The rise of the prince

Chapter 203 The Death of Lu Ming

Chapter 203 The Death of Lu Ming
Just after the new year, but Lu Ming's life suddenly became difficult recently.

The previous time he yelled and scolded in front of the palace was unintentional, fearing that he would lose face, he had the courage to say a few words, but then he was threatened by Li Xingzhou, and in a moment of anger he asked a child to speak ill of Li Xingzhou.

He is not a fool, so he naturally understands the difference between a son of the prince and a son of the Imperial College. In the next few days, he often thought about it and felt scared. He hid at home and dared not go out for a few days. He was afraid that Li Xingzhou would retaliate and his wife would scold him. He fled to his old father-in-law's house outside the city to hide.

But revenge never came!
He didn't know why, not only did Li Xingzhou not take revenge, but he became famous all of a sudden, and his name was all over the capital!

He didn't understand at all, all he knew was that one day the student next door made a special trip to his father-in-law's house to tell him that he was famous. People surrounded.

After a long time, he gradually became less afraid. Wherever he went, everyone complimented him, even if he ate and drank in the surrounding restaurants, as long as he reported his name and complimented him modestly, the shopkeeper would not be charged any money!
Even walking on the road, if someone recognizes him, he will take the initiative to make way for him, that feeling is simply ecstasy.

He wished he could write a sign and hang it on his body to tell others that he was Lu Ming!

From childhood to adulthood, where has he enjoyed such treatment!I feel that my life has reached the peak, and I no longer think about why I am where I am today.

In short, from then on, I walked with my head held high, visited friends everywhere, and was regarded as a guest of honor wherever I went, everyone flattered and praised.

Everyone felt reasonable when he said a few words, and he obviously thought that the words he wrote were mediocre, but someone offered a lot of money to buy them, and he was able to speak clearly and boast of his benefits, which made him flattered.

Such a day is like a dream, and he also enjoys it and is very contented.

It's just that for some reason or what happened recently, everything has changed one after another.

At first, the visiting friend was rejected, and the other party kept silent, and just told him not to come again, without saying why.

It's always embarrassing to be rejected, and he is used to the scenery these days, so how could he bear such a useless attitude.

He was planning to go home and invite his friends to gather to discuss poetry, but he actually took the opportunity to denounce him.When I went to the next house to invite people, it was fine if I was rejected, and I was scolded for no reason!
When I went back home, there were already many people around the door. When they saw him, they scolded him, saying that he was cheating the world, stealing his name, fishing for fame, being disrespectful, and his behavior was disgusting. He was a villain, which made him dumbfounded.
Then something even more terrifying happened. Wherever he went, everyone treated him coldly, whispering behind his back, and some even scolded him openly.

He felt dizzy, he was fine a few days ago, why did everything change suddenly!
Isn't he in the prime of his life, isn't he sought after by everyone? Why, why has everything changed in just a few days, completely changed.
Even his best friends treated him coldly, and it went from bad to worse. With each passing day, the matter got a little worse. Later, it turned into full of abuse, contempt, overwhelming every day.
For the first time, he felt that kind of depression and despair.

Words are more powerful than swords!
People are always social animals, desperately eager for social approval, sometimes a sentence or two that seems casual, inexplicably fermented and fermented, will hurt people invisible, not to mention overwhelming public opinion.

Everyone says that people who live in the evaluation of others are the most stupid, but even so, even if everyone can say this, there are endless reasons to speak, but still few people can really do it.

One out of a hundred people who is not afraid of other people's eyes and words is already too many.

Although Lu Ming is a student of the Imperial Academy and a disciple of the Son of Heaven, he is still only a mortal, with a body of flesh and blood, and a mortal body. As a scholar, he cherishes his reputation and wings more than ordinary people with mud legs...

Facing such indiscriminate verbal attacks, how could he bear it.

At the beginning, he was only angry when he argued with others, and he was beaten several times, but he refused to admit it. He really didn't buy any storytellers. At most, he just gave a few pennies to a few children and asked them to scold Li Xingzhou a few words That's all!
He also didn't know the shameless and obscene behavior that everyone said, but he was so angry that he let a few children scold others for him. Is this really shameless and obscene?
He was full of indignation and argued hard with reason, but it was a pity that people's words are worth a lot of money, and people's words are terrible, and there was no effect at all.

The wife at home couldn't bear the many cold-eyed abuse, and took the child back to her mother's house crying.

If he doesn't leave, a scholar has his own character, he is innocent, and he knows it in his heart.


Then one night, someone threw something at his house through the low wall, and a larger stone hit Lu Ming's arm, and he could no longer lift his hand. .

Lu Ming seemed to think of something, he suddenly started to be afraid
For the first time, he began to be afraid of the sayings of sages and sages, because the affairs of the government made him realize: if propriety is the law, then whether or not following the propriety can determine life and death, and a person like him who is not benevolent in other people's mouths should die! No! People will argue for him and feel sorry for him!
He began to panic, and he didn't care about cursing people or his arm injury. He dragged his arms that he couldn't lift and rummaged through the collection of ancient books at home, comparing and searching everywhere, and couldn't sleep all night.

The result of ritual is the order of heaven and earth; ritual is the culmination of humanity; ritual is governing the country, ordering the country, ordering the people, and benefiting the heirs; people are safe when they are polite, and dangerous if they are not; present
The admonitions of many sages, not a single word, kept echoing, buzzing into his head, and the whole person became in a trance, and he didn't even notice that his arm started to swell and turn purple. This serious crisis made him on the verge of collapse .

In the eyes of others, he is a villain and not a gentleman when he does things that are lowly. He shook his head, a villain does not respect etiquette
The sage said, "Property is the order of heaven and earth; propriety is the pinnacle of humanity; propriety is governing the country, establishing the state, ordering the people, and benefiting the descendants." In a word-propriety is the law.

That's right, that's exactly what he reads, and etiquette is the law, and he always thinks so.

But if this is the case, he is a villain at this time, and there is no need for lawlessness if he is rude. The law of a villain is not allowed to be protected, and people who do not respect the law of etiquette deserve it.

The books he read said so, and he always thought so, but now, what he had learned and thought was killing him!
First day, second day, third day.
There are still people who abuse him, people still throw things at him, his head is bleeding, he is alone, he is isolated and helpless, he is crumbling, but no one cares about him.

He has been hungry for a few days and wants to cook by himself, but he can't. He wants to learn how to do it, but his arms are already sore and purple, and he can't move.

Every day after that, he became weaker and weaker, and his mind was buzzing with countless words of sages and sages, but the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, and the more he thought about it, the more desperate he became.

A few days later, Lu Ming, a dignified disciple of the Son of Heaven and a student of the Imperial College, was dressed in rags, became thinner day by day, suffered numerous injuries, his wounds were covered with flies, and even started to stink with maggots, but he sat at the door every day, repeating "Li is the law" .

Then he wept, and wept bitterly.

He killed himself, and only today did he understand that etiquette cannot be the law, but etiquette is the law!That has long been deeply embedded in his mind, and also in the minds of everyone, lingering.
More than ten days later, the inhuman Lu Ming fell ill and had a constant fever. After a spring rainy night, he died on the threshold of his house. Just as he had expected, no one cared about him, be it the government or the common people.

Because no one collected the corpse, the smell of the corpse aroused dissatisfaction among the neighbors.

Everyone takes it for granted, after all, etiquette is the foundation of the country, so for villains who don't respect etiquette, life and death are of no importance, and who cares how they die.

But these are things for later.
(End of this chapter)

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