Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 98: A Forest Rich in Resources

Chapter 98: A Forest Rich in Resources

As the goat ran away and far away, Zhou Hui's head moved to the left, until a piece of bamboo blocked the goat's figure and blocked his sight. direction

"Don't go..."

Seeing that the goat was covered by a large bamboo forest and was about to disappear, Zhou Hui quickly moved his legs and followed along the road.

After walking a few distances, he still didn't keep up with the goat, but he saw the other end, looked around from a distance, and then lowered his head, as if he was chewing something.

When Zhou Hui rushed over, the horned goat with white and yellow hair had already fled away vigilantly again, and he was not caught up.

However, at this time Zhou Hui didn't care much about the goat anymore.For his attention was diverted to earthly things,

There are no other strange things on the sloping grass full of bamboo leaves and weeds, only some clear and transparent fresh water flowing among the grass with a low sound, which is not so easy to be found.

Looking up the slope, looking for the traces of the water flow, there is a little clear and translucent fresh water accumulated in a pothole the size of a rice bowl in the grass. As for how the fresh water comes from here, it still flows uphill in the grass. The small stream that is so easy to find, it seems that the soil on the other side of the pothole is not very strong, and a small pothole was washed out by the small stream of water after a long time, so fresh water accumulated.

This is fresh water?

Islands with fresh water? !
Zhou Hui was stunned, and immediately walked up to the pothole full of clear fresh water, tentatively dipped his fingers in the clear liquid in the pothole, and briefly tasted it.

There is no other smell, it is definitely not sea water.

After confirming that there was no problem with the water quality and that the water source was flowing fresh water, Zhou Hui lowered his head without hesitation, let his mouth touch the cold fresh water, and drank it in big gulps.

It's actually gone after a few bites.

He raised his head, stood up, and saw that he drank a few sips of fresh water and then disappeared, leaving only the pothole with bamboo leaves at the bottom. Not only did Zhou Hui not feel disappointed at all, but he was extremely excited.

Excited that Shangdao drank fresh water so quickly!
Thinking about the water source that was hard to obtain on that island, and sometimes even deliberately controlling the amount of drinking water every day, and looking at it now, Zhou Hui felt a little teary.

It's not just as simple as having fresh water. If you want to drink water unscrupulously on that island, you have to depend on God. If God rewards a rain, then he can drink a lot of rainwater. Can rely on the fresh water stored when it rains and wait for the next rain to come.

But now it is different, such a small stream must come from a small river, and a small river may come from a large river, or even a large lake!
Faced with such a large amount of water in the river, he only needs to boil the water and drink it directly. He no longer has to wait for God to enjoy the rain on a suddenly happy day after a long time!
Freedom to drink water was realized just after arriving on the island...Zhou Hui looked at the bamboo forest with satisfaction, feeling as if his salary had suddenly increased to 1 yuan.

However, regarding the source of this small stream, Zhou Hui didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to go uphill to find the water source immediately. First, he didn't hear any movement about the sound of water here, so the distance must be very far. Second, It's because this island is too huge, unlike the small islands before, in this place, he is very likely to get lost.

What's more, he still has an iron pot and a plastic sheet that can keep out the rain. These are absolutely hard resources needed to survive on the island, and it has nothing to do with whether the island's native resources are rich or not.

As for the place far uphill, although he can't see it clearly here, he can barely see that the place occupied by the bamboo forest stops at about ten meters away, and further up is all kinds of dense weeds and trees. sent.

Behind the bamboo forest are weeds and trees. As for the weeds and trees, we can’t see clearly after that, because the vegetation on this island grows lushly, and the subsequent picture is directly blocked by various vegetation.

Not only survival resources, but even these plants grow a lot and are very lush.

It is also very suitable for hiding dangers... Take your eyes back and continue to wander around in the bamboo forest to understand the situation. The main plants growing in this bamboo forest are bamboos. Apart from that, there are not many weeds on the ground.

The uphill in front should lead to the top of the mountain, and the downhill in the back is a large stretch of sea into the bamboo forest, so Zhou Hui walked towards the slope on the left.

After walking through the bamboo forest with a distance of more than ten meters or 20 meters, we also ushered in the boundary line to the left of the bamboo forest. After all, it is impossible for the bamboo forest to occupy the entire island.

At the end of the bamboo forest to the left is a dense vegetation dominated by trees.

All kinds of trees that are crooked, chaotic, straddling, irregular, and strange in shape, they grow wantonly, they fill all the space around them, and they really occupy the roots every inch of land that exists!
Zhou Hui stared dumbfounded at the vibrant scene in front of him, at the whole "miracle of life!"

The moment he saw such a scene, such an idea subconsciously appeared in his mind:
"Wild boars will definitely not be able to get into this forest..."

This is not an exaggeration, because the ground is really full of tree roots, especially the roots extending from the tree trunks are rooted in the ground, forming a series of "root walls."

Perhaps the wild boar may smash through a "tree root wall" for a long time, but that is also on the premise that the wild boar is willing to commit suicide. Moreover, the "tree root wall" is not just one, in the lush forest ahead, so " Root walls" are almost everywhere!
Zhou Hui raised his legs, stepped in carefully, and came out after a brief inspection, because it was really difficult to walk inside, but when he came out, he saw a brown rabbit flashing past inside.

After coming out from here, Zhou Hui walked out of the bamboo forest and returned to the vast expanse of sea.

In the sky above Haiya, on a scorching sun day, the sky was very blue and green, and above Haiya, the dense grass without trees seemed to be fluttering in the sea breeze. Zhou Hui stood in the middle of the grass, a little dazed.

The island itself is not small. It is dozens of times larger than the previous islands. As far as this sea is concerned, it is not small. From the cliff that can really fall into the ocean to the bamboo forest, it is said that it is a large sea. There is a distance of several meters, and there is a grass field in the middle, which is really spacious.

As for Haiya, which continues to tilt to the left, the height is still rising, and the height from the sea water should be less than a hundred meters, but it is much higher than the height of ten meters or more than ten meters here.

And that's just a small part of this huge island, where bamboo forests, water streams, rabbits, goats, wild boars, and so much more are found.

Looking at the turbulent ocean, Zhou Hui blinked, feeling a little dazed:
"This island really has everything..."


It took a long time for Zhou Hui to wake up slowly, and took the wooden grass marked with a pig's tooth into the right side of the bamboo forest.

The end of the right side of the bamboo forest is also a mess of trees, but it is not as crowded as the left side of the bamboo forest, probably because the terrain here is slightly rough, there are potholes, and there are some steps that are as high as half a person. mound.

Holding the wood grass with his right hand, Zhou Hui walked in the woods with good road conditions, looking around here, wandering around, turning around, stretching out his hand to look far away, hoping to gain something new.


A gust of wind suddenly blows from behind and blows over the body.

The cool wind blows from behind to the front, the blowing leaves are rustling, and the blowing branches are creaking and shaking. Looking at this scene of lush vegetation, Zhou Hui secretly grasped the right hand of the wood grass.

He heard that there seemed to be a strange sound in the wind.

Zhou Hui turned around, raised his head subconsciously, and looked up. His eyes quickly reflected a grinning wolf standing on a very nearby soil slope. Staring aggressively at his own image.

Then, he saw the gray wolf's grinning mouth fully opened, revealing a circle of white teeth and dark red mouth, and saw it pounce on him.

(End of this chapter)

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