Chapter 11

"I have my own way." Li Ye ended the argument with a few words, and the old man did not argue with him.

But things are not that simple. The only restaurant in the palace that can make money is a restaurant, and there is nothing else.Most of the princes have no real power, the only one with power is the prince, and the others are mostly prestige, but none of these Li Xingzhou, some are King Xiao, and King Xiao is dead.

He has advantages, he can manipulate his psychology and secretly drive people's hearts, but these are just words, the actual situation will definitely be too complicated, it is easier to know than to do, and action will always be tens of millions of times more difficult than theory.

Just like the manufacture of atomic bombs, anyone who has studied physics in middle and high schools can explain the theory and core principles clearly and logically, but if it is said that it can be practiced, there is absolutely no one in a million who can do it.

Therefore, prior planning and investigation are very important.

Yue'er had been home for a few days before, and now she is back. Qiu'er had no one to rely on since she was a child, and grew up in the palace.

It seems that we need to prepare early and plan early. It should not be difficult to make 100 taels a month.

"Qiuer Yueer, get ready, let's go for a walk in the afternoon." Li Ye said.

"Okay, okay!" Yue'er happily agreed, and Qiu'er also nodded, after all how uncomfortable it is to be bored at home all the time.

Yan Yan was quick to do things, and soon asked a tailor to come to the mansion to measure everyone's body.

At the beginning, everyone was skeptical, and most of the whispers were "I don't think it's credible". It wasn't until one morning that Yan Yan pulled the clothes back in a carriage before the sun was bright, and everyone believed it. The rumor spread quickly, from the cook to the nursing home, from the maid to the raccoon girl.Inexplicable emotions circulated in the palace throughout the morning
Yan Yan set up a few tables under the eaves of the courtyard in the east courtyard of the palace, piled all the clothes on them, called everyone over, and then told the little prince that he bought winter clothes for all the servants.

Although it was freezing cold and people were shivering, everyone's faces were full of smiles and anticipation. The mansion bought new clothes for them as the New Year approached, which hadn't happened for many years.

When King Xiao was alive, the palace was full of guests and high-ranking friends all year round. People in the palace always held their heads high and were fawned upon when they went out.At that time, every time the New Year came, the palace would give them a sum of New Year's money that made others jealous, and made new clothes.

But after King Xiao passed away, the world suddenly changed.The son is stubborn, he only knows how to have fun, he doesn't care about the affairs of the mansion at all, the palace is neglected, and most of the people who were close to the mansion before never come again.

Although they all knew that King Xiao was a hero, who died for his country, peace in the sea, peace in all directions, but once he was buried, he lost everything, and the world is so cold.

Afterwards, the palace went from bad to worse, gradually unable to make ends meet, coupled with the prince's wanton squandering, everyone's life became more and more difficult.He was often looked down upon and ridiculed by the servants of the other families in the surrounding high mansions. He used to have a great reputation, but now he has fallen to this end.

Some people secretly left the palace one after another, and some people could not bear the humiliation and injured the nursing homes of other mansions, and they were finally assigned by tattoos, and they did not know whether they were dead or alive, while the servants of other families were safe and sound
Day by day is not as good as one day, and after today, I dare not think about tomorrow.

After struggling like this for an unknown number of years, at the end of the new year, the palace actually made new clothes for them again.

Among them, the vicissitudes and grievances are not comprehensible to outsiders from a wall away. Many old people in the palace hid in the crowd and couldn't help but wipe their tears silently.

Yan Yan glanced at them, and said sharply: "No prospect, there is nothing to cry about. The prince is alive in the sky, and the palace will get better and better. Today, the son loves you, just remember it in your heart, but don't forget your duty." , Live up to the son."

People kept pointing, and Yan Yan waved his hand and asked the nursing home to help distribute winter clothes to everyone.Turning his head, the corners of the old man's eyes are also moist, yes, how many years have he been suffering.
On this day, the lifeless palace was filled with laughter and laughter, and the vitality and vitality that could not be stopped by the white snow burst out in the snow all over the sky.

The fire is crackling, and the golden brazier reflects the scorching red fire. The whole hall is warm and warm. The black sandalwood table corners are inlaid with gold, which is simple and noble. The gold and black dragon pattern silk curtains block the fire light, making the light soft, and the light incense and green smoke curl up , filled the air with a pleasant fragrance.

The Imperial Study Room, the place where the emperor reviewed memorials.A lean old man with eagle eyebrows and small eyes and broad shoulders sat at the head, and there were piles of folded books beside the desk.

"This Wang Yue is sensible. He knew what I was going to do, so he told me that he wanted to sue his illness for recuperation." The old man laughed.

The eunuch next to him immediately apologized: "Your Majesty spoke cleverly, so he naturally understands."

"It's just a coincidence that he also understands, otherwise he wouldn't be sent by Pingzhang, then He Zhao has long been self-motivated, Wang Yue is old after all." He put down the pen in his hand: "But why not?" Zhao is too upright, let him grind for a few years."

"Your Majesty is wise."

The old man stood up as he spoke, and the eunuch quickly put on a thick cotton robe for him. He walked to the window and looked at the snow outside the carved window for a while, and suddenly asked: "What do you think of the prince?"

The old eunuch was stunned for a moment, and when he realized his reaction, he plopped down on his knees in fright: "Your Majesty, how dare this old slave talk about things like this, the prince? Your Majesty already has Shengcha, so there is no need for others to talk about it."

The old man glanced back at him, and snorted softly: "Get up! Holy Cha? If I really knew that everything in the world would be fine, why would there be so many troubles? If you tell me, you can say it, and if you don't tell me, I will punish you!"

Only then did the old eunuch get up quickly, hesitating.


"Slave. The slave thinks that the prince is respectful, benevolent, tireless, abides by his duty, and behaves well."

"I didn't ask you to talk nonsense!" The old man glared at him: "If you talk nonsense again, I will punish you as well!"

The old eunuch had a mournful face, and said helplessly: "The servant said that the servant thinks the prince is good, and at least he is a successful king. It is a blessing for the people and the country to be able to secure the country and consolidate the country."

"Then talk about it more, what do you think if you talk about it?" The old man continued to ask.

The eunuch almost cried, stuttered for a while, and finally said: "Talk too much. If you talk too much, I'm afraid you will be the king of success."

The voice fell.

"Ah..." A soft sigh echoed in the air, the eunuch dared not speak, and the old man did not speak either, the silence fermented quietly.

After a long time, the old man went on to say: "After this year, I will be [-] years old. The land in the north has not been reclaimed. The Liao people are eyeing it. The grasslands in the south are making trouble. They gathered a crowd to make trouble in April this year. Wang Yue is old, and Zhong Daoyu is old. I have to be anxious. You also said that the ruler of success, but in such a world, how can he defend it? Can he defend it?"

"Your Majesty, the old slave deserves to die, he shouldn't speak nonsense."

The old man waved his hand lightly: "I don't blame you, it's just destiny."

There was another long silence.
"Tomorrow, you bring someone to send some things to the prime minister's mansion, and tell Wang Yue with the imperial decree, saying that I will allow him to recuperate from illness, so let him feel at ease."

"I understand." The eunuch bowed.

"It would be great if King Xiao was here." After a long time, the old man looked at the heavy snow and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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