The rise of the prince

Chapter 184 Prologue

Chapter 184 Prologue
As the night was getting darker, Yan Yan buried his head in staring at the accounts on the desktop. He was old, his eyes were dim, and he seemed to be struggling. He moved the lamp at hand again, and the dim yellow light was brighter.

This is the general ledger of the Wangfu last month, and he can clearly remember the big and small entries and exits. What makes him happy is that the Wangfu received more than a thousand taels in the account last month. There are not many credits, only New Year's gifts are the big ones, and now it is normal to have thousands of taels credited every month, which makes him a little overwhelmed, and sometimes sleeps at night and dreams that this is just a dream.

With the help of Qiu'er girl, he only needs to check if there are any mistakes and leaks, which is much easier.

Qiu'er is really smart, no wonder the son loves him so much, but Yan Yan is someone who has experienced the ups and downs of his family, and the turmoil in the country, and he understands the hidden dangers. He has his reasons.

But if Qiu'er and Yue'er gave birth to heirs before the little lady Wang Lianshan who was bestowed by the emperor, and they were still men, then it would be a hidden worry. He wanted to persuade the prince, but he also knew that he couldn't say anything, so he could only pretend that he didn't see it. .

Fortunately, the son has been smart and promising recently, and the palace has been revived again after many years.

But there are still worries, the son is too arrogant, even the emperor dares to contradict him, and he has a bad temper, and he doesn't know how to tolerate. The setbacks and sufferings experienced by young people are rarely like this. big event.

What happened this afternoon was the same. Several students from the Imperial College came to the gate of the palace to yell and curse, and even threw stones at the children who were guarding the gate.

The servants came to report to him, but after he thought about it again and again, he only asked everyone to retreat, closed the gate of the palace, and let them go.

After all, the son's temperament had already made too many enemies before, and now he finally gained power, the emperor made the son an official, and gave him vegetables on New Year's Eve, so he didn't want the son to cause trouble again.

However, those Guozijian students made an inch of it. After yelling and scolding, seeing that the gate was closed, they hired someone to throw stones into the yard. At that time, several unsuspecting servants of the government suffered.

Yan Yan was naturally angry, and wanted Fuzhong Nursing Hospital to go out to deal with him, but after much deliberation, he finally endured it.

Now the entire capital is saying that the prince beat Lu Ming, a student of the Imperial College, and that the prince copied poems, but the prince obviously didn't beat him at that time, he just scolded a few words and that's it.

If we fight again now, I don't know what kind of rumors will spread to the emperor's ears, which is not good for the prince or the palace, so he shook his head and sighed, holding back his anger and gritted his teeth to let everyone in the palace avoid the outer wall.

Everyone was very resentful, but they all knew not to cause trouble for the prince, so no one disobeyed his order.

Those Guozijian students scolded for more than an hour, and then they left complacently. There was a pile of rocks piled up in the corner of the outer wall, and Yan Yan hurriedly asked to clean it up.Fortunately, the son was not there at that time, if the son was there, he would definitely do it, but once he did it in someone else's mouth, he didn't know what he would say.
Yan Yan shook his head, put down the pen in his hand, and only hoped that the prince would not know about this matter. He told everyone in the mansion that if the prince came back, he was not allowed to mention this matter, otherwise if the prince got angry, he might go to the Imperial College to beat him again. In this way, all the hard work for so long was in vain.

But my heart is always uneasy, Shizi is so smart, and he is so smart, I am afraid that he will see the clues if I am not careful, so I have no intention of reconciling accounts, so I am going to go to the front yard to see for myself.

Close the account book and put it away carefully, and put on a coat to keep out the cold. People are afraid of the cold when they get old. There has been a spring breeze in the past two days, and the weather has warmed up, but he still feels cold.

As soon as he got up, he saw Gufeng's grandson, Guqi, rushing over and reported to him that the prince asked him to go to the front hall.

He asked the little guy why his son called him, and the little guy shook his head honestly.

He didn't say Yan Yan, but he knew that the prince probably knew what happened during the day.

Yan Yan shook his head and sighed. After all, he still couldn't hide it from the prince. He took out the lantern in the corner, found a flint from the corner of the cabinet at hand, asked the little guy to light it, then extinguished the candle, and asked Gu Qi to carry the lantern and take him there. The courtyard where he lives is not far from the front hall.

As the head of the palace, he naturally doesn't need to care about lighting the candle, but he has always been used to simplicity.

Gu Qi pulled him through the gate of the small courtyard, turned around the path, passed through two courtyard gates, and arrived at the main hall. The main hall was brightly lit and several people crowded inside.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard the prince say to the guard guarding the outer door: "The subcutaneous blood is swollen and swollen. It may have hurt the bone. Fix it with some medicinal boards. Don't move for a few days. Be careful of misalignment."

In the main hall, apart from Shizi, there are several servants who were injured during the day, and even Yan Shen was there. He was busy moving the wooden boards in the afternoon, because Shizi asked him to take people to the back mountain to set up a workshop for making armor. At this time, those Guozijian students hired people to throw stones in through the courtyard wall.

Shizi quickly saw him, and turned around with an unhappy expression: "Uncle Yan, what happened in the afternoon, they are hesitating and haggling, you can't tell, tell me."

Yan Yan secretly sighed in his heart, sure enough, the last thing he expected to happen still happened.

I had no choice but to hand in hand, and told Shizi everything that happened this afternoon. How those Guozijian students provoked and hired people to throw stones in the yard, they also took all the responsibility on themselves, and only said that they did not Let them go out and cause trouble.

After finishing speaking, he waited for a while, and looked at Shizi in surprise. Shizi didn't lose his temper, but just pondered for a while, and then said: "Don't worry, they won't be able to play for a few days."

He didn't understand the meaning of Shizi's words, and felt that Shizi was looking for someone to seek revenge, so he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't be arrogant!
Although you are the son of the eldest son, Guozijian is also a disciple of the son of heaven. Besides, last time you only scolded those students a few words. Now that the capital has said so, if you come to seek revenge again, I don’t know what will happen!Your son, think twice.

As the old saying goes, bear with the calm for a while, and take a step back to open up the sea and the sky.The son has a bright future, so it's not worth letting it in the hands of these villains! "

"That's right, my lord, it's just a skin trauma. It will pass in a few days, so it's not a problem." Yan Shen also hurriedly said.

Li Ye didn't expect this kind of thing to happen when he wasn't around. It must be because some students wanted to imitate Lu Ming. It is true that the story of Lu Ming scolding Li Xingzhou was spread everywhere in Beijing. , so it is not surprising that some people have the idea of ​​following his example.

Li Ye was indeed very angry. Not to mention Yan Shen and several other family members who were beaten to death, the most serious one was a nursing home.

He followed Yan Shen to move the plank, and when the stone fell, it hit his leg, and he couldn't stand still. Several planks were stacked together, at least a hundred catties, and the soft plank slipped off his foot, and his arm was knocked by the scattered planks. Yes, judging from the swelling, nine out of ten cases are due to a fracture in the first half of the arm and severe muscle damage.

If he hadn't met Li Ye for a hundred days, if he hadn't handled his injury properly, he would have been useless for the rest of his life.

Who can be angry if this kind of thing falls on the head.

Both Yan Shen and Yan Yan were persuading him not to act rashly, but Li Ye did not. He had already made arrangements for this day when he found the storyteller Mr. Sun Wenyan. On the seventh day of the lunar new year, everyone started to be busy, and the time was about the same.

Li Ye patted Yan Shen on the shoulder: "Don't worry, even if I want revenge, I will make his death even uglier. What's the point of hiring someone if you can't throw away a few stones? I really don't look down on this kind of person at all. "

Yan Shen and Yan Yan looked at each other, a little confused, they didn't understand what Li Ye was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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