The rise of the prince

Chapter 133 He Zhao's Ups and Downs

Chapter 133 He Zhao's Ups and Downs

"Has San Heizi come back?" asked the big man standing at the bow. Several large ships were leaning against the ferry. At dusk, there were towering green hills on both sides of the river, and various unknown birds and beasts kept neighing.

"Not yet, boss, don't worry, there are at most a few fucking wild guys who dare to provoke us." A tall and thin man next to him said, shaking his hard leather armor as he spoke: "The officers and soldiers Things are good."

"Will you be able to talk? Now we are fucking officers and soldiers!" said the leading man.

The thin man patted his head: "Boss didn't tell me, he forgot, those officers and soldiers were so arrogant back then, now it's labor and capital's turn to be officers and soldiers."

The leading man said: "Pay attention to the labor and management, don't open and shut your mouth one by one with the smell of feces, or you will be noticed if you don't enter the capital."

"Don't worry boss, it's over if the brothers in the capital don't talk."

After a while, a few people in the distance grabbed two muddy men by their hair, and dragged them over abruptly: "Boss, these two bastards shot arrows! They are all from nearby people, how can they do that?" .” The person who took the lead in the distance shouted.

"What else can I do, cut off the head and hang it on the bow of the boat!" The thin man stretched his neck and shouted: "Damn you want to rob, dare to shoot arrows at the boat of labor and management."

The boss slapped him hard on the back of the head: "Damn you forgot again, we are officers and soldiers now, and we are betting on the birthday gift for the bitch's empress dowager. You hang your heads twice, lest people don't know that you are a **** thief?"

He said viciously: "The two bastards killed us and threw them into the river. After finishing, we have to go somewhere. We won't be killed by Fang Shenggong."

"I don't want to go back alive, I'm afraid he will kill me." The skinny man was not convinced.

"You fucking Fang Shenggong will do whatever you want, if you mess up, I'll chop you up." The man glared angrily.

The thin man was not convinced, and gradually became more aggressive: "Boss, you are afraid that that bastard surnamed Fang will give you an ecstasy drug. What is he a bastard? What does he do when brothers are going through life and death."

"You fucking six sons! I'll tell you well, I don't care this time, and next time I'll talk about Fang Shenggong. Don't blame labor and management for falling out." The big man in the lead stared.

The skinny man named Liuzi was enraged: "Boss, are you going to turn your back on? Why are you going to turn your back on your brother who was born and died because of some bullshit surnamed Fang?" He leaned his neck closer: "Then you come, you come! You Fuck it with me!"

The man in the lead blushed: "Stay away, you idiot Ge!"

"I won't retreat, you come!"

"Get out!"

"Don't retreat, you have the guts to come, come!"


"No retreat!"

choke!There was a crisp sound of metal rubbing, hot blood gushed out across the deck like a spring, and the thin man's head rolled several times and fell into the river with a "plop".

"Damn it!" The leader wiped the blood from his face, cursed and dropped the knife in his hand, and staggered a few steps into the cabin, and his subordinates all looked at me and I looked at you, no one dared speak out.

Just at this time, the apes on the mountains on both sides were frightened and screamed in panic, which echoed in the valleys on the river, which was lively and inexplicable for a while.
"Master, it's just a few broken stones. If you can figure it out, just think about it. If you can't figure it out, forget it. As for it." Wu Lie said helplessly. He Zhao was staring at the various stones collected in the yard carefully observe.

"How can I forget it? If I forget it, it means that I am not as good as that thief Li Xingzhou."

"If you can't compare, you can't compare, it's not such a shameful thing," Wu Lie said in a low voice.

"What did you say!" He Zhao stared at him suddenly.

Wu Lie quickly shook his head: "No, but master, if you look at Miss Poshitou again, she will be kidnapped by Li Xingzhou."

"What did you say?" He Zhao almost jumped up.

"Master, Miss has been going to Prince Xiao's Mansion for the past two days"

"Why didn't you stop her!" He Zhao stomped his feet angrily.

"I stopped it, but I still have to stop it." Wu Lie, a senior man, looked aggrieved at this moment: "Master, you have been looking at those broken stones."

"Li Xingzhou!" He Zhao gritted his teeth, "You little thief, you seduce my daughter even if you humiliate me, this is your revenge!"

"My lord, I think the son is capable. You think something should have happened at this time in previous years, but this year, after changing the notice according to the son's method, no one has committed a crime until today, and the brothers are all at leisure." Wu Lie interrupted.

After all, the Chinese New Year is coming. Who doesn't want to reunite with their families and have a good New Year, but the New Year's Day is the time when nothing can happen. In previous years, other people's houses were busy before and after the Chinese New Year, and they could only patrol the streets alone.But this year, I used Shizi’s suggestion, but the notice was changed, and no one committed any crimes immediately. They can also spend their leisure time shopping for new year’s goods for their families and reuniting with their families. The son is grateful and admires him so much, saying that the son is really a god.

"It's just luck!" He Zhao snorted, still very upset, although he also knew in his heart that Li Xingzhou might not be like the rumored wine bag and rice bag, but he was really capable.

"By the way, the prince wrote poems for Miss." Wu Lie took out a crumpled piece of paper from his arms as he said: "Miss has been copying since she came back. I picked up a piece of paper from the pile of papers thrown away this morning. Come back."

"What kind of nonsense poems can he write? He must be trying to lie to my precious daughter. If he can write", he suddenly remembered the song "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" and quickly changed his words: "If he can write, I will show it to me." Look."

Wu Lie quickly spread out the paper in his hand and handed it to him. He Zhao looked at it carefully for a while, then slowly frowned, and did not speak for a long time.

"How about this poem, my lord?"

He Zhao snorted: "Huh, it's still good, it's somewhat level." As he said that, he couldn't help but read silently: "Mei Xu is three points inferior to Xue, but Xue is inferior to Mei Duanxiang. This sentence is better than those talented people in Beijing." Much stronger."

"It's just like the moon in front of the window, but it's different when there are plum blossoms." He Zhao stopped talking, just stared at the two short poems, and then said after a long time: "In the past two days, someone said that Li Xingzhou copied poems, and the whole Kaiyuan Mansion was in a commotion. There is a lot of uproar, and now I look at it, I am afraid it is a frame-up."

Wu Lie nodded quickly: "I don't know about writing poems, but I don't seem to be a copyist of poems in terms of my son's ability."

"Hmph, which side are you on?" He Zhao gave him a white look, "However, this Li Xingzhou is indeed talented in writing, and he speaks eloquently. If you put aside your personal prejudices, you are indeed a young talent.

What do these last few sentences, "Out of the mud but not stained, clean and clear but not demonic, open in the middle and straight in the outside, not vines or branches, fragrant far away but clear, pavilions and clean plants" mean?It's not a poem, it should be a long or short sentence. What is it about? "

Wu Lie shook his head: "Master, I don't know that."

Fortunately, at this time, someone came in to report that the young lady came back, and He Zhao said happily, "Let him come over and explain to me, the last few sentences seem extraordinary, and I still feel uncomfortable if I don't understand what it means."

A quarter of an hour later, He Zhao felt even more uncomfortable, and yelled: "Little thief! How dare you beat around the bush and call this old man a silt! This old man is at odds with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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