The rise of the prince

Chapter 147 The Storm at the Palace Banquet

Chapter 147 The Storm at the Palace Banquet
Involuntarily, the emperor began to glance down, and found that all the tables were full of people. His eyes were blurred and he couldn't see clearly, so he asked Fu An who was waiting by his side: "Where are the seats in Prince Xiao's Mansion?"

Fu An glanced around, and was slightly taken aback: "Your Majesty, this old slave can't see it."

The emperor frowned, Fu'an seemed to understand something, and said quickly: "It is reasonable to say that Prince Xiao is a prince, even if he has passed away and has family members, the seat should be under the prince, and the prince is on the left. The seat of Prince Xiao's mansion sits opposite to the prince."

The emperor nodded: "Yes, what did the Ministry of Rites do!"

He got up slightly and looked around again. Many people noticed the abnormal behavior of the emperor, but they didn't dare to intervene. After seeing no one, he asked Fu'an: "Fu'an, take a look, is there anyone from Prince Xiao's mansion?"

Fu'an knew in his heart that although the emperor said it was Prince Xiao's Mansion, but King Xiao and his concubine died early in the mansion of Prince Xiao, so it was Li Xingzhou, the son of Prince Xiao.

There were a lot of people in the hall, and Fu An couldn't see clearly at once, so he just walked down and lowered his head, pretending to be greeting the royal nobles, but actually looking for someone, so as not to embarrass the emperor, but also to achieve the goal .

He came from a humble background, and the reason why he has achieved his current position is all because he knows how to do things.

After asking around, Fu An returned to the top, shook his head and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, all the nobles in Beijing and nearby areas have arrived, but no one has come to Xiaowang's Mansion."

The emperor's complexion was not good: "Could it be that he doesn't take me to heart, and he doesn't even come into the palace to watch the year."

The queen, who was discussing the queen mother's birthday with the concubines in the harem, couldn't help sighing when she heard this: "Oh, your majesty, look below, the tables and seats are divided by mansions, and the grandchildren and granddaughters of the emperor came with their parents Yes, who is he coming with alone? Does he come to sit alone at a table? I don’t think it’s fine.”

"That should be said in advance." The emperor stopped talking. He will be sixty this year, and the older he is, the more he cares about his children and grandchildren, and the more he likes to be lively.

After drinking two cups alone, he asked again: "Did Prince Xiao's mansion give you any food?"

Fu An hurriedly took out the booklet that he kept with him and looked through it. After looking at it for a while, he said cautiously: "Your Majesty, it seems that there is none." The government rarely grants it, and it is normal for His Majesty to forget."

"Of course they are all here, so I can't give it to the mansion." The emperor sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and stood up and said, "You all have come to the family banquet today. I am your father and grandfather, so I am naturally happy."

As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, everyone below fell silent, and the immature children were also signaled by their parents not to speak.

"But just now, the word Huan'er reminded me of Xingzhou. I've heard that kid's "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" before, and his literary talents are equally amazing. I didn't expect that he didn't come when I asked." The emperor smiled wryly. Wei Yan usually talks to the younger generation: "Xingzhou is lonely, I have no father or brother at home, I forgot, it's me who is incompetent as a grandfather."

After his words fell, the entire hall was quiet for a while. He said this to give Li Huan face. After all, although his words just now were very good, they were still not comparable to "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden".

The queen and the concubines of the Red Palace hurriedly comforted the emperor.

The juniors below also began to talk a lot, whispering about Li Xingzhou's matter, most of them blamed themselves for not expecting this matter, some were true and some were false.

After a while, the voice in the first seat of the prince's mansion became slightly louder, but no one paid attention to it at first.

There was a lot of voices in the hall, and everyone was chatting at Lala's house when they got together, but the voice gradually became louder, and people gradually noticed that direction.

Some princes and princesses frowned slightly, thinking that some ignorant children spoke louder, but gradually some people gradually realized that something was wrong, because the voice was so loud that it drowned out everyone's voices.

Li Yu, who was sitting in the middle, was also chatting with his sister's family whom he hadn't seen for a long time. After a while, he also heard noisy voices. When he looked up, he saw that the prince opposite raised his palm and slapped his son heavily on the face. A crisp sound resounded through the hall.

Everyone was stunned!

The one who was beaten was Li Yu, the second son of the prince. He lowered his head and covered half of his face that was beginning to swell and did not speak.

"What's going on! The prince is having a family banquet, and this is not the time for you to educate the children!" The emperor pointed at the prince angrily and asked.

Before the crown prince could speak, his eldest son Li Huan immediately came out and cupped his hands and said, "Don't be angry, grandpa, it's all grandson's fault!"

"Then tell me what's going on." The emperor said coldly, but the prince waved his hand to stop him from interjecting.

"This..." Li Huan calmed down, so that he would not be too flustered before he said: "It's all because my son and grandson just spoke quickly, talking about the rumors that the people in the capital have been talking about recently, grandson just thinks Shengdou Xiaomin's words are funny, that's all. I didn't expect to offend Brother Yu, quarreled and father got angry because he was afraid of being impolite, it's not my father's fault at all."

"People's rumors?" The emperor frowned, then pointed at him and said: "The people's rumors, why are you two doing this? You are the emperor's grandson, and you want to maintain the dignity of the royal family at all times. How rude is this nonsense!"

"Grandson knows his mistake." Li Huan immediately admitted his mistake.

"However, I am very curious about the rumors that can make the two of you fight, so tell Grandpa Huang." The emperor said.

Li Yu, who had been slapped and remained silent for a while, quickly stood up, covered his swollen side face and said, "Grandfather, those are rambunctious nonsense, and they are basically words that slander and frame you."

"Li Yu! Forgot how being a father taught you? The people are the first in the world, how can you open your mouth and keep your mouth shut like a troublemaker!" The prince seemed to be angry, and pulled him back as he spoke. These words made the emperor nod in satisfaction: "Your father is right, and you are too. Although you are a prince, you must understand that the people of the world are the foundation of the country."

"Father never taught me anything." Li Yu whispered to himself, no one could hear his words, and tears blurred his eyes unconsciously.

He felt disheartened, just now he defended brother Xing in a moment of desperation, obviously it was his brother who uttered obscenities and slandered him again and again, but he was the one who was beaten in the end, and he knew that there was no way to stop his brother from speaking.

Grandpa Huang then asked about the rumor, Li Huan didn't want to say it on the surface, but the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile, as if he had memorized and recited the poems and prose slowly, what else can the people in Beijing say recently, of course it is sitting on the real star The story of Zhou copying poems, the story of Lu Ming, a student of the Imperial College, and the son of Prince Xiao, can be easily spoken by three-year-old children.
Li Yu was unable to sit down, Grandpa Huang didn't tell him to sit down, and his father didn't let him sit down either, he would never dare to sit down before, but now he doesn't care because he gave up.Talk about close relatives, talk about a family, in the end, it's not just trying to force the brothers and sisters to death in a different way.

The father is like this, and the elder brother is also like this. In the past, he still had some expectations. Maybe his father and elder brother were just like this for a while. When his father becomes the emperor and his elder brother becomes a prince, he can become his father and his elder brother again. Everyone still loves each other. family.

Until tonight, seeing them framing his cousin so viciously, and that indiscriminate slap, waking him up completely at once, is just a dream.
On the other side, after Li Huan finished telling the story, the emperor was furious, saying that Li Xingzhou had committed an old problem again, and sent Fu'an to call him into the palace, but the queen and many concubines couldn't hold him back.

Li Yu just sneered, not only his father, but also the emperor, compared to whether Brother Xing did something, he probably cared more about whether he would lose face to the royal family.
(End of this chapter)

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