The rise of the prince

Chapter 247 The Emperor's Decision + Liberation of Productivity

Chapter 247 The Emperor's Decision + Liberation of Productivity

The lights in the hut were dim and the atmosphere was depressing.

On the small black table covered with oil stains was a plate of crispy fried peanuts and a plate of scrambled eggs with leeks glowing with oil. Feng Tongqiang had a runny nose and tears, and his old face was flushed: "If I didn't run fast, I would be afraid of death." It’s in Prince Xiao’s mansion!”

His eldest brother Feng Tonghui frowned, and said with a displeased face: "Second brother, how dare you provoke the nobles of the royal family? If there is a slight mistake, our Feng family will follow you in disaster. You are harming people, and you are harming everyone!"

"I'm hurting people!" Feng Tongqiang countered dissatisfiedly: "It's Li Xingzhou who won't give us a way out."

"Why not give you a way to survive? He doesn't want you. If you go to work elsewhere, you can still live." Big brother Feng Tonghui patted the table and said.

He is the oldest in the family, and he is also a famous blacksmith of this generation. He has many blacksmith friends. When the palace recruited people, he wanted to go, but the palace said that he was too old and did not want him.

"You two, if you have something to say, talk about it, the whole family is like this, don't be afraid of embarrassment!" Feng Tongcai, the youngest fifth, scolded.

The two elder brothers glanced at each other, but they didn't dare to refute. The fifth brother was the youngest, but he followed Sun Banzhang, ignorant, but very capable, and could greet dozens of people casually.

Feng Tongqiang lowered his tone: "You don't understand, those water wheels outside the palace are as tall as three people, do you know what they are used for?"

Feng Tonghui shook his head, Feng Tongqiang stood up, looked at the yard through the crack of the door, closed the door carefully, and then said mysteriously: "That's for forging iron! As soon as the river flows, the big water wheel turns, and then inside the house The hammer weighs hundreds of catties, and you can strike iron by yourself, non-stop day and night, bang bang bang, bang bang!"

The two brothers were dumbfounded when they heard this: "There is such a thing, you are not lying."

"I'm lying to you! If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. It's by the river, and you can see it across the river. It's clear." Feng Tongqiang was very angry at the doubts of the two brothers, and said dissatisfied.

Feng Tongcai frowned, and put a peanut into his mouth: "Brother, it strikes iron as soon as it strikes iron. What does this have to do with you? What are you excited about?"

"It's none of my business!" Feng Tongqiang raised his hand and drank a large bowl of rice wine, then blew his breath and yelled loudly: "There are now five such big things in the palace, and there are new ones under construction, what do you know?
Those things can be hammered day and night, but two men can't lift the hammer. When the palace has dozens or hundreds of such things, why does the whole capital need us blacksmiths?That thing can eat no rice, no shit, no rest, it can beat the iron in the whole capital, let us brothers eat dirt! "

After hearing this, Feng Tonghui's face gradually became solemn, and he slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand, and he couldn't drink the wine. As an old blacksmith, he immediately understood the reason.

"This" the youngest brother, Feng Tongcai, was also speechless.

Feng Tongqiang's face was flushed, and he was drinking heavily. He was the only one among the brothers who had read a book, so he spoke more fluently: "You two think I want to make trouble, and I want to offend Prince Xiao?

I work in the palace, and I know better than you that Li Xingzhou is not only on the surface, the court ministers often come and go in the mansion, with bright jade hanging on their waists, and the horse that pulls the cart is a good horse with a hoof that is bigger than the mouth of a bowl. Big, taller than people, they are all nobles!I'm not stupid to offend him for no reason, I'm fighting for our lives! "

As he spoke, he took another big sip from the bowl, with a resentful expression on his face.

"What should we do?" The boss Feng Tonghui was silent for a long time, and he was also a little anxious.

The second child was sullen, and replied displeasedly: "You ask me, who should I ask? Li Xingzhou was almost beaten to death because of this matter. If you didn't run fast, you two will go to the palace to collect my body now!"

The hut suddenly became quiet, the night wind outside the house was howling, and the voice of the neighbor next door scolding the child could be heard from time to time.

After a long time, the old fifth Feng Tongcai said, "Why don't you make a fuss?"

"What's the trouble? You don't know how many people are in the palace. There are hundreds of people in the nursing home. If you dare to make trouble, you'll be courting death!" Feng Tongqiang disagreed.

"Second brother, what do you say, I'm not stupid, I mean, don't you know a lot of people, I also know a lot, call a few more people, those blacksmiths, carpenters, tell them, let's go to Kaiyuan Mansion Go make trouble." Feng Tongcai said.

"Don't forget, only a dozen days ago, thousands of companies made trouble in front of the emperor's palace. What happened in the end? The emperor was frightened, so he sent troops quickly. This time it's just a son, the grandson of the emperor. You can make an appointment with some blacksmiths and talk to them. Explain the seriousness of the matter, and bring hundreds of people to kneel in front of the Kaiyuan Mansion, Li Xingzhou must be afraid, so he demolished that broken thing." Lao Wu said clearly.

Both the boss and the second child fell into deep thought, and the second child Feng Tongqiang hesitated: "Will this be too risky? Besides, why would people listen to us? I think we should think about it again, think about it."

The fifth child spread his hands: "Just you two, anyway, I don't forge iron, and it's not me who will drink the northwest wind."


The boss frowned and thought for a long time: "I can call blacksmith friends better. Tell them that the matter is serious, and they will agree in all likelihood, but not many."

"What are you afraid of? There are many brothers on my road. If you ask anyone to join you, you can get a lot of them." The fifth Feng Tongcai replied confidently, and then waved his hand: "I'm afraid that you are too timid to do it."

"It's not a matter of being timid or not," said the second child, Feng Tongqiang, with a sad face.

"What is that?" Lao Wu looked disdainful.

"I can't explain this to you!"

"Not timid"


The boss interrupted them by raising his hand: "Now is not the time for brothers to fight, the key is that our two brothers are going to lose their jobs, there must be a way, there must be a way"

Old Wu looked unhappy, and put down the words directly: "I just have one word, if you want me to help, hurry up, you guys think about it before you talk, come out of this door tonight, and don't come to me after this."

The boss and the second are silent
The emperor put down the memorial in his hand, and rubbed the center of his brows: "Yang Hongzhao said that the Guazhou water village is almost built, but the morale of the army is not very stable."

The queen stepped forward and gently massaged his temples while saying, "It's good if you can survive."

"Yeah, it's a blessing to be able to make it through, but he also spoke bluntly in the memorial. The morale of the army was low. Because of the prince's fault, many soldiers complained about the prince, especially after hearing that the prince was only confined to the East Palace." The emperor sighed: "Hmph, the trouble my unfilial son has caused me!"

"The crown prince is the crown prince after all, and he is the East Palace, the foundation of the heavenly family." The empress said while massaging the emperor, "How could they dare to judge with words."

The emperor leaned on the back of the chair: "An ancient sage said, 'Defending the mouth of the people is better than defending the river'. Even the emperor, I can't control the mouth of the world."

He said and closed his eyes: "This time, the prince really disgraced the Tian family and killed many soldiers. It is understandable that there are criticisms in the army. I have expected it."

"How does His Majesty plan to deal with this matter?" the Queen asked.

The emperor stood up slowly, and the maid next to him put on a delicate purple fur cloak for him. After a while of silence, the queen picked up the teacup and was about to step forward, when the emperor suddenly said softly: "I want Xingzhou to go to the south."

The teacup in the Queen's hand trembled, and she almost let go: "Your Majesty! This."

"Listen to me." The emperor pressed his hand, and then walked to the queen: "I didn't ask him to fight. As a child of the Tian family, he doesn't need to lead the way. The front line can stabilize the morale of the army, boost morale, and win the hearts of the world.

That's the reason why I sent the prince there at the beginning, and I deliberately let Yang Hongzhao leave Beijing for a few days at night. As long as he follows the army, people all over the world will say that the prince of the Tian family has come to the front line to conquer the rebellion, and they will all cheer, but unfortunately he doesn't understand!
Now that Anxia Pass has been defeated, the reputation of Tianjia in the South is not as good as before. It is the time when someone can be in the south, stabilize the morale of the army, boost morale, and rebuild the majesty of Tianjia in the south.

I have already dispatched an army to protect him, so nothing serious will happen.When the Privy Council is ready, I will personally explain on the day when the soldiers and horses are handed over, that he does not need to fight in the south, he has to kill the enemy, he just needs to stabilize the morale of the army and wait for military success. "

"Yes, but the south is a land of chaos after all, where rebellion is rampant." The queen was still worried.

The emperor waved his hand: "I will give him some time to take over the imperial army, but as a child of the royal family, he must take responsibility. Many ministers also believe in his talents, so don't worry. Yu'er is too useless. King Lin, Xiao Wang Youying died young, and among the emperor's grandsons, he is the only one favored by the courtiers."

"But" the queen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the emperor raising his hand.

"I've made up my mind, but I'll tell you so that you don't have to worry." After saying that, he ignored the queen, turned and entered the inner hall.

The queen opened her mouth, but finally dared not speak.

Li Xingzhou gradually found something wrong with the poetry. In the past few days, when she was alone with Qiu'er, she mentioned the matter of Zhenbao Pavilion. When they were alone, she would listen to her lyrics from time to time. Still insist on opposing.

"Why did you sign this kind of contract?" Shiyu pointed to a stack of papers on the table, and looked at him puzzled, with dissatisfaction on his face.

Li Xingzhou glanced down, those were the contracts of the shipyard workers, and some were blank.

With a light tug, he pulled the woman into his arms: "Your husband has his own plan, be obedient and let everyone in Zhenbao Pavilion sign."

"But this... this is ridiculous!" Shiyu was still puzzled.

He didn't know how to explain: "One day you will understand." Shiyu gave him a blank look, but still accepted these new contracts.

Of course, this contract is not a labor contract for later generations. More protection of personal rights can stimulate labor enthusiasm and thus liberate productivity, but the problem lies in the lack of supervision in this era.

Jing Chao even said that the laws of the country in this era are not so strict, but more of the rule of man.

In later generations, when a dispute comes into people's eyes, no matter whether the law is implemented in place, whether it is exploiting legal loopholes or superficial work, there must be a reasonable argument. This is the supremacy of the legal system, and everyone must adhere to or obey it The law, even in appearance.

But the times are different now. In a word from the emperor, even the laws of the Jing Dynasty must give way, and it is justified.

Even the emperor, ministers like De Gong, can decide things with one sentence.

In this case, regulation is powerless.

Even if his contract stated that he would grant the workers various freedoms and rights, the imperial court would not recognize it, nor would the Kaiyuan Mansion, so who would supervise it?You can't supervise yourself, you are not convincing at all, and you can't stimulate your enthusiasm for labor.

The contract route does not work, but as the palace continues to grow, the current employment method has begun to limit the liberation of productivity.

Li Xingzhou can only go another way, which is to use biological instinct.

The operation of the human brain relies on feedback. From a psychological point of view, this means that people do not actually understand or fully control themselves. They need incentives and feedback to stimulate their inner potential.

Many things are not difficult, but the loss of will caused by long-term lack of feedback, making it difficult to persist.

For example, the gap between 600 points and 400 points in the college entrance examination is 200 points. The actual gap is likely to be the gap between motorcycles and BMWs, rental houses and small villas.

But in fact, 200 points are not much. In the three years of high school, counting 900 days less, on average, every day, from 400 points to 600 points, you only need to improve by 0.2 points per day, that is, you only need to improve by 10 points in 2 days, and then accumulate over time , you can go from 400 points to 600 points, and there are 195 days to rest and relax during this period.

The problem is that people are as rare as a feather, and there is a huge gap between theory and reality.

One of the biggest problems is the lack of feedback.

Students work hard on exercises for a day, have I made progress?How much progress have you made?
totally no idea.
No feedback, no sense of accomplishment.

The human brain generates stimulation after receiving feedback, and then becomes excited, which then becomes a new driving force.

This is a cycle, but there is no feedback for a long time, have you made progress?I don't know, how much progress has been made?I don’t know, this kind of fruitless effort makes the brain lack feedback and wears down people’s will. People who don’t get feedback also lose their motivation and cannot persist.

So it is obviously a very simple matter of improving 0.2 every day and 2 points in ten days, but few people can stick to it, because there is no motivation without feedback.

People are not afraid of hard work, but fear of fruitless efforts, which is determined by the way our brains work.

Therefore, timely feedback is the most able to stimulate people's labor enthusiasm.

The history of human development can also be interpreted from this aspect. From the very beginning of slavery, slaves were the private property of their masters and were for life. Labor was an obligation without any remuneration.

It is equivalent to all labor without feedback for life, how can it be possible to stimulate the people's enthusiasm for labor and liberate the labor force?
Then slavery was eliminated due to restricting productivity, and civilization moved forward, and then to feudal society, which is also the system of Jing Dynasty today.

Slaves were abolished on the surface, but many of them sold themselves to rich families and worked long-term jobs for more than ten years, decades, or even a lifetime.

Although there is remuneration, the labor paid, and then the feedback cycle of getting paid lasts for more than ten years, decades.

Although it is better than the labor of slavery without feedback, the feedback cycle of decades has already exhausted all people's enthusiasm for labor. Where there is enthusiasm for labor is also very detrimental to the liberation of labor.

In modern times, the contract system and labor contracts were gradually established, and the remuneration changed from decades of long-term workers to annual salaries, gradually to monthly salaries, and even in modern times, there are many daily salaries, and hourly salary settlements have become popular in developed countries.

The change is not only due to the improvement of the social supervision system, but also the efficient and fast pace of life.

It is more because this method conforms to the laws of human physiology and psychology, quickly gives people labor and feedback, and makes people feel a continuous sense of accomplishment, which will maximize people's labor enthusiasm and liberate the labor force.

Li Xingzhou can't complete the supervision system and inspire Minzhi and other earth-shattering events, but he can do one more thing, stimulate people's enthusiasm for work and further liberate the labor force.

The new contract he signed with the workers has not changed much in terms of personal rights. The only change is that the contract is valid for five years. money, but much higher than before.

This kind of monthly money is different from the monthly money in the palace.

The monthly money of the servants in the palace depends entirely on the master's happiness, how much to give, and whether to send it all depends on Li Xingzhou's mood.

The monthly money of the shipyard workers is all their income, labor income, their source of income, and the foundation of their survival.

In the contract, Li Xingzhou defined it as the word "salary" for the first time.

But there is also a problem, because of the lack of supervision, many workers do not trust it.

Although there was no dignity in selling oneself to the Wei family for decades, and the rewards were low, at least they were guaranteed to have food and live a life, because they were the source of wealth for the Wei family.

Now it seems that the wages are high, and they are not subject to too many constraints, and they are more free, but if the palace does not keep promises and suddenly does not pay wages, what can they do?who to talk to
Li Xingzhou also knew that there was no way to do it. It took time to build a reputation.

In mid-March, the palace had stockpiled more than 500 catties of wrought iron, more than 800 grenades, and 220 four firearms. Ji Chunsheng brought news from the court every day, and the Privy Council's acceptance of the fifth chamber of the Shenwu Army had come to an end.

Li Xingzhou is gearing up and can't wait to take over his first armed force
(End of this chapter)

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