Chapter 176

"Sheng Gong, the above is what my subordinates did in Beijing, and they all acted according to Sheng Gong's orders, without any omissions.

Presumably Hong Gang and the others were already in the capital at this time, and good news would come soon. "Ding Yi knelt on a bamboo mat and reported with tea. He was in a small hut in a bamboo forest. The room was entirely made of bamboo. He was facing a screen with an ancient ink spring bamboo picture on the screen, and there was a figure behind him.

"Is there any change?" The person behind the screen asked, his voice was loud and harsh, but the words he said were full of books, giving people a sense of weirdness.

Ding Yi took a sip of tea, and then said: "Everything is as good as Sheng Gong's plan. Although there are minor changes, it is not enough to cause bad things. The Kaiyuan Mansion Yin He Zhao is a smart man. He will not let Hong Gang and the others enter the city, only a hundred people are allowed, but A hundred people are enough. When I went south, I happened to meet the remaining people, so I brought them back."

"Aren't you afraid of attracting people's attention and causing trouble?" Sheng Gong asked him.

Ding Yi shook his head and smiled: "What are you afraid of? If a man dares to do something, we have already done it. What's so scary? If the dog emperor dies, I'm not afraid of that bastard prince. If he doesn't die, it's fine. At that time, public grievances arose everywhere, and the prefect of Suzhou was timid and fearful, as long as Sheng Gong stood up again, he would surely respond."

The Shenggong behind the screen did not speak, and said in silence for a while: "This new way of drinking tea is strange, sweet after bitterness, with the fragrance of grass and trees. Where did you learn this way of drinking?"

Ding Yi smiled disdainfully: "Speaking of it, Shenggong doesn't believe it, but he learned it from a scumbag. He is a powerless emperor's grandson. It is said that he likes to drink like this, and the restaurant in the house imitated it. As a result, the guests also imitated it. When there are more people, it will gradually improve. As the news spread, many restaurants in Beijing became this way of drinking."

As he spoke, he said dumbfoundedly: "I didn't expect that I would feel good once I tasted it, so I fell in love with it. I didn't expect that Li Zi's drink would be so popular."

"Those who can endure hardships will know sweetness. I don't think the emperor's grandson may be some scum, it's probably just some groundless rumors." Shenggong said through the screen.

Ding Yi thought for a moment, then nodded: "I also think what Sheng Gong said is reasonable. When I first arrived in the capital, I was not familiar with the place, so in order not to make mistakes, I found a friend of the capital who is an official in Suzhou.

That friend's name is Zhong Li. I didn't expect that he was the nephew of a great general in the court. He was considerate and hospitable, and he had a grudge against the prince. In order to repay Zhong Li, I planned for him and wanted to humiliate him at the poetry meeting. "

"What's the result?" Sheng Gong asked curiously, his voice was not pleasant, but Wei Wei almost broke it in a panic.

Ding Yi didn't care, just shook his head with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that the emperor's grandson usually looks domineering and flamboyant, but in fact he is bohemian and talented. Instead, he humiliated us. Su Huan even cried on the spot. If I hadn't stopped him, he might have to Finding that son to settle accounts, almost ruined my big business."

"Hmph! What a fool without a brain, what do you think he is after leaving Suzhou?" Shenggong cursed: "Before I set off, I was afraid that he would do something bad, but if he didn't go, I couldn't force Su Banchuan to give up. Participating in this matter, even if he wants to regret it, it is too late."

Then he calmed down again: "What kind of poems did the son make that can humiliate you, let me listen to it."

Ding Yi put down his teacup, stood up and stretched his numb knees, then paced and said, "A poem about plums, called "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden", is still fresh in my memory and I will never forget it."

He said slowly:
"All the fragrances shake off Du Xuanyan, occupying all the charm to Xiaoyuan.

Shuying horizontally and shallow water, subtle fragrance floating moon dusk.

Frostbirds want to steal their eyes first, and the white butterflies are like knowing and breaking their souls.

Fortunately, there is a micro-chant to meet each other, and there is no need for sandalwood boards to share gold bottles. "

He followed the rhythm with his footsteps, read affectionately, cadenced, and couldn't help closing his eyes after reading, as if he was immersed in it.

The Shenggong behind the screen also quieted down, and after a while he said in a unique and unpleasant voice: "It's really good, if you agree, then it's good, I've dreamed about it for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so good .

All my life, I boasted of my literary talents, so I refused to admit defeat. Others’ poems were not spoken out of my own reverie, but after listening to them, none of my works surpassed my reverie. There are only two times in my life that surpassed my reverie. This is the second time. Embarrassing.Hearing this poem reminds me not to forget being in Ju. "

Ding Yi asked curiously: "Fang Shenggong said that there are two times in a lifetime, what about the other time?"

Shenggong handed out the teacup through the screen, Ding Yi filled it up for him, and then handed it back, then he slowly said: "Another time when I was young.
Yike heard a well-known story in Luzhou. Many years ago, the prefect of Luzhou opened a poetry club, but privately bought Chinese poems to make his son-in-law show off and gain fame.I didn't expect to be bumped into by a scholar passing by, and then I improvised, drinking and splashing ink, the word is done, and everyone in the room is convinced.The magistrate of Luzhou lost face because of this, and resentfully dared not speak highly of his son-in-law's literary talents. "

Ding Yi sat down on his knees, raised his glass and nodded: "Of course I have heard of it. Not only Su and Lu, but also the capital city also know this story, but it is probably just a folk fabrication."

Shenggong shook his head slowly: "No, this matter is absolutely true.
The scholar's surname is Fang, who is my father. "

Ding Yi was taken aback, and almost dropped the teacup in his hand.

"At that time I was still young, and I was just learning poetry and poetry, but I also knew that it must be an excellent word. My father has always been a role model for me and my younger brother, and this is even more so." Can't hide the sadness: "But the people only know the pleasant part, but they don't know the follow-up of this story."

"Father was passing through Luzhou on his way to Beijing for the exam. He wrote his lyrics that night, and the next day a servant from the magistrate came to seek revenge. My father was unarmed and a scholar. His begging was useless, so he stopped those evil slaves and asked my mother to take our brothers and run away first.

When we and our mother escaped the limelight and went back to find our father, he was already clear-sighted and delirious. He wailed for two days and two nights before he passed away. "Speaking of this, Shenggong seemed very excited, and his ugly voice became trembling.

"I've always spoken well, and he's brilliant in writing. He's the father my brothers admire the most. At that time, his face was completely changed, his whole body was purple and blue, and he was delirious. He just kept crying. Do you know what it feels like?"

Ding Yi clenched his fists and stopped talking.

"So from then on, I wanted to kill all the officials in the world. The world should have changed a long time ago, at least so that people can write poems and lyrics without being beaten to death. That's why I voted for the king of Wu later." Shenggong gradually clam down.

Ding Yi sighed, and said: "At the time I was young, but I also understood that if King Wu listened to Shenggong's advice and was not in a hurry for success, the situation today may not be certain."

Shenggong shook his head: "The past is like smoke, it's useless to mention it, think more about the present."

"I will be taught by you." Ding Yi bowed.

Shenggong went on to say: "Now if the emperor dies and the prince succeeds, he will most likely send troops.

But they don't know that before I conspired with the prefect of Suzhou, first coerced the people to rebel, and then deliberately indulged the Xiang army to oppress the people in the name of calming the chaos.

Later, many officials in Su and Lu gave birthday gifts to please the Queen Mother, and exploited the people's property.

Although the magistrate of Huaihua in Luzhou tried his best to maintain it, it gradually ran out.At this time, as soon as the imperial army arrives, the people will be oppressed by the imperial officials and the army, and see that the imperial court does not punish the rebellious army and local officials, and instead sends a new army during the spring plowing season. "

"Sheng Gong is brilliant!" Ding Yi bowed down happily.

Shenggong smiled, his voice was ugly, and he put down his teacup slowly as he said, "It all depends on the few months of spring. Food is the most important thing for the people. Spring farming is like life for the people. If the imperial army comes before April, the overall situation will be dire." Certainly!"

(End of this chapter)

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