with pork, or those delicious foods made of pork, such as fried pork, pork ribs, or braised pork. Well, roasted pork skin seems to be good, crunchy!Pork and lard noodles are also delicious, and the pig's ears are just right for the wine...

After thinking wildly for a while, Zhou Hui stood up and looked at the iron pot. Although he almost believed it, there was really no such delicious and soft pork in the iron pot, only kelp, which is considered vegetarian, and he had already imagined When it comes to how unpalatable the kelp boiled with sea water is, how bitter the taste is, how difficult it is to swallow.

After a bitter lunch, Zhou Hui took some time to tidy up his tent again, and caught fish again in the fishing tent on the reef in the rough sea.

The rushing waves hit the reef again and again, breaking up into broken white waves. The white water bubbles quickly dissipated, and the waves turned back to transparent sea water, scattered in the ocean at once.

Zhou Hui sat in the shadow of the fishing tent, a little sleepy, because the fishing tent was covered with a lot of green leaves, the shade inside was cool, and on the reef, he was sure that wild boars could not climb it , naturally a little drowsy.

Looking at the bright white fireball with infinite heat erupting quietly across the sky, looking at the turbulent dark blue sea water with no end in sight, Zhou Hui only felt a lot of exhaustion pouring out of his body for a while, so He lay in the still bright fishing tent covered with many layers of shadows, and closed his eyes wearily.

The beautiful ocean scenery, the afternoon nap will naturally be very fragrant...

(End of this chapter)

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