The rise of the prince

Chapter 161 Unknown Premonition

Chapter 161 Unknown Premonition

Li Ye is very curious about the forbidden army. After all, Jing Dynasty has 10,000+ forbidden troops, which are the guarantee of imperial power.

Such an era is truly "government grows out of the barrel of a gun", and wars are almost the norm, unlike the later generations where major powers wish to fight each other under nuclear deterrence, but in action, they can only use their lips and engage in small tricks.

In this way, Li Ye thinks that having nuclear weapons is also a good thing. If it is not based on the aggressive nature of human beings, it is estimated that No. 30 world wars will start, let alone the third one.

This is the most dangerous part of this era.

There is no such deterrent force as nuclear weapons that can force everyone to die together.If my harvest is not good today, I can send troops to beat you. If I am in a bad mood tomorrow, I will beat you. I suddenly had a dream the day after tomorrow and thought it was an auspicious omen. I will also beat you.
Also, just like the current emperor, I think the advantage is great, and I can a pass, so I will hit you.

There is no reason to talk about such an era. Unless you have soldiers in your hands, you will have no sense of security. This is one of the reasons why Li Ye is so interested in the Forbidden Army.

Li Ye was not fast because he was not good at riding.

There were many people watching on the road, people pointing and pointing at him, they didn't look good.

He chatted with Di Zhi, asking questions, mostly about topics related to the Imperial Army. It was obvious that the young man was very nervous at first, and sometimes he even stuttered.

Under Li Ye's psychological counseling, he began to relax, chat normally, answer every question, and let Li Ye know a lot.

For example, the Forbidden Army is usually not allowed to approach the capital for ten miles. The Forbidden Army has three camps outside the city. The largest is the Wuguan South Camp, and the most elite Northwest Camp is just in case. It is the place where the imperial army is stationed, but it is actually a place where many veterans and disabled soldiers are placed.

"Speaking of, does the Imperial Army still have the Shenwu Army? I've never heard of it." Li Ye asked puzzled. He had heard that the Imperial Army had the Wulie Army, the Yulin Army, and the Lingjie Army, but he had never heard of the Shenwu Army.

Di Zhi was a little embarrassed, and quickly answered: "Your Majesty, the Shenwu Army is the Imperial Forest Army, but compared with the Wulie Army and the Lingjie Army, the Imperial Forest Army seldom deploys defenses to other places, and often patrols the capital. That's why His Majesty named it the Imperial Forest Army during the Shenwu period. .”

Li Ye understood that if he didn't adjust his defenses and couldn't go out, it meant that the embroidered pillows were not useful and had no combat effectiveness. Many people must have thought the same way. No wonder Di Zhi was embarrassed when he talked about it.

Li Ye didn't pursue the question, but changed the subject: "There are so many royal people today, maybe the emperor will show up at that time, with a lot of fanfare, and there are so many people, aren't you afraid of accidents?"

Di Zhi shook his head and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you can rest assured. Today, all sects are under strict inspection. It is impossible for someone to enter the city with a strong bow and crossbow."

Li Ye pointed to the bow hanging on his shoulder with a dark face: "Isn't this a bow? If someone is brave enough to grab it and use it, it might hurt the emperor if the distance is close."

The first choice for assassination is always long-range weapons, close-range assassination is the most unreliable, especially in the heavily guarded capital, unless you can approach the emperor with a head map like Jing Ke did.

Not to mention the large number of Imperial Guards, Wu Desi Patrol Battalion, and Shangzhi Qin Qin Battalion, a few ordinary people would be unable to get through if they stopped them. That's why Li Ye was curious about this question. Will the emperor show his face in front of the people today? Wouldn't it be very dangerous if there were bows and crossbows, wouldn't he be afraid?

Li Ye was curious about how the ancients did security.

Di Zhi was taken aback, and then pulled over the empty quiver on the other side to show him: "My lord, you will not forget that except for Wu Desi and Shangzhi's personal guard camp, crossbow arrows cannot enter the city. Not to mention that the city gates have to be checked, even ships from other places have to go through the inspection of the City Ship Department. It is impossible to bring crossbows and arrows into Beijing, otherwise it will be a capital offense. Even the weapons supervision and arrow making workshops are set up outside the city. .”

"So there is such a rule." Li Ye was taken aback, he really didn't know before.

But when you think about it, ordinary people can't even see the emperor, and if they have a chance, they will be stopped dozens of steps away by the patrol sergeant of the Wu De Division. Only a bow and crossbow can hurt the emperor at such a distance, so it is not impossible to be careful.

Shibosi, field, these two words suddenly flashed in his mind, it seemed to connect with something, but it was cut off in an instant, and he couldn't remember anything.

"What's the matter, son?" Seeing his dazed expression, Di Zhi hurriedly asked worriedly.

Li Ye came back to his senses, the thoughts in his mind were interrupted, and he shook his head: "It's okay, let's go on, enter the imperial city early and rest early, this shit is weird and heavy." He shook the thick scales on his body.

Di Zhi nodded, and told the soldiers to hurry up. All the worries and fears before the journey were gone, and so were the soldiers. The son was not as scary as the rumors said, but was approachable, unassuming, easy to talk to, and treated them well, according to the rumors Unbelievable!

Soon, everyone entered the imperial city through Xi'an Gate, and was led by the eunuch to rest under the eaves of a square, waiting for the auspicious time.Li Ye also noticed that there were heavily armed Wu Desi sergeants on the high towers around, densely packed, everyone with bows and crossbows.

Now Li Ye fully understands the meaning of crossbows and arrows not being allowed to enter the city. It seems that the emperor is not stupid. not afraid.

There are also thousands of Wu Desi sergeants, and they are condescending. The city wall is several feet high, and there are long-range weapons.

Li Ye sighed for the second time today. Sure enough, a lot of things require experience, and true knowledge comes from practice. If he was asked to manage the city defense, he would never have thought of these things.

At noon, other emperors and grandchildren who were less than twenty years old also came one after another. All of them were miserable by the noon sun. They entered the imperial city in a hurry and asked the servants to help them take off their majestic armor. It's like coming out of the steamer, wet, and this is still the sun in winter.

At first glance, it was obvious that they were just putting on airs and not listening to the advice of the Forbidden Army. Fortunately, Li Ye was good at what he did and had no airs. He listened to Di Zhi's words and avoided suffering.

At this time, Li Ye happened to see Li Huan among the crowd in the distance, the eldest son of the crown prince, he should have passed [-] years ago, but he seemed to be leading the imperial army too, Li Huan was much smarter than others, obviously experienced, Only wearing a hard leather armor, not so embarrassed.

Li Ye didn't care, but asked Di Zhi curiously, "If you were given a bow and crossbow, how far can you take someone's life?"

Di Zhi thought for a while: "It depends on luck, but if within thirty steps someone is [-]% sure that one arrow will kill someone."

"A bow or a crossbow?"

"Bow!" Di Zhi said proudly, "The crossbow is even harder to control."

"Does the army have more bows or more crossbows?" Li Ye asked again.

"Of course it's a crossbow."

"Why? Didn't you say that crossbows are hard to control?"

Di Zhi thought for a while: "My son, someone said that thirty steps is not enough to kill an armored man. If the enemy wears an armored bow, it is far inferior to a crossbow, and a year of bow training is not as good as a month of crossbow training."

Li Ye clicked, it seems to be so reasonable, but the key word thirty steps has been flashing in his mind, reminding him of something, he always has a bad feeling about Shibosi, field, thirty steps, but once The child can't get around the bend, what is it?
Thirty steps, thirty steps to kill people; the city ship inspector, the city ship inspector inspects the ship; people from other places have to go through inspection, what is considered a foreign place, but outside the capital are all foreign places.
(End of this chapter)

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