Chapter 136

The so-called over-limit effect is very easy to explain and understand, that is to say, people will change their attitude after receiving a stimulus beyond a certain limit.

This is like how once an attractive speech lasts more than an hour, people will gradually turn from liking to loathing; educating children with the same mistakes will make them feel guilty the first few times and play an educational role. It will turn from guilt to resistance, even disgust.

If a large company has background and psychological experts, what is the best countermeasure when facing a hostile company to promote its products?Suppression of his propaganda channels or malicious smear propaganda?
No, from a psychological point of view, at this time, it is more necessary to secretly increase the propaganda of hostile products, and exaggerate its propaganda, false propaganda, which is often called "reverse black". All publicity immediately becomes a side effect, and the publicity investment of the hostile company will also become a negative return.

This kind of example is actually very common in the game between the products of large companies in life, but few people pay attention to it, because most people's knowledge reserves are not as high as those of large companies, so they don't even know they are being used.

What Li Ye wanted to use now was this kind of psychological effect. Once that limit was passed, the wind direction would change, but he couldn't explain it to Ji Chunsheng and Yue'er.

"Wang Yue, did he really make these papers?" the emperor asked while holding the paper scrolls in his hand.

Degong Xia nodded: "Indeed, the old minister is at the side of the prince, and I can prove it by seeing it with my own eyes."

The emperor nodded, and then walked away from the throne: "Zu Yi told me that he did nothing wrong. From this, it can be seen that his calculation skills are excellent. How much time did he spend?"

"A quarter of an hour." Degong recalled the situation at that time.

"A quarter of an hour!" The emperor exclaimed, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Of course not, how dare an old official deceive the emperor." Dezheng replied sternly.

The emperor frowned: "It's not that I doubt you, but that it's too fast. Mr. Zu said that if he can answer all the clever calculations within two hours, fifteen minutes would be too much."

Degong was also taken aback when he heard this: "Your Majesty, is it so difficult?" In fact, he said too much for a quarter of an hour, because the kid just took a look and started writing, and he didn't pay attention to his expression at all. , he thought it was not too difficult.

"Of course it's difficult, this is what Zu Yi has learned all his life." The emperor put down the paper in his hand: "Wang Yue, what kind of person do you think Xingzhou is?"

Hearing this, De Gong immediately became cautious, he kept thinking and turning back and forth, before he said: "Your Majesty is a very talented person."

The emperor raised his head and looked at the beams of the hall, as if he was thinking: "You said that before I called him into the palace every day, why didn't he tell me that he was good at planning? There was also the incident in the plum garden last time. He has never shown any talent, and I didn't even know he could write poetry."

De Gong cupped his hands and said: "This is His Majesty's family matter, and ministers are not allowed to talk about it."

"What's not a family matter? Isn't your granddaughter going to marry Xingzhou? She will be a family in the future, but it's okay." The emperor waved his hand.

"The minister is talking nonsense." De Gong bowed: "I think my son, maybe he didn't want to cause trouble for His Majesty."

"What do you mean by that?"

De Gong was embarrassed for a moment, but he still said: "Perhaps it is for the peace of the royal family. If the son is a genius, it is not good to have a strategy. I am afraid that the country and the family will be troublesome, so the son will not reveal it and deceive the emperor." I'm afraid it's for the sake of the family and the country, so please don't blame him." De Gong said cryptically, after all, this is a royal matter, and outsiders are not allowed to interrupt casually, but the emperor can definitely understand what he means.

"Hey" the emperor seemed to suddenly realize, and frowned all of a sudden: "What do you mean?"

"The old minister is talking nonsense, but it's just a guess. The emperor has his own holy cha." Degong cupped his hands.

The emperor walked around, obviously full of thoughts in his heart, showing his face for a while, frowning for a while, and muttering in a low voice from time to time: "You mean that he has been lying to me? Is it false to be domineering and arrogant, and is it false to be useless? Or..."

After a long time, he said again: "If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll blame him, Wang Yue, tell me what's going on."

De Gong shook his head: "The old minister is just speculating, and His Majesty needs to see exactly what happened."

"If I have time to check, I still need to ask you." The emperor said dissatisfied: "I only ask you to find out for me today."

Degong rolled his eyes and said quickly: "If your Majesty wants to know, the son of the Zhao family will know it at the first sight, so why bother?"

"Oh, you are confused but I am not. How many times have I summoned him, will he let me know if he wants to?" The emperor snorted.

"If this is the case, I can't ask anything, but the method is simple. Don't your majesty want to know whether the son is capable or not, and arrange a dispatch for him who can handle things and see the effect later." De Gong said.

The emperor was stunned for a moment: "I'm afraid it's not in accordance with the etiquette to dispatch."

"Why don't we agree? In our dynasty, we will remove officials from scientific examinations and take officials under the shade. The eldest son is of royal blood, so he can naturally make progress under the shade." De Gong said quickly.

"That makes sense." The emperor nodded, and then thought for a while: "Tell me, where can I find out whether he is capable or not?"

"The six ministries of the central government are just hypotheses, so naturally you can't go, if you are an official from another place"

"Not in other places." De Gong was interrupted by the emperor before he finished speaking.

Mr. De nodded and skipped to become an official in other places: "The three divisions of Duzhi, Yantie and Hubu are important officials of the imperial court, and they cannot go; Shangshu, Zhongshu and Menxia provinces also need time and practice to understand the regulations, which is not suitable; the Privy Council The place where the military aircraft is secret is also not possible; the Sanya is also a place of idleness, there is no place to use it, so after thinking about it, we can only go to the capital, and if we can do practical things, only Kaiyuan Mansion is left."

The emperor nodded slowly: "Kaiyuan Mansion, um, He Zhao is a good person, he has always been upright, and he will not cover up and connive, and the prime minister of Kaiyuan Mansion needs to make decisions about every detail of the affairs of Kyoto, so you can really see whether a person is capable or not. "

The emperor returned to the case: "In this case, I will order Xingzhou to go to Kaiyuan Mansion to be on duty, and then we will know."

Degong hurriedly bowed: "Your Majesty is wise."

Degong let out a long sigh of relief after leaving the Kunning Palace, and he felt a lot more relaxed. After all, he was guilty, so he was always worried when facing the emperor. He couldn't say too much, and he couldn't say it too cryptically. He had to let the emperor feel it. , I don't think he is helping the prince.

Rationally thinking that he must never help Li Xingzhou. After all, the Wang family behind him can't help but lean towards him, and Degong can't help but shake his head. Let's not be an example. Next time he won't I will say a good word for that kid.

(End of this chapter)

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