Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 96 Inexplicable raving

Chapter 96 Inexplicable raving

The sea breeze that blows over the sea from time to time is not too strong. As for the thing that used the wind to travel eastward before, it used the unfolded plastic sheet to "capture" more sea breeze, making the sea breeze the "coolies" that pull the raft

Therefore, although paddling in sea water with wooden paddles is not fast and a bit tiring, it has not reached a state of almost stillness, and you can see that the raft below you has drifted away from the beach.

A small shark swam not far from the raft.

Glancing at the young sharks swimming in the distant sea, Zhou Hui didn't feel nervous. After making sure that there were no groups of big sharks around, he continued to shake his arms mechanically and rowed towards the deviated reef group.

Because he had already encountered a similar situation when he was in a shipwreck, and the sharks he met were larger than the one in sight, and they were in groups. Fortunately, due to some reasons, there were not many bloody sharks on Zhou Hui's body. mouth.

Row, row, row...

Soon, the raft deviated completely from the direction of the beach and rowed to the sea water corresponding to Haiya.

When it was really approaching, Zhou Hui raised his head in astonishment, only to find that the highest point on this stretch of sea had a height of 20 to [-] meters.

Not to mention the rocky ground and soil at such a height, the reality is this sea of ​​flowing sea water. If a person falls without protection, his internal organs and bones will be broken. Even professional divers, watching Such a Hai Ya would probably have a heart tremble.

While Zhou Hui was rowing the oars and observing the sea, the shark, which was not very young, but could not be considered an adult, swam over quietly.

When Zhou Hui looked up and became dizzy for a while, he lowered his head and found that the shark was following around his raft.

Zhou Hui was not nervous.

The shark continued to follow around.

Even slowly approaching the raft.

Zhou Hui was a little nervous, so when the head of the young shark was almost close to the raft, he held the slipper paddle in both hands, and slapped it into the sea without hesitation.

There was a clatter of sea water, and the shark swam away immediately. Before swimming very far, the young shark swam back, and swam back at a faster speed.

Zhou Hui held his breath, and when the young shark seemed to be about to jump onto the raft, he slapped the oars down again. When he slapped down, he saw the shark's head poking out of the water.

With a snap, the shark was thrown back into the water.

After swimming for a while, the shark swam away obediently. I don't know whether it was running away or calling its brothers and sisters.

In fact, sharks do not have brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters go into the belly of the baby shark when they are in the belly of the mother shark...

Zhou Hui heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the juvenile shark swimming away. In fact, he was really afraid that the shark would jump onto the raft, but he still had to fight. If the food is exhausted and died on the original island, the body will rot on that island.

As time went by, the raft drifted far away before we knew it, and we almost couldn’t see the beach at all. We paddled for a while. At this time, the temperature and the sun had risen a lot. In addition, rowing required physical strength. Zhou Hui I just feel tired and the surrounding area is a bit hot, so I have to find the entrance of the island as soon as possible and go to the island.

Soon, a slope was not so steep, as if a large piece of reef was missing, and the sea edge sunken inward appeared in his sight.

Zhou Hui's spirit was shaken in vain, his eyes became brighter, and he hurriedly accelerated the forward speed of the raft. It didn't take long for the wobbly raft to float near the sea gap.

The raft got closer, Zhou Hui held on to the sail, looked up for a while, and confirmed that the gap could lead to the island.

can go up!
And this gap is not the kind where a piece of land is suddenly missing, but a large piece is missing at the bottom, and the top is like a mudslide, with uneven depression marks like a river has dried up.

But this is good news for Zhou Hui. If it is the kind that suddenly lacks a piece of sea, no matter how sloped the sea is, he can't climb it. Only this kind of trace is crooked, not just there is a slope , there is a small slope around it, like a mudslide once it collapses. There are potholes and trampled ground, so he can climb up!
After waiting and watching for a while, and after confirming that he could go up, Zhou Hui pulled the raft aside excitedly.

With a muffled sound and shaking, the raft hit the reef that had just been submerged by the sea.

Steady his violently shaking body, stretched out his hand to touch the cold sea water, and touched the solid reef, Zhou Hui felt at ease in his heart, and the shadow of today's sailing dissipated quite a bit.

Inexplicably relieved, Zhou Hui hurriedly began to pack the things on the raft, planning to land on the island immediately!
Small iron pots, scattered dried fish, fires and some strange strips of cloth, etc., were all thrown into a plastic sheet, and Zhou Hui stood on his right shoulder, stepping on the reef carefully, bit by bit. ground up.

As for the question of whether the dried fish will be stained by the plastic sheet, anyway, before eating, it needs to be boiled in water to remove a lot of salt attached to the dried fish, and then it is really boiled in hot water.

A little heavy...Zhou Hui tensed his legs and walked up little by little. I don't know whether it was hot sweat from fatigue and the sun, or cold sweat from nervousness.

Finally, he stepped on the solid crooked reef!
Lifting his head, he saw a piece of grass with no slope in front of him. After walking a few more steps, he would cross the slope without grass. He was really going to climb Haiya. On the reef, I touched the green grass with my hands.

For the first time, Zhou Hui felt that the grass grew so kindly and gratifyingly.

Grasping the thick green grass with his fingers, he flung his whole body on the somewhat soft grass, and flicked the debris on his back shoulders to the grass, Zhou Hui turned around and lay down on the not so inclined grass, facing the open space in front of him. Sea breeze, looking up at the sky.

There were white clouds floating in the very blue sky, and Zhou Hui raised his already weak right hand, feeling as if he could reach the sky by stretching out his hand...

"Ha ha."

Zhou Hui laughed twice, his voice trembling slightly.

Then he stopped laughing.

For, below the sea, the raft drifted away from the sea below.

Zhou Hui sat up, looking at the raft sailing alone towards the deep blue ocean driven by the sea wind and sea water, his smile suddenly turned into astonishment, and his mouth was half-opened.

His other iron pot, the small half pot of fresh water in his iron pot, is still on the raft!
The sea water slapped on the rocks below, the sea breeze blew on the edge of the sea, watching the raft gradually sailing to the depths of the ocean, at this moment, he felt that this was really desolate...

"Forget it, there are a lot of animals on such a big island, and they can definitely find the water source directly..." Zhou Hui scratched the back of his head and said to himself after a long time.

Just start looking for water immediately.

Zhou Hui muttered and turned around, facing the back, but his body suddenly froze.

The woods far uphill behind turned out to be a bamboo forest!
Before he got close to this stretch of sea, he could vaguely see in the distance that there was a meadow above the sea, and after walking a certain distance, the slope was not too steep and there were tall trees at the top, but at that time he did not directly Seeing clearly, now that he came up, he realized that this piece of woods turned out to be a bamboo forest.

"There are bamboos on the deserted island..." Zhou Hui said to himself, and found a spear with a pig's tooth tied to the tip from the plastic tarpaulin, and walked towards the bamboo forest in the distance uphill. Go, and it would be better if we could find some fresh water here.

As for the plastic tarpaulin and the things inside, he just pulled it up. Anyway, there are no people on this deserted island, so he is not afraid of losing it. He went into the bamboo forest to see the situation.

Approaching the bamboo grove, the bamboos in the bamboo grove are a little crowded and some withered and yellow. The withered and yellowed bamboos are half yellow and green, and the crowded bamboos are as tight as a bunch of bamboo poles tied together.

This is natural bamboo, not as soothing and orderly as artificially planted bamboo. Zhou Hui walked into the bamboo forest. He planned to see if there were bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest. You can add another bamboo shoot dish.

Before the bamboo shoots were found, Zhou Hui stood up, intending to see if there were any bamboo shoots in other places. When he turned around, a withered, yellow and green bamboo suddenly entered his sight, and then filled all his sight, appearing in front of him. in front of the eyes.

In particular, a fat white worm was crawling on the bamboo, almost leaning against his eyeballs, wriggling all the time.

Zhou Hui's pupils constricted, his body backed up abruptly, his breathing quickened, his body shook, and he hit the "bundle" of bamboo behind him.

Suddenly startled by the sight in front of him, after more than ten seconds, his breathing finally slowed down, and Zhou Hui found speechlessly that it was a fat white worm parasitic in the bamboo that frightened him.

In fact, they are bamboo insects that live in bamboo.

After hesitating for two seconds, Zhou Hui approached the bamboo worm wriggling on the bamboo. Zhou Hui observed it for a while. He was obviously observing the bamboo worm, but somehow a survival expert with good teeth popped up in his mind.

At the same time, there seemed to be an illusory and inexplicable raving in Zhou Hui's ears, which seemed to come from an indescribable great existence:
"Remove the head, six times the protein of beef...Remove the head, six times the protein of beef...Remove the head, six times the protein of beef..."

(End of this chapter)

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