The rise of the prince

Chapter 109 He Zhao's Suspicion

Chapter 109 He Zhao's Suspicion

The hot-boiled mutton was so delicious that everyone couldn't keep their mouths shut.

Wei Xingping's mouth was so hot that he blew air repeatedly and stuffed it in again, while stuffing it, he said: "How did you come up with this novel way of eating, sir, I wonder how delicious it is if you eat it in the freezing Guanbei."

Everyone talked while eating, the atmosphere was very lively, unlike her heartless younger brother, Wei Yubai was still worried, probably thinking about their father.

Li Ye picked up two pieces of mutton for her and said, "Don't worry, the little girl didn't say that the honest man He Zhao has entered the palace this afternoon. At this time, the matter has probably been resolved and everything will be fine."

"What do you mean honest man?" He Qian showed two small canine teeth, biting his chopsticks and staring at him dissatisfied.

Li Ye picked up a slice of radish for her and said, "The honest man is praising your father, saying that He Zhao is really a good man."

"Always call my father's name directly, you bastard, you are not old or young, you are from my generation." The little girl was still dissatisfied.

Li Ye made another beef ball for her: "Don't ask He Zhao to call you Dad together."

"Who told you to call me! Big bastard" He Qian blushed, and quickly pushed away his chopsticks, and went to cook the mutton by herself.

Seeing them laughing, Wei Yubai seldom smiled, but he was still worried: "Thank you, my lord, even though I said that, I still can't help worrying."

Li Ye patted his chest and said with a smile: "Hehe, when will I miss what my son said, but I don't think Mr. Wei will be able to come out for a while. Letting him out directly is to scare the snake, unless the emperor is too stupid."

"Didn't the prince say what Wu Desi did?"

"There are thousands of people in the Wu De Department, so which one did it, who instigated it behind the scenes, what's the purpose, and where are the witnesses and material evidence?" Li Ye asked.

Wei Yubai was immediately dumbfounded by the question.

"These things have to be investigated step by step, depending on whether the person in charge has the ability."

"What if we can't find out?" Wei Yubai asked hastily.

"In the best case, you can avenge your father if you find out. In the worst case, Master Wei will be saved if you don't find out." Li Ye said easily. In fact, he has a general plan for many things from the very beginning. As long as you follow this, you will never go wrong, and there is nothing to worry about now.

Wei Yubai also understood, and the smile gradually returned to his face: "It turns out that the prince has already expected it, and it seems that I am worrying too much."

As she said that, she picked up the mutton slices and rinsed them, and then suddenly put them into Li Ye's bowl when no one was paying attention, like a child who had done something wrong, dodging his eyes, avoiding his gaze.

"Does your son know that there is an endless desert beyond Guanbei? I went there a few times when I was a child, and I think it's probably the widest place in the world." She said with longing in her eyes, and told herself Poured a glass of wine, and handed it to Li Ye: "Now I think Shizi's heart may be wider." She raised her head and drank it down in one gulp.

"It was a life-or-death crisis that I couldn't deal with, and it just evaporated in a few days, and it didn't feel real.

With the son's strategic mind, maybe he can go to see the Guanbei desert in the future, and then the son will know whether there is room for the world in his heart, and Wei Yubai will definitely go through fire and water if he is invited. "

She spoke resolutely, her eyes were determined, she was different from ordinary weak women, and it made people's hearts tremble. Li Ye also returned a glass, and then said: "If there is a chance, I will go."

On the other side, Qiu'er and Yue'er had already brought He Qian to play the boxing game that Li Ye taught them, and started betting on wine.

Yan Shen and Ji Chunsheng, who were tired from running errands for a day, also played with Wei Xingping, and the big table was very lively.
"Master He, thank you for speaking for me before." Wei Chaoren saluted outside the Yangju Hall and said, "But let me ask one more question, I don't know how the little girl is doing, I can't hear from you in prison, she is less likely to come to the capital, it is really reassuring No more."

He Zhaogong cupped his hands and said, "Miss Wei was too worried. Your daughter did suffer a little in the early days, and bumped into walls everywhere. After all, you should know a thing or two about the situation in Beijing. Now it's fine. I live in Prince Xiao's mansion, and there are people coming and going. Follow along for protection."

Tang Zhouwei also interjected: "Yes, yes, I have been to Prince Xiao's mansion, the prince treats Miss Wei well, like a brother and sister, but to tell the truth, this time I asked to help Mr. Wei at the request of the prince."

"Please, son!" He Zhao and Wei Chaoren asked in unison.

"Exactly." Tang Zhouwei nodded, and then said: "Master Wei, please don't worry, I will definitely investigate the thief and avenge Master Wei." Saying goodbye, he left generously, leaving only a chubby back .

After hearing his words, Wei Chaoren's face was full of emotion: "It turns out that he is a descendant of King Xiao, and King Xiao's spirit in heaven protects this old man."

However, He Zhao was full of doubts, and he muttered: "Li Xingzhou, it's Li Xingzhou again, so he also intervened in this matter?"

Tang Zhou walked with his head held high, and everyone who saw him felt that although he was a little fatter, at least he had an extraordinary bearing.

After leaving the Meridian Gate and getting into the carriage, no one saw Tang Zhouwei's face suddenly weeping, and he said to himself: "The emperor asked me to investigate the case, what should I use to investigate it, it is still such a big case, how can this be?" That's right! Hey, why do things keep getting stuck on me recently? If I don't go sooner or later, why should I go to see the emperor at that time!"

The carriage moved, the curtains were lowered, and the fat man in the carriage disappeared in the darkness.He muttered to himself, thought for a while and seemed to think of something, then suddenly raised his head and said to himself: "He Zhao was also there at the time, he was the governor of the Kaiyuan government, and he had investigated countless major cases and asked for his order, why didn't your majesty let him investigate, but asked I, a layman, accept this matter, so it’s hard to do.”

The fat man seemed to think of something, and he thought about it carefully for a while. He was also counting things with his fingers. People who didn't know thought he was a half-immortal. After a while, he understood, and exclaimed: "Your Majesty wants to Leave room!"

Thinking that the fat man suddenly lost the frown at the beginning, he smiled triumphantly, followed a smiling Buddha, the carriage drove to the corner of the street and happily lifted the curtain and said: "Er De, don't go home yet, go to Fumenglou, Master is happy today, hahaha!"

The groom who was driving the carriage said with a troubled expression: "Master, if Madam knows that she is going to whip us both again, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? How can a man be afraid of himself? Go if you are told." The fat man waved his hand vigorously.

"Understood, sir!" The coachman was about to change and cried.

"How do you go this way, why do you take a detour?"

"Detour to buy some plaster, otherwise it will be too late to buy some plaster." The coachman said sadly.


(End of this chapter)

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