The rise of the prince

Chapter 114 Yuan Gate Crossing

Chapter 114 Yuan Gate Crossing

Early in the morning, Li Ye asked his servants to prepare two carriages and prepare to go to the pier. Before setting off, he checked the grain fermentation situation that he was thinking about.

Qiu'er and Yue'er were riding with Li Ye, and there were Yan Shen and a few servants behind. Qiu'er didn't want to come. In the past two days, Li Ye taught her how to use a quill, and gradually practiced mathematics and geometric figures. She is obsessed with it. So, I was afraid that she would become short-sighted, so I forced her out for a walk.

From the rejection at the beginning, Yan Yan is still full of praise for Qiu'er, bluntly saying that if Qiu'er is not for Qiu'er, she is a daughter who is qualified to be the head of the palace.

And when talking about Qiu'er, I have to say that Tang Zhou did it. Of course, he cried bitterly, and sometimes he was grateful. He said that he would be grateful in the future, and he must teach him how to plan. Thought he'd met a real mathematician, now it appears he's a politician through and through.

Don't say thank you, I haven't seen him until now after the problem is solved, and now he has begun to understand what Degong told him to be careful about Tang Zhou, because this guy is indeed a politician through and through, compromise when it's time to compromise, Persist when you should persist, and everything is in line with interests. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.For him, a son like himself is not worth fawning on, he really can't believe half a word.

Li Ye drove the carriage himself. Because it was fresh, the carriage drove slowly in the city, and there were people buying new year's goods everywhere during the Chinese New Year. The streets were bustling with crowds, and there were voices of bargaining from time to time. They all stepped aside quickly, not daring to approach, and some people pointed and cursed softly.

In any case, the carriage went faster anyway.Yue'er raised the curtains, pouted unhappily: "These people are too hateful, and Shizi didn't provoke them."

Qiu'er took her arm: "Don't worry, these princes don't care at all."

"As long as you hear it, you won't feel good." Yue'er was still unhappy, thinking that they obviously didn't know Shizi, so why should they talk.

Qiu'er smiled slightly, hugged the sullen Yue'er in her arms, and put down the car curtain. In her heart, the son was like a star hanging high, how could the sun and the moon care about Wei Yinghuo: "How can they understand the son, even I don’t understand even if I say it, so it’s better not to say it.”

"Oh" Yue'er hummed sullenly in her arms, the little girl was always unhappy.

The carriage traveled for more than half an hour, leaving the west gate and heading west. Compared with the other gates, the west gate of Kaiyuan was obviously much wider, but looking at the provisional supporting timbers on both sides, it was clear that this gate was not built as it was when it was first built. It was widened later, and it was reinforced with supporting wood because of its insufficient strength.

There are also much more vehicles and horses coming and going than other city gates. After all, the west gate is connected to Yuanmen Ferry, and goods going from south to north will go here as long as they go by water, so the density of entry and exit is much higher than other city gates.

The officers of the chariots and horses under the banner of the palace did not dare to stop them at all, and let them go immediately. These gate officers belonged to the Kaiyuan Mansion, but the sergeants at the city head and the gate of the city were slightly different. In other places, these were mostly local troops, but in Kaiyuan It is the servant of Kaiyuan government office.

Because there is no Xiang army in Kaiyuan, there are only 10,000+ imperial troops stationed in a few large camps outside the city, and the imperial army's dispatch order is very strict. It must be authorized by the Privy Council and the emperor agrees. It is impossible for the imperial army to defend the city.

When he went out, Li Ye paid special attention to it. There were about [-] people at the top of the city and the bottom of the city gate. The equipment was only cotton armor with the lowest defense. The few government servants standing at the top of the city were listless. They are just putting on a show when they are making trouble in the capital.

Li Ye shook his head, he was born in sorrow and died in peace, if one day there were enemies who came to Kaiyuan, these people would simply send them off, and I don't know what He Zhao thought to let them guard the city gate.

After leaving the city, they are all flat and spacious roads, which can accommodate three or four carriages in parallel. The road leading to the port is indeed different. Presumably Kaiyuan Mansion is also being renovated from time to time, so the speed is faster after leaving the city.

After walking for half an hour, I finally saw the river in the distance. The sparkling water directly connected to the steep mountain opposite, and on the side close to the west of Beijing, there were endless shouts, crowds of people, and it was very lively.

The wharf was smaller than Li Ye imagined, but there were more people. Only then did Li Ye realize that this is not a modern port. Large ships need to be towed manually by trackers when entering the port, so there are naturally many people.

The whole pier is on the side of the river bank. Li Ye can see that it has been filled with a lot of sand, and then nailed into thick and strong wooden piles, and then laid with wooden boards. It is a big project.

At this time, there are still ships entering and leaving the port. Because it is an important place in Kyoto, all the goods entering and leaving the port need to be inspected by the city shipping department before they can enter and leave the ferry.The carriage of the palace had just arrived at the ferry, and the officials of the Shibo Department saw it from a distance, and rushed to welcome it.

"Official Xiao Yuan, I don't know which nobleman is here when I see the frame of the palace." A middle-aged official came over, dressed in a green flower and bird suit, and Li Ye knew that he should be an official of the seventh rank or so.

"The Lord is the son of Prince Xiao's Mansion." Qiu'er stepped forward to sign up.

The official bowed and said, "Your Majesty welcomes your son."

Li Ye nodded: "We are just here to wait for the goods, you don't have to worry about it." The official nodded, led them to the pavilion at the ferry, served them tea and left.

The ferry was mixed with fish and dragons, and the goods transported from all over the place, and the fishermen salvaged aquatic products all came ashore from here. When mixed together, there was a special unpleasant smell. In the gazebo on the side of the port, Li Ye watched the boats coming and going on the river carefully.

The boat they were waiting for belonged to the son-in-law's mansion and would fly the flag of the son-in-law's mansion, but they didn't know when it would arrive.After all, there are no telephones in this era, so just call and ask and you will know where you are.If you're lucky, you won't be able to wait long, but if you're unlucky, you might have to wait all day long.

With nothing to do, Yue'er looked at the passing ships on the waterline in the distance, held her exquisite chin and commented, which ship was fast and which ship was beautiful, and Qiu'er also interrupted from time to time.

Li Ye couldn't help but groaned in a low voice: "The lonely sail is far away, the blue sky is gone, and the only thing I can see is the Yangtze River flowing in the sky."

At this moment, Qiu'er sighed, and then asked curiously: "My lord, why do I see the top of the mast first when I see ships coming from a distance?"

Yue'er also stared at it for a while and said: "Sister Qiu'er, you are so stupid, it must be the waves blocking it."

"But today there are no waves at all."

Li Ye glanced at her in surprise, walked between the two little girls, leaned on the railing and said, "There are only two explanations for this, either your eyes are dazzled, or the river is not flat at all, and the farthest part of the river over there is actually farther away." It's lower, but the difference is too small to distinguish, if it's not for the boat, it can't be felt at all."

"The surface of the river is lower?" Yue'er looked disbelieving: "But my son, the water flows towards us. If the other side is lower, wouldn't the river flow backwards. The saints say that the sky is round and the earth is round, how can it be uneven. "

"Your question is very reasonable, but you think that if the ground is not square, and the water flows to a lower place, then the place it wants to flow should be right under our feet, but it is the earth that stops it, what kind of force is it? Let such a huge river flow downhill, or in other words"

"Nonsense! Crooked ways" Just when Li Ye wanted to continue explaining to the two girls, an angry reprimand interrupted him.

Turning around, it turned out to be the dark-faced He Zhao who had met him once.

(End of this chapter)

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