The rise of the prince

Chapter 179 A Sudden Opportunity

Chapter 179 A Sudden Opportunity
Zhong Daoyu said and looked at Li Ye.

Li Ye realized that he wanted to ask this question. In the face of this kind of reform, facing such a predicament is indeed a problem, and he must not be the first to encounter it since ancient times.

In fact, for any matter, the more people involved, the greater the resistance to doing it, and the more voices of ignorance and non-cooperation. This problem has existed since ancient times, and it is almost unsolvable. Why is this?Many psychologists in later generations noticed this phenomenon, discussed it and made research conclusions.

No coincidence, no book, I didn't expect Zhong Daoyu to ask this suddenly.

Li Ye chuckled, "General Tsuka is so confident that he actually asks me such a big question as a child?"

"Problems don't matter how big or small, so is age. The elderly don't have many years to live. If I can, I would like to be a young man. Should I ask questions based on age? Today, there is no one at home. It's because of excitement. Thinking about the past, so When I went up the mountain, I happened to meet you, and it was not fate."

While climbing the mountain out of breath, Zhong Daoyu said, "Even if it's for fate, you can ask, why don't you ask why?"

Finally, the group of them also reached the top of the mountain. The shadows of the trees that had just sprouted new branches dissipated, the bright sunshine fell, the weeds grew in spring, and everything revived. Looking south, you can have a panoramic view of the prosperity of the entire capital.

Seeing such a magnificent scene, Li Ye felt his heart widen all of a sudden. The stagnant depression of the past few days disappeared, and a new road appeared in front of him. Sure enough, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat to reach the bridge. Naturally straight, the ancients did not deceive me.

The servants began to be busy slaughtering sheep and chickens, in a hurry, it was so lively, they saved all the words they dared not say all the way, and then they left with the wind, the whole mountain was very lively.

Li Ye and Zhong Daoyu were sitting in the grass on the top of the mountain, neither of them was a particular person.

Speaking frankly to straightforward people, Li Ye said bluntly, "I have a solution, but I'm not a saint, and I don't know how to be charitable, so if I help the general, I want the general to help me too."

Zhong Daoyu pondered slightly: "Oh, tell me how you can help."

"Things can't be done overnight. The emperor is suspicious. He can't directly abolish the Sanya and let the Privy Council take over the army, but it can be tried on a small scale." Li Ye said: "The small-scale trial is to draw people from the forbidden army to set up a new army. Under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council, and then step by step, as long as the Privy Council does a good job, the scope can gradually replace the three yamen.

Even if it is tried on a small scale, the emperor is most at ease with his own family. When the time comes, the new army will be led by either the royal heirs or the important ministers trusted by the emperor. "

"The problem is that the ministers ignore it." Zhong Daoyu emphasized.

"I have a solution to this problem." Li Ye rubbed his hands confidently as he said, "General Ruozuka believes in me, and I will be able to get ministers to speak in just one month after the opening of the dynasty on the seventh day of the lunar new year, but relatively, when the time comes The army was set up, and it is directly under the Privy Council, so I want a position in the new army, at least as the commander of the army."

Zhong Daoyu frowned, the army had 500 soldiers according to the scene, and there were five battalions under it, which was already a very large officer, he declined: "Although the son is the heir of the royal family, he still has no official status, so it is so illegal. "

Li Ye knew that he would say that, and he laughed: "General Zhong, have you forgotten, the emperor patrols the city, and I, as the grandson of the emperor, was appointed as the captain of Zhaowu to accompany me. This son has the status of a military officer."

Zhong Daoyu was startled, and then frowned. He really did not expect this. Although Xiaowu Zhaowu is a military official, there is no obstacle for him to serve as an official, and he is also a royal heir.

"How?" Li Ye asked again.

Zhong Daoyu is still thinking, if the negotiation is on the weak side, one of the key points is to give people enough time to think.So Li Ye didn't rush and waited quietly. In fact, his heart beat faster and his fists were clenched involuntarily. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

If he missed this opportunity, he didn't know that he would have another opportunity to join the army until the year of the monkey.

After a while, Zhong Daoyu came back to his senses: "As a courtier, trading power and position should not be done."

Having said that, Zhong Daoyu is a decisive person. He probably understands that the military reform is a matter of life and death for the country. Let’s talk about the matter first, so that the old man can balance it.”

Li Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Then let me explain the truth first, why are you ministers sitting on the sidelines?"

Li Ye stood up as he spoke, and patted the ashes on his buttocks: "A strange incident like this happened near the palace before, please listen carefully to General Zhong.

It was said that there was a pair of brothers who owed money to others, and the gangsters in the capital collected the money and planned to kill them at night.The two were dubious when they heard some news.

The boss was very scared, and when he came home from work in the middle of the night, he walked on the brightly lit avenue, so that he could have a place to call for help in case bad people harmed him.

The second child was also afraid, but due to the remoteness of the place where he worked, he walked a sparsely populated path when he returned home in the middle of the night. Unexpectedly, the gangsters would find the two brothers separately. "

Speaking of this, Li Ye asked: "General Zhong, which of the two brothers do you think will return home safely?"

"Naturally the boss." Zhong Daoyu answered simply.

His answer was normal, and it was in line with the predictions of ordinary people about human psychology.

However, at 1964:3 on the night of March 13, 3, a famous murder case in the United States completely shattered this prediction, and at the same time, psychologists began to pay attention to it. Since then, an important psychological effect of human beings has been discovered through in-depth research. It also answers the difficult question of why the more people involved, the harder it is to advance things.

"General Zhong's answer was naturally after some thought, but the one who survived was indeed the second child." Li Ye said, "Does General Zhong know why?"

"Why?" Zhong Daoyu obviously didn't believe it, he probably felt that Li Ye was flattering himself with his words.

Li Ye said slowly: "It was like this at the time.
The boss noticed that the gangster who was following behind him began to call for help. Many people got up and lit candles to check. The gangster ran away as soon as he saw the candle, and everyone turned off the candle and continued to sleep.

After a while the gangster turned back, the boss called for help again, the neighbor lit candles again, the gangster fled, the neighbors all put out the candles and continued to sleep
Repeated several times, but no one opened the door to save people. There were dozens of households around, but finally no one came out to rescue or take in the boss. The gangsters also found this, so they killed the boss.

As for the second child, the road he walked was sparsely populated, and there was only one family on the side of the road. When the gangsters came, the second child called for help, and the people on the side of the road lit candles and went out with a hatchet to take him in. He was safe and sound until the next morning. "

The story was made up by himself, and it is very similar to the famous murder case, but it explains more concisely the problem of the DPRK and China hindering the implementation of the military reform.

Zhong Daoyu stopped talking after listening, he pondered for a while, lost in thought, obviously he had heard something, but he still couldn't grasp the essence from it, he just thought it made sense.

He thought for a long time, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind: "If the son really has a way to promote the military reform, then the old man will bestow the post of military commander. You can make an agreement in advance. If the matter fails, then the words will be void."

Li Ye laughed loudly: "One word from a gentleman."

"It's hard to chase a horse."

(End of this chapter)

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