The rise of the prince

Chapter 201 Pulley Block, Qiu'er's Growth

Chapter 201 Pulley Block, Qiu'er's Growth

The huge water wheel is now suspended in the air, and it can be moved easily with a push, but it is only two ordinary men who pull it up.

This situation left everyone dumbfounded, and everyone's eyes once again focused on Qiu'er.

Surprise, admiration, respect, fear, jealousy. All kinds of eyes made the air hot, and there was a steady stream of flattery and praise lingering around.
At this time, she seemed to replace the eldest son as the central figure. Qiu'er's heartbeat accelerated, her breathing was disordered, and she was very nervous. She subconsciously wanted to turn around.
Li Ye stepped forward without a trace, and gently supported her slender and smooth waist.

Qiu'er is the protagonist. She needs to remember and learn at this moment. This is a necessary step, especially for her.

Li Ye gently supported her, comforted her gently, and whispered in the little girl's ear: "Look up, your eyes should be higher than everyone else's, look at their eyebrows, not eyes. Straighten your spine, stretch your shoulders slightly back, and hold your hands together." Don't hold it, let it go, just let it go easily. Don't be afraid, don't be nervous, Qiu'er is better than anyone else."

"If you're nervous, lean on my hand."

Qiu'er is very smart, she nodded lightly, then clumsily followed suit, and began to gradually master the knack, and slowly and calmly deal with it
Some children in the rebellious period, or those who claim to be knowledgeable or use freedom as an excuse, will use science, freedom and other reasons to reject some ancient admonitions, such as the old people who often teach standing posture and sitting posture.

In fact, in many cases, human intuition is often more scientific than science.

Because after long-term research by behaviorists and psychologists of later generations, the use of strong body language, psychologically speaking, has the effect of psychological suggestion, affects people's psychology, and makes people stronger.

At the same time, biologically speaking, when a person makes a strong and neat posture, the concentration of testosterone (a hormone related to emotional control) in the body rises sharply.Concentrations of cortisol, the stress-related hormone, plummeted.

This shows the importance of body language, posture, small differences can make a huge difference, not only psychological, but also physical changes.

If you want to succeed step by step, then start with "standing with a standing posture and sitting with a sitting posture".

Qiu'er needs to learn these things. She will not only face dozens of people in the future, but there is still a long way to go. She will eventually be alone. Fortunately, I can teach her.

Degong next to Li Ye was also very surprised. Even though he had seen a lot in his life, he stared at it for a long time, not knowing what to say.

She hurriedly leaned forward to examine the gourd-like pulley block carefully. A Jiao was afraid that he would bump into it, so she hurried to help her.

The people around made way for him. After inspecting the water wheel, he looked carefully at the block of pulleys that lifted it, stroked it carefully with trembling fingers, and then shook his head with a long sigh of relief: "It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable that the old man has never thought that there is such a miraculous thing. With the strength of two people, they can lift a thousand catties! It's surprisingly easy to handle."

A-Jiao was afraid that it would be unsafe, and wanted to pull him back, but De Gong didn't back away, and carefully touched and touched, as if seeing a precious treasure.

Don't underestimate this little thing, it is indeed a treasure that can change the world. As the assistant of the state, Duke De knows the important affairs of the country. He is naturally not a pedantic literati. of significance.

Li Ye looked amusedly at his ignorance, Degong coughed and said, "You boy, do you want to see the old man make jokes? Come quickly and tell me how this thing works and why it is so miraculous."

Li Ye spread his hands and smiled: "Hahaha, you old man is the one who messes around. This is something Qiu'er designed. If you want to ask, just ask her. Ask me why."

De Gong blew his beard and stared, of course he knew, but it was really hard to ask a little girl for advice, so he asked this.Li Ye was just teasing him, he pulled Qiu'er beside him and said, "Go and explain to De Gong."

Qiu'er was obviously a little nervous. After all, not everyone present knew the identity of Mr. De, but Qiu'er did. However, after being comforted by him, she became much better. She stepped forward to explain to Mr. De the working principle of the pulley block and how to Do use small force to lift heavy objects.

After the lecture, Qiu'er began to direct everyone to push the huge load-bearing platform, easily changing the direction of the water wheel, and then the two men holding the rope slowly let go, and the huge water wheel fell at a slower speed, without any effort at all!

In less than half an hour, the water wheel was suspended on the river surface, only two or three meters away from the river surface, and several craftsmen stood on the simple platform to easily complete the docking of the water wheel and the bearing!
Everyone was shocked by the result.

If you follow the usual method, build the scaffolding, disassemble the water wheel, transport the scattered parts to the scaffolding one by one, and then assemble them with the help of the scaffolding, and then wait for the glue to dry before dismantling the scaffolding...

The whole project took at least ten days, but now it only took one day!
Qiu'er's explanation seemed half-understood to Degong. After all, he didn't have the support of physics, so he didn't really understand the calculation formula of work.

But he didn't leave, and watched the workers' construction on the river bank. Li Ye asked someone to bring him a chair. After all, he was old, and he stood there for a while. The erection is complete.

Everyone tacitly handed the rope tied with wooden pins to Qiuer's hand. After all, she supervised and calculated this project, without her, it would not be possible to launch the water wheel now.Qiu'er took it, and pulled it hard under his encouraging eyes, and the wooden pin fell in response. After removing the raised wooden pin, the water wheel began to sink, and the lower end slowly sank into the water surface of the river.

Then the part of the draft began to slowly rotate with the promotion of the water flow.

The bearing that Li Ye bought at a large price did not disappoint him. He could easily withstand the huge force of the water flow, and the huge object turned steadily with a scalp-numbing creaking sound.

Seeing this scene, everyone held their breath and waited for a long time. After confirming that there was no problem at all, they all raised their arms and cheered, and looked at Qiu'er with even more reverence.

Even the few artisans who had been clamoring for dissatisfaction before were ashamed, and they came over to apologize to Qiu'er in a low voice. The little girl tried to stand up straight, then nodded slightly, without saying a word.

Li Ye nodded secretly in her heart. She was very nervous, but she did a good job.

As Li Ye said before, for those who work in the palace, experience cannot be a reason to hinder progress and stagnate.

This is a painful lesson from history.

De Gong watched it all day, hissing, he stroked his long gray beard and said: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I wouldn't believe it. The power of two husbands can do a thousand things. It obviously takes dozens of people to do it for a few days. It only took half a day to finish the work, this thing is considered as the most important weapon of the country! It’s not surprising that one day the sun will come out from the west in your palace.”

As he spoke, he shook his head and laughed, and Li Ye laughed too. This old man speaks casually.

In the evening, Degong and Gillian stayed at the palace for dinner, and then Degong explained his intentions.

He made a special trip to remind Li Ye to prepare the black powder. He has gradually returned to court in the past few days and took over the administration of government affairs from the emperor.

Of course Li Ye is ready. Under the leadership of Yan Shen, the nitrate production shed in Houshan has been on the right track. They are fully familiar with a whole set of processes and no longer make frequent mistakes. They can produce dozens of catties of nitrate every month, plus sulfur powder. And charcoal powder, can make nearly a hundred catties of black gunpowder.

(End of this chapter)

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