The rise of the prince

182 Chapter 167, He Zhao's anger

Chapter 182 Chapter 160 Seven, He Zhao's Anger

But after a few words, Li Ye knew He Qian's purpose, which was to declare her sovereignty in a hurry. In the past, she always ran to the palace, but now Li Ye came to Kaiyuan Mansion with great difficulty. As the master, the little aunt hurriedly came to show that Kaiyuan Mansion was his territory. Here she is the master.

After some tactful expressions, he patted Li Ye on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, in the Yamen of Kaiyuan Mansion, I will cover you."

"Haha, I will rely on Ms. He from now on." Li Ye smiled and cupped his hands, very cooperative with her.

The little girl put her hands behind her back, raised her delicate chin, and smiled triumphantly: "That's natural, but you have to explain to me!"

Li Ye found a stool and sat down. Sima Wei looked at the two of them, then smiled, and went to the inner hall where he worked.

He Qian also moved a stool and sat down. Under the patio in the inner courtyard, there was a rockery and beautiful green bamboos.

"What's the explanation?" Li Ye asked her.

Kaiyuan Xicheng government office, He Zhao hurriedly led a group of people out of the gate, the officials of the west city government sent them out respectfully, He Zhao got on his horse and continued to walk forward.

Two small officials in front held signs to avoid him, and behind him was a mighty team, and the people were not afraid, and many people greeted and applauded him on the side of the road, praising him as the master of the sky.

According to what Li Xingzhou said, after the notice was changed in Beijing, there were almost no cases during the New Year's Eve period, and the people's reputation for him suddenly rose and became extremely good.The custom of people fearing officials has changed, He Zhao is complacent and keeps saying hello to the people around him.

But thinking that he came out today to avoid Li Xingzhou, he suddenly felt unhappy.

Before, he was mostly resentful towards Li Xingzhou. After all, the kid didn't say anything about kidnapping his daughter, and then he repeatedly deceived Qian'er with rhetoric, causing Qian'er to run to the palace every now and then, and every time he thought about it, he was furious!

But then first he owed him a favor before the announcement was made, and then the weird stone made him promise to owe the thief one thing, and then he saved Qian'er from the gangster, and spoke in front of the emperor to save himself from the crime. To be sent to Yushitai prison, he was only fined half a year for dereliction of duty.

In short, although I still hold grudges in my heart, but thinking about it, I owe him more favors.
This made He Zhao very entangled, so on the seventh day of the lunar new day, when he heard that Li Xingzhou was coming to Kaiyuan Mansion, he was upset and didn't know what to do. What if the little thief was showing off his might with his status as the emperor's grandson?What if he brings up the past again and wants to fulfill his promise?
Feeling helpless, he simply brought all the people in Kaiyuan Mansion out for inspection, and at the same time gave the little thief a bad start, letting him know that even though he is the heir of the royal family, He Zhao is the master when he arrives in Kaiyuan Mansion!
Every time he thought of this method, He Zhao felt a little complacent, and said triumphantly while riding on the horse: "Hmph, the little thief is probably depressed in Kaiyuan Mansion at this time."

Wu Lie followed He Zhao on horseback, wearing armor and a knife. The assassination had not been done for a long time, so he was worried: "My lord, the son is the son after all, I think it's inappropriate."

He Zhao snorted: "What's wrong, but let him wait a little longer, this kind of small suffering is unbearable, how can you work in my Kaiyuan Mansion."

"My lord, you don't know. Because of the son's idea, there are no criminals in the capital before and after the Chinese New Year. The brothers privately say that the son is extremely smart. If you neglect the son like this, I am afraid that the brothers will feel unhappy and not be very interested." Wu Lie euphemistically To put it bluntly, the story of Li Xingzhou's change of official document to Ning Kaiyuan among many yamen servants and arresters was said to be miraculous.

In addition, the son made everyone have a good year, and everyone was grateful and admired in their hearts. Hearing that the son was coming to Kaiyuan Mansion, several headhunters approached him privately to discuss how to welcome the son, and bought all the wine and meat. Bringing them out early in the morning was frustrating for everyone.

As soon as He Zhao turned his head, he found that the yamen guards at the back of the team were listless, and he was furious: "Absurd! This official of the Kaiyuan Mansion has the final say, and if you hang your head down, everyone will go back and beat [-] big boards!"

The listless policeman and yamen servant managed to walk straight, but he was still in a bad mood and weak, so angry that He Zhao almost jumped off his horse.

Just at this time, I passed by the famous Fumenglou in Kyoto. Although it was daytime, it was very lively inside, which made He Zhao a little surprised. The brothel is said to be busy in the afternoon, and there are many people at night. Why is Fumenglou full of people during the day.

So he asked Wu Lie. Wu Lie didn't know, so he went into Fumenglou and asked in person, but he came back angrily: "The people inside said that it is not good to close the door during the day because of the famous poem of Fumenglou. Get guests."

He Zhao nodded. This is none of his business, and it is indeed a good idea. Many people are not too shy to enter brothels, but limited to etiquette, or shy in heart. As long as they go in once, the second time will not be so difficult. I have to say that although the woman named Shiyu is the top card, she has some brains.

He looked at Wu Lie who was full of anger in confusion: "I just invited a few storytellers, what are you doing, why are you angry."

"They're all telling stories about the prince and the students of the Imperial Academy. They're scolding the prince." Wu Lie was indignant.

"Hmph, they scolded well, but it's true that such a framing of people is really low." He Zhao said blankly, but he was not angry in his heart. He hated Li Xingzhou, but he remembered Li Xingzhou's kindness when he hated him.

He also understands that Li Xingzhou is really talented. From the few poems he wrote to Qian'er, he can see that there are some short sentences to please Qian'er. .

But these storytellers are sloppy and innocent, which is shameless.

"My lord, let someone bring someone in and smash this building." Wu Lie said.

He Zhao reprimanded: "What do you know! If you move this building, I'm afraid you will lose your heads. They say their books violate the king's law." They don't know, but He Zhao knows that this building has the background of the Tian family. There is Concubine Tian in the palace, and Prince Li Yu outside the palace.

"Go to the south of the city, and find an alley in the south of the city after the inspection." He Zhao ordered.

Everyone was unhappy because of this, but they also took the order to leave, and when they got halfway, Wu Lie suddenly said: "It's terrible, my lord!"

"Surprised, what a disaster." He Zhao was startled, and reprimanded Wu Lie.

"My lord, Miss is in Kaiyuan Mansion. You took everyone away, but Miss often goes to the hall of Kaiyuan Mansion. Aren't you afraid that Miss will be cheated by the prince? It's just like a wolf."

"Leading the wolf into the house!" He Zhao's eyes widened suddenly, and he stopped the horse under his crotch: "Quickly, go back to the Yamen of Kaiyuan Mansion, and take the road back to the Yamen of Kaiyuan Mansion!"

So the mighty team turned around in a hurry and walked towards the Yamen of Kaiyuan Mansion.

He Zhao was so worried that he rushed back quickly, thinking of thousands of calculations, how could he miss this matter.

He was riding a horse, and the yamen guards behind him couldn't keep up on foot, so Wu Lie had to leave the leader behind and hurried back alone.

As soon as he got to the Yamen of Kaiyuan Mansion, he got off his horse and asked the gatekeeper, "Has anyone been here today?"

"Here we come, report to your lord, there is a young man here, he asked his subordinates to take him in, so I took him in." The gatekeeper replied honestly,

"You! You took him in without asking him about his background or his surname?"

The thin doorman nodded honestly.

He Zhao stared at him angrily, entered the gate in a hurry, walked through the courtroom to the back hall, and found that the door leading to the inner courtyard was locked when he got to the back hall. The thief's voice made him almost kick the door in with anger.

"You're obviously plotting against my father!" He Zhao suddenly stopped pushing the door when he heard his precious daughter say.


(End of this chapter)

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