The rise of the prince

Chapter 222 Twenty Provocations

Chapter 222 Two Hundred Provocations
Unknowingly, after midnight, the lights in the distance are bright, firecrackers and fireworks are one after another, and the poetry party is full of wine and wine, and the sound is noisy and complicated. It is almost the end.

Among the many talents and scholars, Monk Baoyuan was surrounded by everyone, talking and laughing a little cautiously. Until now, no one can surpass him by saying, "Looking at the Buddha, you have more time to shine on yourself, and if you can't be clear, you can become clear." The leader is almost It's a done deal.

Others were just talking happily about tonight's poems and rumors, most of them were talking about Monk Baoyuan and Yin Yin, and they were all looking forward to another beautiful story of a gifted scholar and beautiful woman.

Since Monk Baoyuan is the leader, Yin Yin, who sang for him, is most likely also this year's leader.

Shiyu didn't have any expectations anymore, she just hoped that it would end soon, she suddenly felt very tired, and looked to the other side, Li Xingzhou, the beast and a few girls were also preparing to leave early.

But at this moment, the crowd in the distance parted, and the poetic words were delayed, and then from a distance, he saw a young man in luxurious clothes and purple clothes rushing into the arena surrounded by the crowd.

Wherever he went, everyone saluted quickly. He went straight through the crowd, and he was heading towards Li Xingzhou. His shadow was caressing, the light and shadow intertwined, and he couldn't see the man's face clearly in poetry, but he greeted him with a warm and heroic voice. Said: "What a coincidence, cousin, I didn't expect you to be in the poetry club."

After that, she could no longer hear, the voice was noisy and indistinct, the figures were chaotic, and her sight was blocked.

"Sister Shiyu, don't you know that that person is Mr. Li Huan, the eldest son of His Royal Highness, who is a very noble person." Yin Yin said proudly: "But it is true, not everyone can see the emperor's grandson, little sister I'm just blessed to have seen it twice." She said proudly.

Shiyu over there faintly heard Li Xingzhou's voice. She had listened to that beast's words a lot these days, so she was naturally keen.

He seemed to be refusing, saying that there was still something to do, that he couldn't stay for a long time, and so on. Before he finished talking, Li Huan seemed to refuse to let him go.

Then he said again, after a while, it seemed that Li Huan had made a sound, and the people around him didn't dare to intervene, and they all fell silent. Shiyu finally heard clearly what Li Xingzhou and Li Huan, who were surrounded by the crowd, were talking about.

"My cousin is talented and learned. At the beginning, the skill of "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" in the plum garden shocked everyone, and the audience was astounded. Terrific.

Today is the rare Lantern Festival, and we are gathered together again. Why not leave the first masterpiece so that we can pay our respects, even if it is a word or a half sentence.Later, when I went out to a poetry meeting, I would talk about today's events, if there is honor. "

"The emperor's grandson is right."

"Yes, yes, my son, don't hide your clumsiness."

"The gentleman is frank and frank, and the prince will compose a song, and we will have a bright face."


The people around didn't dare to say these words at first, but now that the emperor and grandson are leading the way, they quickly followed up with them, and all of them smiled and behaved very friendly.

But in a place far away from there, such as under the stands where Shiyu is, a small group of people are talking in low voices.

"Heh, Li Xingzhou's talent is probably fake."

"Naturally, otherwise he would have written the poetry meeting tonight."

"You can't say that, maybe."

"Nine times out of ten, it's fake. Now it's a good show."


Seeing that Li Xing was in a mess, Shiyu gloated a little, and it seemed like a good show. She wanted to see how that bastard would deal with it.

He only heard a few words from him that he had something to do, but Li Huan didn't want to let him go.

No one dared to do this before, just because he was the grandson of the emperor, but now Li Huan is also the grandson of the emperor. After a prince and a prince, the two have the qualifications to speak. Many people have attached themselves to intervene.

The crowd was chattering, the voices were noisy, and finally it was Li Huan who raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then cupped his hands and said:

"Cousin, why don't you tell me a fair word for your brother, your talent and learning are obvious to all, the song "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" back then is really timeless and admirable, and I also admire my cousin very much.

But recently there are always some despicable villains and shameless people in Beijing who talk behind their backs about your cousin copying poems and stealing words, trying to gain fame.

Cousin, I naturally believe in your talent and learning, and I admire it very much, but there are always ignorant villains whose mouths are hard to stop. "He looked worried.

Then he said: "So I thought, cousin, that today is the Shangyuan Festival. This place is Yongyue Pavilion, with shining literary talents. Many talented people in Beijing, great scholars, and even important officials of the imperial court gather here. If my younger brother leaves a masterpiece, wouldn’t everyone’s mouths be blocked forever? At that time, who in Beijing would dare to say that my cousin is stealing poems and stealing words? If he dares to say it again, he will slander the royal family. The reason is that he will be the first to take down the person who confuses the crowd with evil words, and clean up the family tradition!
As a brother, everything is for the sake of my cousin.I also know that good words and poems come as soon as you open your mouth. It takes some time to carefully conceive and brew. Cousin, don’t worry, my brother is waiting for you here. The night is still very long. When you write it, it’s not too late to leave , I will personally send you to the house for my brother, hahaha. "

Li Huan spoke louder and louder, more excited and high-spirited, the words had come to this point, although they were implicit and euphemistic, they also opened up the words, and everyone present were not fools and understood the meaning of these words.

They are not Li Huan, not the heirs of the royal family, and they dare not go along too much, but they also want to see other people's jokes, so most of them only dare to go along with it in a low voice.

This cousin Li Xingzhou was not kind, how should he deal with it, the other party was forcing him into a corner, Shiyu frowned, watching the situation over there nervously.

At this time, the situation here was also unexpected. On the high platform behind Shiyu, Kaiyuan Mansion Yin He Zhao stood up, walked down the high platform and said: "I have seen the emperor's grandson, since the son has something to do, let him go first. It's not what a gentleman does, and besides, fame and wings are all his own business, presumably the son of the world has his own plans, why should it be so."

Shi Yu was surprised that the governor of Kaiyuan Mansion actually talked to Li Xingzhou!
You must know that Kaiyuan Mansion is not comparable to ordinary mansions. The other chief officials are magistrates, while Kaiyuan Mansion is the prefect.It has always been the case that the prince will first serve as the governor of Kaiyuan before succeeding to the throne.

But Yu Chengan, the Deputy Prime Minister next to him, also came down and interjected: "Hey, young people should discuss their talents and studies. How can there be such inconveniences? Your son has outstanding talents and learning. It is also a good thing to ask your peers for advice."

the situation gets complicated
Shiyu found that Li Xingzhou still had that smirk on his face even at this time.

What kind of people are here, they are all here, and they are still smiling, and the poetic tone is anxious.

As a result, when he looked up, he found that his smirking eyes happened to meet him, and he was flustered and frightened, so he quickly avoided it.

He heard Li Xingzhou's voice not far away, raised his eyes slightly, and saw him laughing and patted Li Huan on the shoulder. Li Huan was obviously several years older than him but not as tall as Li Xingzhou at all. Just like the younger generation told the younger generation: "Sure enough, it is my good cousin, who gave me such a good idea, then write it down, and go prepare paper, pen and ink for me."

As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent, the words did not even include the word please, as if ordering the younger generation to serve
Li Huan's face was ugly, but he nodded in agreement. After all, he had always played the image of a good brother who cared about his cousin, but he was suddenly called such a general, so he had to keep doing it.
(End of this chapter)

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