The rise of the prince

Chapter 190 Layout Takes Effect

Chapter 190 Layout Takes Effect
"Lu Ming was full of righteousness, thought of righteousness, and thought of the eighteen generations of heroes of his ancestors. He couldn't bear it. He was not afraid of the power of the palace. He picked up the stones on the side of the road and fought with Li Xingzhou. Suddenly, the sand and stones flew away. The two fought fifty It's a close call"

At this point, someone below couldn't help it: "You grandson is talking nonsense, you treat us as fools, Li Xingzhou is the emperor's grandson, Lu Ming has the courage to scold us, he dares to fight and can still live until now ?”

"That's right, the eighteen generations of ancestors, the family tree will let you know."

"I think it must have been charged, so I said it here every day."

"That's for sure"


There was a lot of discussion below, but Sun Wenyan ignored it, and continued to say that the more he said, the more outrageous he was. When Lu Ming beat Li Xingzhou violently and forced the other party to admit his mistake, someone finally took the case.

"Old man Sun took Lu Ming's money, so he talks about it every day. There are all storytellers nearby. I can't listen to this story a hundred times in the past few days! I'm afraid he wants to slander Li Xingzhou, not to mention that Lu Ming is a scholar. Huyuan No. [-], how could he be allowed to act wildly?"

"Yes, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is. Recently, storytellers have been telling this story everywhere. I wouldn't believe it if no one was acting as a demon."

"That's right, although Li Xingzhou is domineering, he can't be so stupid."

"It makes sense."

"Who else could it be? It must be those Guozijian students."

"I think so, and nine out of ten times out of ten this story is also false."

"Haha, of course it's fake."

"This Lu Ming is really a villain. He still talks about others. In my opinion, he is the scum."


On the first floor of the Red Lane Building, Sun Wenyan was still talking, and the people below were discussing in low voices. After a long time, when he finished speaking, some people started booing and tinkling. Someone dropped some rewards, but only a few coins.

He didn't care, just took it and left, because there was still [-] Wen given to him by the palace at home!

Forty thousand dollars, he has never seen so much money in his life, someone later started talking about his taking money from Guozijian students, Sun Wenyan pretended not to hear, and left on his own, he had to go to the next house to tell a story
"If someone encounters misfortune, it is really misfortune. Even the second judge in the kitchen, her husband died in battle, and her son died of illness. It is very pitiful. But she tells everyone once every time she sees it. At first I felt sympathetic, but then I became impatient, and any more it would turn into disgust and malicious speculation." Li Ye said to Qiu'er while straightening his collar.

"Once a certain stimulus is too much, it will trigger the opposite emotion." While talking about Yue'er, she tied the belt on him, and the two girls worked together, working together.

Yue'er hung jade on him while listening, pouted and complained: "So the son paid for someone to scold him." The little girl obviously still didn't understand.

Qiu'er thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, you are saying that this story is also a kind of stimulation. Once the limit is exceeded, people will find it unreliable, right?"

Li Ye rubbed her little head, then nodded: "It's not just that I don't believe it. After a long time, I'm afraid I will turn around and scold Lu Ming, saying that he invited the navy, but I was actually the one who invited the navy. This is the over-limit effect."

"Ah? Prince, what is a navy." Yue'er grabbed his sleeve, staring at him with big watery eyes, and asked curiously.

Li Ye is speechless
On the ninth day of the lunar new year, Li Yu invited him to a banquet at Fumenglou. Fumenglou, how can a man not yearn for it? Li Yu had approached him a few times before, but he was so busy every day when he came to this world that he really didn’t have time. go.

Qiu'er and Yue'er looked at him resentfully, Li Ye laughed, and rubbed the pretty faces of the two little girls: "You sons are just going to a banquet, don't be so sad."

"Then maybe, the son is the worst." Yue'er pouted, her red face was very cute, and the two juicy lolis stared at him together.

Li Ye put his arms around one of them, and said with a smirk, "Hey, wait for this son to raise you up."

The two girls were too ashamed to speak. Li Ye went out, got into the carriage of the palace, and headed towards Fumeng. Yan Shen was in the back mountain, so he couldn't take him.

Ji Chunsheng told him that the emperor really ordered to send troops. The commander Yang Hongzhao in front of the palace was the front army, and the crown prince Li Chengping was the rear army. War is inevitable.

I also heard that the first and second chambers of the Shenwu Army were dispatched, that is, the Forbidden Army where Di Zhi was.

The Shenwu Army has a total of five compartments, each of which is about 2 people. Don't underestimate the [-]-odd horses in these two compartments. In fact, a large number of corvees will be mobilized to follow the army to ensure logistics. The logistics of ancient wars are much more difficult than modern ones.

For example, when the Qing Dynasty conquered Galdan, there were tens of thousands of troops. In fact, there were only [-] main combatants, and the rest were corvees, auxiliary soldiers, and logistics personnel.

In order to strengthen the momentum and deter the enemy, the ancient kings naturally couldn't say that my tens of thousands of troops came to fight with only [-], so naturally they had to claim that they were all "big troops".

So with these 2 people, plus all kinds of corvees and logistical labor, Li Ye felt that it might be called a [-] army, but in fact, the main combat force was at most [-] to [-] excluding auxiliary soldiers.

But it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the local Xiang army.

The emperor never cared about his words, these days Li Ye also slowly thought of a problem, no matter how he behaved, in the eyes of the emperor, he was no more than a young grandson, no matter how righteous he was, he would only be regarded as an ignorant grandson Let's mess around.

Alas, Li Ye sighed, Lao Tzu was actually regarded as a grandson.
Fumeng Tower is a distance from the palace, the carriage walked for about half an hour, and after getting out of the carriage, they met Li Yu who happened to be waving a fan and well dressed, and when he saw him, he was very happy to come over.

"Brother Xing, Uncle Huang invited you too!" He said happily.

Li Ye nodded, and asked curiously: "Why are you the only one? Aren't your father and brother coming?" After all, Li Yu said about the family banquet, of course relatives should be invited to the family banquet. The prince and Li Yu are brothers of the same generation, so It's normal to be invited.

Hearing this, Li Yu's face turned ugly, he hesitated and said honestly: "Brother Xing, father and elder brother never think highly of Uncle Yuhuang, so..."

Li Ye patted him on the shoulder: "Stop talking, let's go upstairs."

Li Yu laughed, hugged him and went upstairs.

Li Yu was indeed quite tragic. He was a willful person, but his father and brother in the family had a strong desire for power, so he could only be more unrestrained. Li Yu was just an ordinary prince, and he was not crowned king. It is normal for the prince to look down on him.

Not to mention that he has such a strong desire for power and performance in the position of prince, but Li Ye understands it. Let alone he is a prince, just talk about his deeds. Letting him take charge of the Kaiyuan Mansion but handing it over to He Zhao is obviously acknowledging his status as the prince, but not his ability.

As soon as the two entered the door, someone was waiting for them, and they were directly taken up to the fourth floor.
(End of this chapter)

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