Chapter 169

What Wei Chaoren said was right, but it was superficial.

People take it for granted that everyone in a desperate situation can "fight it out", but it is not the case. The person who can really fight it out is not only one in a million, but at least one in a hundred people is not an exaggeration at all.

If you look at history, you will find that many decisive battles were mostly won with less.Li Shimin, who established the Li family, defeated 70 with [-]; Su Dingfang defeated [-] with a hundred riders; The Battle of Chibi and the Battle of Yiling have in common that the side with fewer people wins
This may be strange, more than 100 hit [-] million, and the rest of the people are watching?
If it looks good, I'm afraid they are all running. This is a psychological problem.

In the final analysis, the reason why most people "need today's four essays" is because of the psychological analysis: insufficient psychological preparation for survival, which leads to the collapse of the chain of trust.

Wei Chaoren pondered silently for a while: "Is there a solution, my son?"

Of course there is. Many experts in the modern army have noticed this problem. Therefore, in the armies of many advanced countries, trust training is even more important than tactical training. A person's physical strength is limited, but a strong heart can make soldiers explode Strong combat power beyond expectations.

Modern soldiers believe in their comrades, but ancient soldiers are different. As long as they are in the formation of thousands of soldiers, most soldiers will not see the commander.In this case, the only psychological support for ancient soldiers is not like the modern army, which is the many visible and touchable comrades around them, but the invisible commander flag. This is the difference between the two.

When a soldier regards every comrade-in-arms as his psychological support, a huge and indestructible trust network will be formed. As long as there are comrades-in-arms by his side, this network will be unbreakable, and the morale of soldiers will hardly collapse. There will be no such problem that one percent of the people are playing and the remaining 90.00 percent are running.

But this is very difficult and requires long-term trust training, which has reached the point of changing the concept of soldiers.

Li Ye thought about it, and said seriously to Wei Chaoren: "Maybe there is some way, when I find time to write it down, Master Wei can take it back and try."

Wei Chaoren nodded hastily. Having experienced so many things, he no longer dared to look down on the eldest son, who was only sixteen years old. He had already seen too many extraordinary things in him, which was hard to understand with common sense.

While everyone was talking, Yan Shen hurriedly shouted from outside Yan Shen's door, panting and shouting before entering the door: "My son, the emperor is here, the emperor is here!"

Everyone in the room was startled, Yue'er hurriedly got up and opened the door, before she could react to what happened, many armored Jinwu guards with lanterns in their hands and armed with knives had already lined up at the entrance of the small courtyard, opening a bright road. Then the emperor came hastily, stepping on the lights, surrounded by a large crowd
The old man still had a hooked nose, his face was full of ravines, and his body was thin. He walked in a hurry, three steps at a time, as if he was anxious, and Fu An anxiously followed him to help him in case of accidents.

Seeing that Fu'an was in Li Ye, he was relieved. The fact that Mr. Fu'an came out of the palace so late showed that the situation had stabilized.

The emperor walked in such a hurry that it was difficult for the people behind him to keep up. The people in the room were frightened by his hurried steps, and all hurriedly knelt down to salute, but he ignored him and walked straight towards Li Ye.

Everyone knelt on the ground and dared not get up, but Li Ye didn't intend to kneel at first.

The emperor walked up to him in a hurry, glanced at him a few times: "I promise you to be impolite." Li Ye glanced at him, I was not prepared to kneel
Only then did the officials behind him catch up with him, and only then did the emperor spit out two words: "flat body." Everyone in the room carefully stood up and stood aside, not daring to make a sound.

The light in the room was not so bright, the emperor's eyes wandered, and he looked at Li Ye several times, but couldn't see the expression on his face clearly. There seemed to be thousands of words, and finally gathered into a cold sentence: "Are you hurt?"

Li Ye frowned, wondering if this person was talking nonsense, and didn't see the bandage on his shoulders.
Seeing that he didn't answer, the emperor didn't speak. He just looked at Li Ye condescendingly.
For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely weird, and the temperature dropped sharply. Everyone in the room, including He Zhao, Fu An, Wei Li, Ji Chunsheng and others who followed the emperor, felt short of breath and dared not breathe.

In the end, the expressionless emperor spoke first: "You saved me." As soon as the emperor spoke, everyone seemed to be fished out of the water, and finally they could breathe freely. The suffocation just now almost suffocated them to death.

Li Ye nodded: "You're welcome."

"You!" The emperor paused, and Fu An hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what the prince means is that he also just discovered it, so he stepped forward."

The emperor took a deep breath, calmed down immediately, and uttered a few words: "Heal well." But at this moment, he saw the girl lying on the bed behind Li Ye, her expression became terrifying again, her fists were slowly clenched, and the air was cold. After a few minutes, he finally spit out a few words coldly: "Who is she?"

"He Zhao's daughter, He Qian, is also a victim of the assassin."

"He Zhao!" The emperor suddenly shouted for some reason.

He Zhao, who had already taken off his official uniform behind him, stared at Li Ye with a dark face, wishing he could eat him alive: "The guilty minister is here."

"You have given birth to a good daughter," the emperor said flatly. He seemed to be angry just now, but he couldn't hear any emotion when he said this.

He Zhao panicked, and hurriedly said: "My daughter is naughty, I don't know the seriousness, the guilty minister will be taken back and disciplined!" After all, he still loves his daughter, and he has already sensed the subtle and strange atmosphere at this time, and wants her to get away quickly Otherwise, it might cause trouble to the upper body.

"Then you take it away, she's too tired and fell asleep." It was rare for Li Ye to reach an agreement with He Zhao, to accompany a king like a tiger, and he didn't want He Qian to be involved in any way.

The emperor suddenly said, "Just rest here." He Zhao's face darkened even more. The emperor's words terrified him, but he could only grit his teeth and nod: "Thank you for your kindness."

"I have something to ask you." Fu'an and Ji Chunsheng brought chairs for the emperor and put the cushions. The emperor sat down safely and asked, and Qiu'er and Yue'er also cleverly went to make tea.

Before Li Ye could answer, he asked himself, "How do you know it's an assassin today?"

Li Ye glanced at him, the emperor was still the expressionless emperor who was high above him, talking to the powerful person, he seemed to have entered the transformation of the previous life, leaning his back slightly, leaning forward, gritted his teeth reluctantly and said: "It's a long story."

Fu'an and everyone present gasped in fright, their hearts were up and down, how could they talk to the emperor like that!
The emperor frowned, his expression didn't change, Li Ye couldn't see his current emotion.

"Then speak slowly." The emperor answered him calmly. Now it was Li Ye's turn to frown. He found that he didn't have any details or micro-expressions for him to guess the other party's psychology. He was a tricky person.
The most terrible thing is that if he calms down, Li Xingzhou finds that his identity can't say anything on this occasion, unless he preemptively disrupts other people's logic and thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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