The rise of the prince

Chapter 122 The Emperor's Love

Chapter 122 The Emperor's Love
"General, you just kept talking about Mr. Mr., what exactly are you talking about?" Zhong Daoyu's entourage on the road asked casually, not avoiding suspicion.

Zhong Daoyu rode a horse and walked slowly: "A man of outstanding knowledge, after he said that His Majesty also thought of reforming the military system."

"Ah, there is such a powerful person. The general has been telling His Majesty for a long time but nothing has been found. He said it as soon as he said it. Who is this person!" The entourage was surprised.

Speaking of this, Zhong Daoyu laughed triumphantly: "Wang Yue refused to tell me his name and where he is.

But how can the old man use him to say that Mr. He often uses the Guanbei War as a comparison when he discusses it, and it is detailed and meticulous, as if he saw it with his own eyes, he must be someone who is familiar with the Guanbei War.And he was able to reason with Wang Yue, so it was clear at a glance that he was in the middle of the capital. "

The follower shook his head: "I still don't understand"

Zhong Daoyu smiled and said: "For those who are familiar with the Guanbei War and are still in the capital, except for Wei Chaoren who is in the prison of Yushitai, there are only his children. Wei Chaoren can't see anyone, so the gentleman must be familiar with the Wei family siblings. In order for Tang Zhou to start to act, news from the palace has also begun to be released, presumably they will come to thank me in the next few days, and they will know when they ask, it doesn’t matter if he tells me or not.”

"Oh~" The follower finally understood, patted his head and said, "Why didn't I think of it!"

In the past few days, news from the palace has gradually come out. Some people tampered with the Guanbei battle report and framed Wei Chaoren, the governor of Guanbei. The emperor was furious at the court meeting. Let Tang Zhouwei and others abide by their duties and be upright.

At the same time, the Yushitai, Dali Temple, and Yousi Criminal Department were ordered to investigate the case. Once the result of the joint trial of the three divisions, Tang Zhou from the Household Department will be in charge.

At the very beginning of the case, Wu Desi was found. At first, some sergeants of Wu Desi were taken away. It is said that a few days later, Zhu Yue, the envoy of Wu De, was found. The moving road is the Yushitai being dragged into.

There was a lot of news coming from the court, and there were all kinds of versions. These days, the Wei family sister and brother were so happy that they couldn't sleep.

Wei Chaoren has now left Yushitai Prison, but he is still staying in Yushitai. After all, the case has not been cleared, so he can't leave yet.

"I didn't expect that it was Wu Desi as the son said." Wei Yubai said angrily while helping Li Ye carry the wooden planks.

Zhao Si was making a hydraulically driven water wheel according to the drawings. Li Ye came to help when he had nothing to do, and Wei Yubai also came over. She didn't care about these things at all, so she rolled up her sleeves and came to help.

Li Ye supported Zhao Si so that he could drive the nails in: "I'm also a little surprised that the Wude envoy should not have the guts to do this. After all, he is a Wude envoy, and such a thing is more than just bullying the king." No way, it's so simple to frame a minister, there must be someone behind it."

Having said that, Li Ye is not afraid, so what if there are people behind him, at most they can see He Zhao's layer, how could they think that it is him who is really playing tricks on people's hearts behind him.

"Why?" Wei Yubai asked puzzled.

Li Ye looked up at the sky, and sighed slightly: "Because he is an envoy of Wude, thousands of elite troops of the Wude Division patrol the imperial city, and it is the sword by the emperor's side. The sword has double edges, and if you are not careful, you will hurt yourself." , Everyone is afraid. Others committing this is deceiving the king and framing the minister. His crime is equivalent to rebellion in the emperor's heart, and many people may die this time."

Speaking of this, I still feel slightly uncomfortable. After all, according to the concept of Li Ye's later generations, this kind of thing is the fault of Zhu Yue alone, but this is a cruel era. This time his whole family, plus Wu Desi I'm afraid the people involved will lose their heads.

Wei Yubai stopped what he was doing: "Why don't you worry about it, you saved our family and countless people in Guanbei, didn't you?"

Li Ye nodded and smiled, and he was just feeling emotional, how could he not look down on such a trivial matter with his experience.

"I've prepared some gifts for you. Take Xingping to pay homage to General Xie Zhong tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. After all, he has been speaking for Master Wei from the beginning to the end." Li Ye ordered.

Wei Yubai nodded, and then blushed slightly, as if mustering up a lot of courage, he said: "My son's kindness will never be repaid by my Wei family. In the future, my son will ask for something. He will be born or die, and he will never refuse." Then he took out a beautiful dagger from his waist and handed it to him with both hands: "This is a token, please accept it."

Li Ye smiled and said, "I understand, but I don't need the sword."

"No, you can't stand without faith, please accept the token." She said stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, then I'll accept it." Li Ye had no choice but to take it. This dagger is less than a foot long, the scabbard is exquisitely crafted, and the hilt is inlaid with gems. It is indeed rare and precious, and it is perfect for self-defense: " Thanks a lot then."

Li Ye put away the sword while speaking, Wei Yubai just nodded without saying a word.

"Sparse shadows and slanting water, clear and shallow water, dark fragrance floating in the moon and dusk" the emperor wrote two sentences in the study, and savored them carefully. Just at that moment, the eunuch outside the door informed the queen that he was coming. He quickly pulled the paper to cover the ink on the case, and then Pick up the memorial and look at it.

The queen came in and saluted and sat beside him before the emperor asked, "What's the matter with the queen?"

"The question that the emperor asked Mr. Zu to do is ready, and the eunuch who sent it just happened to pass by the door, so I sent it in for him." She took out a few neatly folded papers from her sleeve: "I don't know how your Majesty wants to take the test. School Xinzhou, let the concubine tell him how he came to the palace."

The emperor snorted and said: "How could I not know that you are so careful, you just want to take the opportunity to let him enter the palace, and it won't matter what the school is like at that time." He sighed and drank the wine on the table. tea, and said with some seriousness: "But you have to understand that loving pets is not a good thing for him."

The queen was also silent. The emperor's family has been ruthless since ancient times. As a queen, she has been in the palace for so long, how could she not know: "In the end, it's just a grandma who wants to see her grandson."

The emperor didn't speak, and after a while, he took the hand of the mourning empress and said solemnly: "As long as you are within the palace walls, loving pets is your responsibility. If you can't bear this responsibility, you can't bear this pet, otherwise you will be destroyed." I am almost sixty years old, you have to think about it!"

The queen sighed, and finally gave in: "Then let Wang Yue do it for me."

The emperor nodded: "I'm sure, I will give him a hundred taels of gold along the way, and let him take it over. I will say that he gave it. I know that the monthly salary of Prince Xiao's mansion has been withheld by the Zuo Si household department for a long time."

"Who is the judge? He is so bold!" The queen became angry when she heard this.

"I will deal with this matter myself, and it is just the time to remind him." The emperor said.

(End of this chapter)

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