The rise of the prince

Chapter 218 The hidden haze

Chapter 218 The hidden haze

After resting, Li Xingzhou also left the teahouse with a few people and continued to go shopping.

Li Xingzhou was deeply moved. Most of the people who laughed and laughed and wrote poems did not know that under the appearance of this prosperous and prosperous world, Jing Dynasty was already in crisis. He did not know how many times he could pass such a Shangyuan Festival.

Thinking about it, he took advantage of Yue'er's carelessness and confiscated the candied haws in her hand: "Eat less, you little pig, and be careful of stomach pain at night."

Yue'er was not happy, but she was still obedient, and he ate by himself again.

"My son~"

"My son is concerned about you. If you have a stomachache, let me take care of it for you. How about it? Are you moved?" Li Xingzhou asked with a smirk.

Yue'er: "."

A few people strolled along the riverside market, and soon saw the gorgeous treasure boat guarded by the yamen, which was the highlight of Kaiyuan Mansion this year.

After the beginning of spring, the wind on the river was very strong. The mighty fleet stretched for dozens of miles, with flags flying, and the front and back could not be seen, and the tail could not be seen behind. scene.

"His Royal Highness, the thugs who harassed the fleet last night have been captured. They are all savages nearby, people from the mountains and wild forests who have not been educated by the court all year round. My subordinates suggest that they all be beheaded to deter the young ones." Commander of the second chamber of the Shenwu Army Shi Jin reported.

"That's the nearby residents?" The prince frowned, and immediately thought of many things that Mr. Qian asked him before he left, one of which was not to offend the locals unless necessary.

"It's true, but they are all people who don't respect the law and are not educated. They have no intention of collaborating with evil people, so killing them will save you worry." Shi Jin cupped his hands and said.

The prince stood up from the huanghuali chair, and then, surrounded by everyone, walked from the cabin to the bow. Looking at the dozen men, women and children who were detained on the bow, dressed in rags and emitting an unpleasant smell, they quickly covered their noses Said: "Can you understand me?"

No one answered.

"Bold and unreasonable, the prince will not answer quickly when he asks!" Shi Jin stepped forward, drew out his sword and shouted loudly.

Now these people were finally frightened, and several of them nodded to express their understanding.

The prince recalled what Mr. Fang taught him, covered his nose and said: "That's good, there are no kings in the world. They say you are aliens and savages, but I am the prince and the future emperor. From my point of view, you are all my Jing Dynasty citizens.

The people suffer and are forced to become bandits, what is it, what is it. Yes, the emperor has no way, and it is all the fault of this palace, so I will not kill you today, but if you do it again next time, don’t blame my subordinates ruthless. "

After speaking, he hurriedly said to Shi Jin: "Send them off the boat and let them go."

Then he couldn't stand the smell anymore, hurried into the cabin, and told the left and right: "Quick, get some incense for this palace."

Shi Jin was very dissatisfied, but he had to do it, because it was the prince's order, so he could only follow it. He was so dissatisfied that he slowed down the boat and sent a few people ashore.
"Your Highness, everything has been done as you ordered." Shi Jin came back after a while, and said flatteringly, the prince just nodded.

"Your Majesty, should we speed up the boat? Although we are headed against the wind, we are going smoothly. As long as the sails are furled, according to my estimates, we will be able to catch up with Yang Hongzhao's former army within two days."

The spring wind blows to the northeast, and they went down the current just against the wind, so sailing slowed down their progress instead.

The prince was puzzled: "What are we going to do?"

"This..." Shi Jin rubbed his hands and said, "Your Highness, this is of course to relieve Commander Yang's worries. If the bandits resist at that time, and our rear army is too far away, it will be a waste of time."

"Besides." He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said bluntly: "Besides, if we don't catch up, this song is not entirely due to Yang Hongzhao."

The prince immediately remembered what Mr. Fang told him not to fight for merit, and reprimanded him: "What are you talking about? Yang Hongzhao is the pillar of my dynasty, an official of the same dynasty, and serves the country. There is no use dividing you and me!"

Shi Jin nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, His Royal Highness understands righteousness, and what he said is naturally reasonable.

However, Your Highness thought, our more than 1 brothers are also looking forward to serving the country, everyone's morale is high because of this, and they were ready to throw their heads and blood to fight the enemy bravely, but they chose to be the rear army, maybe the enemy will not even see them When I arrived, I went back again. Wouldn't it be chilling, it would affect morale too much.

The so-called is the power of a soldier, how to fight against the enemy if there is no morale.We just furl the sails and speed up, and we don't take credit for it. When the brothers see the speed up, they will immediately gain morale, and they will definitely be grateful to the prince at that time. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds. "

The prince gradually stood up, frowned and thought carefully: "Yes, it seems that what you said makes sense."

Shi Jin was overjoyed, and hurriedly continued: "That's right, Your Highness, we're not grabbing merit by closing the distance. Although we are sure against the Suzhou Xiang army, everything is unpredictable. If there is an emergency, we can also meet Master Yang. Plan ahead. It's the demeanor of a general!"

The prince nodded, and clapped his hands on the desk: "That's right, the demeanor of a general!"

He paced around, and Shi Jin followed behind him and said: "If there is an emergency at that time, it will be a life-saving grace to Yang Hongzhao, and he will definitely be devoted to His Royal Highness; He is considerate and doesn't take credit for his achievements, how can he not thank you."

The prince stopped, clapped his hands and said, "That's right, that's right!"

He said two things in a row, Shi Jin's eyes lit up, and he asked cautiously: "Then His Royal Highness, this subordinate."

"Go, take my command flag, order the whole army, furl the sails, and advance at full speed!" The prince waved his hand.

Shi Jin got the order, said goodbye to the prince excitedly, and then rushed out to pass orders to the whole army.

He didn't care whether Yang Hongzhao would be grateful to Dade, and he didn't care about the morale of the whole army. He only knew that Suzhou was the most affluent place in the Jing Dynasty, and the beauties in the south of the Yangtze River were as gentle as jade.

"Pass the prince's order, furl the sails, and advance at full speed!" Shi Jin shouted excitedly.

Immediately, there was a burst of cheers from the front and back ships. The orderly soldiers held the order flags and began to send orders. The wind on the river was strong, and it was impossible to rely on shouting. Moreover, there were tens of thousands of soldiers, more than 130 large and small ships, and the line was tens of miles long. Kidding.

A slight mistake would lead to disaster, and soon, the long dragon, headed by the Prince's Treasure Ship, all furled the huge sails, and the speed of travel increased suddenly, and it was the most labor-saving to go down the river.

Shi Jin stood at the bow of the boat, full of ambitions. When he returned this time, he might be mentioned as the Marquis of Duyu from the Commander Xiang. That would be a real success!
"Currently, I have 230 sabers in the arsenal of Ansu Mansion, more than 540 long and short spears, 97 [-] nine strong bows, [-] divine arm crossbows, [-] bed crossbows, and heavy iron armor. Two thousand armor, five thousand light armor." Su Banchuan proudly reported with the paper in his hand.

Ding Yi and a few old people on the opposite side looked very surprised.

Ding Yi arched his hands and said: "Master Zhifu really hides his secrets. In this way, as long as the people's will obey me, there will be tens of thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of troops in an instant. We merchants can feel at ease under the protection of your lord."

Su Banchuan said with a big belly: "The imperial court knows that Suzhou is rich, but they don't know how rich it is. In the past, the envoys of the Ministry of Household Affairs only need to give some money, and they can say whatever they want. This is my Ansu Mansion. The accumulated income of three generations. My palace has always encouraged the people of Suzhou to practice martial arts, and my Suzhou is not like other places in the Jing Dynasty, where there are weak and feeble scholars everywhere."

"Then I'll congratulate Mr. Su first, oh no, it's King Su." Ding Yi said with a smile, the etiquette is very decent.

"Hahahaha." Su Banchuan laughed loudly: "The little Su family can talk, no wonder they let you be the representative, but don't forget, what you Ding, Fen, Qi, Kang, and Wang families promised me , silver, food, armaments, domestic slaves, nothing less.”

Ding Yi quickly smiled and said: "That's natural, but let the younger generation be rude, remind Mr. Su, what was decided in advance."

"Don't worry, after this is done, there won't be any scholars, farmers, businessmen, or businessmen in Suzhou. You will be able to confer titles on several major merchants, so you don't have to worry about it in the future." Su Banchuan replied affirmatively.

"That's good. The promised money, rations, ordnance will be delivered to the mansion within three days." Ding Yi clasped his hands and replied, a glint of gloom flashed in his eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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