The rise of the prince

Chapter 124 Wenquxing Liye

Chapter 124 Wenquxing Liye

The atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while, and Lu Ming's complexion became worse and worse. No matter how excited everyone was, Li Ye never let go, so he had to talk to him about the ways of poetry that everyone knows, such as flat and flat rhymes. etc.

In the end, he was talking about him from left to right, and he was not on the same channel at all. Several literati shook their heads again and again, as if they were extremely disappointed.

Li Ye also found out that it was a waste of time to talk to each other. He had something to do and no time to waste, so he said: "I have something urgent today, everyone please go ahead."

"What's the matter urgently, my son? It's not right for everyone to get together here. Although your son is a royal heir, I have always attached great importance to the rule of literature and advocated the use of literature to discuss Taoism. Today, I finally have the opportunity. What can my son not push away? "Lu Ming said.

Everyone agrees, it's like you go out to play with a group of people you don't know, and you can't talk to each other at all, and you can't chat.But why keep you?Does staying make the atmosphere more awkward? I don't know. In fact, everyone just wants to appear that they are doing the right thing.

When I keep people, I am enthusiastic and polite. No one wants to be a villain, nor can I be a villain, so no one will leave, and I will not let others go.

Li Ye shook his head. He had seen this kind of scene a lot, and he had already prepared for it. He directly picked up the wooden plank on the ground and said, "I have something to do, so I won't send it away." He was about to leave.

"My son, it's not easy for everyone to get together, why bother?"

"This is a private area. If you don't leave, I'll call it a nursing home. You're so talented that you don't know if you're good at fighting?" Li Ye asked with a smile.

"You! You, you, you..." The literati were so angry that they couldn't speak. Mei Yuan's poems would make them forget who Li Xingzhou really is. He was not a good person in the first place.

Li Ye has never been afraid of doing evil things, because if it is too clean, it is often difficult to do things, so what the real big men leave behind in history must not be glamorous, but constant disputes, because being in the middle ground can be both sides. deal with things.

Li Ye said that he was going to call people, and these literati were really scared, and they all backed away and cursed angrily.

"Hmph, I must be afraid of being a thief with a guilty conscience!"

"How can you be so rude? Even if there is something urgent, Shizi should speak up."

"Oh, I thought he was a talented and learned man, but today I saw nothing more than a carpenter. The so-called important thing is the wood on the shoulder!"

"If you're so lackadaisical, I think that "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" must be a substitute!"

"Brother Lu, speak carefully, speak carefully!"

Lu Ming flicked his sleeves and said: "How to be careful? I will give up Lu's reputation and I will pay back the name of scholars all over the world. I can't let those who bully the world and steal their reputation damage the reputation of scholars!"

"Brother Lu, Gao Yi!"

"I admire you!"


Everyone around applauded.

"Go over there, or I will beat you." Li Ye warned, and a group of people left in a hurry after putting down a few harsh words such as "you wait" and "will not forget what happened today".

Li Ye knew that if these people left, the city might be full of storms recently.

"Why are you doing this? You can't offend scholars." The little girl said worriedly.

Li Ye laughed, and joked, "Is my concubine worried about my son?"

The little girl blushed and kicked him hard: "Nonsense! Who would worry about you bastard."

Li Ye couldn't hide even though he was carrying the wooden plank, he was really kicked, he took a breath and said, "Don't worry, I did it on purpose, this prince has his own plan. Let's go."

Soon, Liye carried the wooden board around and came to the side of the palace. The water here was not in a hurry, and judging from the position of the aquatic plants and moss on the shore, the water level was not very high when the water rose.

On the shore is a stone wall built with stones when the palace was built, which is more convenient.

Li Ye put down the board and began to look for a location. According to the expectation, the draft of the water wheel would be three to four feet. After the drive landed, the first fixed point would be built about four feet away from the shore.

"Don't just stare blankly, come help, and turn around while lifting the wooden plank," Li Ye ordered.

"Oh," the little girl agreed, and she didn't mind coming over to help. She moved the board and asked, "Did you really write the poem in Meiyuan that day?"

Li Ye casually said while drawing lines with charcoal in his hand: "Of course."

"But you obviously don't know how to do it just now. You don't even know the simplest poetic theory. You can divide the rhyme into two sentences once, and you can also repress the more difficult sentences. It's also called one rhyme to the end. You don't even understand these." The little girl pouted and said, "Tell me honestly, is it because you don't know it at all, so you asked someone to write it for you to please sister Gillian?"

The little girl cooperated with him to adjust her position, then put down the wooden plank and said, "Even if you admit it, I won't say it. At most, I will laugh at you for saying nothing."

Li Ye marked the ideal position with charcoal, and then said, "I wrote it. I'm a genius. If you don't believe me, you're going to test me now. I can recite a question and write it down."

"Don't lie to me, it is impossible for Wen Quxing to have such a quick talent."

While thinking about finding a place, Li Ye replied absent-mindedly: "Tell me, I might be better than Wenquxing."

"Bragging!" The little girl despised, and then said: "Then write a poem chanting plums and come out to see it."

"Yong Mei!" Li Ye measured the distance with his steps, raised his head and recalled it for a while, and then read out: "Mei Xue is fighting for spring but not willing to fall, Sao Ren Ge's pen review; .”

He spoke inadvertently, but the little girl was stunned, and she repeated silently: "Meixu is three points inferior to Xue Xue, but Xue is inferior to Mei Duanxiang. I don't believe this. You must have done it long ago. Make another one."

"Okay, okay, help me hold down this wooden board first, don't move." Li Ye asked her to hold it down, then went to the side to find stones to nail the board, and then thought about it: "Han Yeke comes to tea for wine, bamboo stove The soup is boiling and the fire is red"

The little girl looked at him: "And then?"

Then Li Ye realized that he couldn't remember the last two sentences at once, so he patted his head for a while and said: "I remember, it's normal that there is only plum blossoms in front of the window, so it's different."

"Han night guests come to tea for wine, and the bamboo stove is boiling and the fire is red; as usual, there are plum blossoms in front of the window, which is different." The little girl said it silently, and then she was completely drunk, "The plum blossoms are as white as the snow, Snow is inferior to plum blossoms for a while." "It's just like the moon in front of the window, it's different if there are plum blossoms."

This guy clearly has a hippie smile and is out of shape, so why did he write such a good poem when he opened his mouth!Is he really so talented and learned, or is he really a Wenqu star?
"How, am I a Wenqu star now?" Li Ye teased her, seeing the little girl's expression of doubting her life.

"Smug beauty, return Wen Quxing, I just don't believe it, unless you, you write again!" The little girl refused to admit defeat.

"What do you want to write, if you can't write it, I won't be named Li." Li Ye said proudly, he nailed the first point and then looked for the second one. This is just to mark the location, which is convenient for laying the foundation in the future.

, The little girl kicked the stones beside her feet and thought hard, then bowed her head and said, "You wrote poems about plums to please A-Jiao, so what kind of flower do you think I look like?"

"Huh?" Li Ye was taken aback, and the stone in his hand almost hit him. He wanted to say that He Qian was not like a flower, and all flowers were too delicate compared to her. He was afraid that the little girl would get angry, so he thought for a while: "Lotus, White and stupid."

"Okay, then write about Lian."

(End of this chapter)

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