The rise of the prince

Chapter 150 146, The End of the Palace Banquet

Chapter 150 140 six, the end of the palace banquet

The silence didn't last long, and the emperor slapped the desk and said angrily, "You are so majestic! You dare to show power in the Changchun Palace. I asked you to inquire about your crimes, not to make you a good fortune! Look at you! How scared are the elders!"

As he spoke, he glanced at everyone, especially the crown prince at the front: "He scares you like this as a child, and I'm still here. He can turn the world upside down!"

Then he turned his head and stared at Li Ye with a displeased expression on his face in amazement. His grandson's calm and decisive response tonight was far beyond his expectations. If he had been domineering and domineering in the past, he might have started a quarrel: "Okay, Are you able to play prestige, then I want to see if you can explain the shitty things you did, tell me, I'm listening."

Li Ye got drunk, the emperor was indeed as majestic as Degong said, but Degong looked at him highly, he couldn't distinguish right from wrong, and his brain couldn't work: "If I tell the truth, what should the emperor punish me for?"

"Hmph, then tell me, if it's justified, I won't punish you!" The emperor said coldly.

"Has the emperor checked it?" Li Ye asked back, and everyone in the hall took a breath, feeling that the air was a little colder.

"As the king of a country, why do people believe what they say? Don't think about me, Li Xingzhou, even dare to beat Chen Yu. If I really want to beat a little Guozijiansheng, I will make him jump around and talk everywhere!
Even if no one thinks about it, even if you don’t understand it, if you want to figure it out, then call Lu Ming and let him confront me on the spot!No matter how many rumors there are, it's a family story. "

After the voice fell, compared with the silence before, the atmosphere in the Changchun Hall is now more dignified. Even the prince who was staring at Li Ye viciously just now became quiet and did not dare to say a word.

The emperor was so angry that he was gasping for breath, pointing his fingers at him and he was speechless for a long time, the empress quickly gave him relief, and at the same time reminded him in a low voice: "Xingzhou, stop talking!"

After all, he entered the palace with good intentions, but he was greeted with endless malice. It seems that being a grandson is still too difficult for him, and he can't do it.

"Your Majesty called me here to question me because of an unclear and unclear servant's rumors?" Now Li Ye has no affection for the Emperor in his heart, but he still has reason.

"No matter how bad the rumors are, don't you just say that I copied poems? It's also good to ask me to come in and take the exam. Why do you directly ask the crime indiscriminately?"

"You, how dare you talk to your grandpa like that!" The prince came back to his senses and quickly took the opportunity to play.

The emperor was even angrier now, if the empress hadn't tried her best to hold him back, he would have almost jumped off the throne.

Li Ye used the strength of alcohol to get angry, and suddenly he was shocked, and he realized that he was about to fall into a dead end.
If you don't want to be a grandson, you don't want to be a grandson. He is too emotional when he drinks alcohol. Fake alcohol harms people.

My thoughts turned, but fortunately he was still Li Xingzhou, and he was still a rascal, since he couldn't stop it, he should vent it and find a way to escape.

After making up his mind, he continued to glare at the prince: "Isn't this a rumor that I don't know how to write poetry? Then go get a pen and paper, you can choose whatever you want to write poetry and lyrics, go!" He said He opened his hands and shouted loudly, completely presumptuously. At this time, other people in the hall were too frightened by the situation to speak.

"Okay, okay, so rude, you have a temper, you are amazing! Fuan, get him! Get him a pen and paper, go and get it, I want to see with my own eyes what to do if you can't write, what to do with me Tell me, go!" the emperor roared angrily, obviously he was also angry.

Fu'an looked embarrassed, because the empress next to her was telling him not to move with her eyes.

"Can't you hear me, if you're told to go, go, hurry up!" the prince was delighted, and quickly agreed.

Li Ye also looked at Fu'an.

Fu'an was sweating profusely, and he was caught in the middle of a dilemma.

The old emperor's eyes were terrifying, but there was no murderous look in them, and Fu'an was sure of this.He has been in the position of emperor for many years, and his majesty has been established for a long time.

After several weighings, he could only bite the bullet and turn a blind eye to the Empress Empress' gesture, and hastily sent someone to fetch the Four Treasures of the Study.

The emperor walked down the high seat directly.

The prince's face was proud again, and he said in a low voice: "Nephew, I can't write it out, my father will punish you for your crime! Severely punish you for your crime!"

The queen empress was afraid that the emperor would fall, so she quickly followed.

Li Ye picked up a paper and a pen, and walked to the nearest prince's table in a few steps. The prince and his eldest son Li Huan hurried out of the way when they saw him coming.

Li Ye swiftly swung all the dishes and dishes on the table to the ground, and then put the paper on. Countless poems flashed through his mind. the other direction.

"You... you, you, you!" The prince dared not speak out in anger, and the others only dared to look at this side cautiously.

Li Ye didn't stop at all. He put down the paper and started brushing with brushes. His cursive script was fluent and heroic. The emperor stood aside and watched under the consolation of the empress, his face livid.

The whole process took only a few breaths, and a word was already on the paper. Many people carefully looked at it, but they were too far away to see what was written. All they knew was that the emperor stared at the word for a long time, with a gloomy expression on his face. The weather was uncertain, and in the end he didn't say anything, but the empress beside him smiled, and then carefully lifted a corner of the paper to let the ink dry before carefully putting it away.

"I've said what I have to say, and I'll ask what the emperor wants to ask. This is my answer. I'll go back if I have nothing else to do." Li Ye put down the brush in his hand and said, he was actually a little nervous. He dispelled the prince's aggression and brought the atmosphere back.

Unintentional people wanted to read that word curiously, but the unintentional people were stunned by his manipulation, this method, is this still that idiot Li Xingzhou?
The emperor didn't answer him with a cold face, but just waved his hand, "Fu'an, let someone clean this up and add another table."

"Your Majesty, if nothing happens, I will resign." Li Ye said again that he was determined not to be a grandson.

"You! You... are the heir of the royal family, and you should watch the new year with your family." The emperor said coldly.

"The palace also has family members waiting."

The emperor is about to get angry again, it can be seen that he has a firm expression, but he finally held back, after all, now the old emperor also understands that he is wronged, and said loudly: "Come here, the imperial dining room will give you food, let the son take it back to the palace."

After a pause, he waved his sleeves and added: "The newly added table was carried outside the main hall, incense was burned and wine was served, I almost forgot that the big banquet needs to sacrifice to the heavens"

Fu An nodded and hurried down to make arrangements. At this time, Li Yu, who was at the table in the Prince's Mansion, also stood up and cupped his hands: "Grandfather, it's cold in the night, it's not safe for Brother Xing to go back alone. I'll send him back to the mansion."

Thinking of how he was slapped for defending Li Xingzhou before, half of his face was still swollen at this time, the emperor also nodded: "Alright."

After a while, more than a dozen eunuchs came out with food boxes, and there were more than ten dishes, which exceeded the dishes given to the Prince's Mansion. Li Ye bowed and left with Li Yu without looking back.

The emperor looked at their leaving backs and opened his mouth slightly but remained silent. He just sighed indistinctly, seeing the prince's expression was ugly.

The prince bowed his head to His Highness, not daring to speak.

"As a prince, you should be prudent and mature, and unite your brothers and heirs, regardless of small matters, not to mention important matters of family and country!
Everyone in the Prince's Mansion go back to the mansion, there is no need to keep watch here. " said the emperor ruthlessly.

The prince and the others wanted to cry but had no choice but to accept orders and leave the hall.

Afterwards, the banquet continued as usual, and the previous mess was quickly cleaned up by the maid.

The palace banquet continued, the crowd was quieter than before, and the atmosphere was weird. The emperor sat on the top but just read the poems written by the prince with a blank expression on his face. Many people wanted to know what was written on it, but they couldn't see it at all, they only knew The queen's complexion improved a lot and she kept laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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