The rise of the prince

Chapter 257 The World Is Such a Coincidence + Suzhou Puzzle

Chapter 257 The World Is Such a Coincidence + Suzhou Puzzle
At the beginning of March, the most lively and festive day in the palace, news spread from the palace one after another, and the ministers also began to discuss that Li Xingzhou, the son of Prince Xiao, was named King of Pingnan County by the emperor and led troops to supervise the army in the south.

There was an uproar in the public opinion for a while, and those who scolded the prince stopped, and began to turn around to discuss this matter.

Some people think that Li Xingzhou is talented, he is the emperor's grandson, and he is going to the south to supervise the army, so it is reasonable to be named the county king.Some people think that Li Xingzhou is a great evil in the capital, and he is too young. The emperor is so stupid that he actually named him king.

And the palace was the first to know that Li Xingzhou was crowned king, and there was a lot of celebration. The reason why they knew so early was because He Qian came to the palace to report the news just after the army set off.

The whole palace was immersed in joy, and after checking the news with Ji Chunsheng, Yan Yan was so excited that he burst into tears, and asked his servants to kill pigs and sheep to sacrifice to the ancestors, and wanted to tell the ancestors about this great event.

Different from the past, this time because the eldest son was not at home, Yan Yan specially arranged for Gillian to take the lead in prostration. After all, everyone in the palace has recognized her as the mistress, and they have adopted the ceremony of asking for her name, which is justified.

Then came Qiu'er, Yue'er, and Shiyu. Shiyu resisted at first, but everyone was looking at her, so they followed her with reddish faces.

After the mistresses of the family had worshiped, Yan Yan went up to worship, and then talked about recent events to the ancestral spirit tablet, and how the son was promising.

Under the good news of the day, the palace was full of joy, even a strict and stingy person like Yan Xi was so happy that he ordered people to buy fish and meat to provide extra meals for the people in the palace.

Shiyu also gradually got used to the life in the palace. After the bastard left, Qiu'er and Yue'er two younger sisters stayed behind. She agreed to live in the palace. Everyone calls her Mrs.

I'm not used to poetry, but I don't bother to argue with them, what do they know.

On the contrary, Qiu'er, Yue'er, and Miss Wang's family all respect her very much, because she is the oldest among them, and she is a little angry and anxious about the recognition of the three girls. The girl just laughed it off, making her feel like she explained in vain.

I also understand the poetry later on, and I can't explain it clearly, but there are ripples in my heart that I can't explain clearly.

Blame it on that bastard. Speaking of which, he has been away for many days, and he remembered the words in the small building of Zhenbao Pavilion. Is it such a masterpiece as "Sapphire Case" or "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden".
However, the business he completed before he left was indeed unexpectedly large.

Eighteen merchants, just the deposit at the beginning of March allowed the Wangfu to enter a total of 11 taels. After the goods are in stock, there will be 3000 taels, and that month will be 11 taels!

It's not just her, even the other stewards in the palace were shocked, 20 taels a month, wouldn't it be more than 200 million taels a year.She had never seen such a large amount of money, but Manager Yan Yan asked her to manage it according to Li Xingzhou's instructions.

At first, when the bastard insisted on doing this, she stopped her. She didn't think about the pros and cons of it, but instinctively felt that it was impossible. Now that I think about it, he must have planned it a long time ago.But so much money was handed over to her, and I don't know how big that bastard is. If she took away the money and absconded, he would not be afraid. How did that bastard treat him back then?
Asshole Li Xingzhou!
He seems to understand everything, human heart, business affairs, court, life, there is nothing he doesn't understand.

Even on the bed, he always knows all kinds of weird things, and he is proficient in humming, which makes her unable to resist. Thinking of this poem is a little uncomfortable, that little bastard is only 16 years old, where did he learn it? those bad things.

However, thinking of Li Xingzhou's reputation as a big murderer in the capital, I don't know how many evil things he has done before, and it is normal to know, but he feels more and more uncomfortable.

"Sister Shiyu, what are you thinking, your face is blushing." Yue'er's words interrupted her thoughts.

Only then did Shiyu come back to his senses, and quickly shook his head: "It's nothing, let's hurry up, we have to go to Zhiyue Tower later."

Yue'er shook her hand, pouted and said: "Obviously I walked fast, sister Shiyu walked slowly, why did you put me down."

Shiyu smiled awkwardly, she was distracted just now, and quickly apologized: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I accidentally blamed Haoyue'er."

Yue'er put her hands on her hips solemnly: "I will forgive you when I buy candied haws later."

"Little girl." Shiyu tapped her forehead and couldn't help laughing, Yue'er stuck out her tongue happily at her.

They went to Zhiqiu Tower and Zhiyue Tower today to help Yan Kun reconcile the accounts.

Yan Kun was too busy, so he had to ask them for help. Yue'er was at the shipyard, and Gillian was writing a thank-you form for Li Xingzhou to submit in the letter. Finally, the two of them came, with two maids and two servants behind them.

Zhiqiu Building is also very big, and there are fewer customers than Tingyu Building. The two entered through the back door and walked directly to the back hall. When they saw them coming, the waiter hurriedly greeted them, served tea, and then went to call the shopkeeper.

The new shopkeeper was recommended by Yan Kun. He hurried over after hearing the news, said a few polite words, and then took them to the private room on the third floor, brought up the account book, and asked Shiyu to check.

The two servants and maidservants stood guard at the stairs, preventing idlers from waiting up.

Shiyu learned some new algorithms from Qiu'er, and it happened to be used, but she is not as good as Qiu'er, and she is a little confused about many things Qiu'er said, but it is more than enough to check the accounts.

Yue'er was very bored, making tea for her, the room suddenly became quiet, and once it was quiet, other sounds became very clear. I can hear you clearly.

"Brother Bao, if you don't want to think about it, let's not talk about the matter of becoming a king, what is the move to send a sensual dude to fight? My prosperity is already in danger, and the people are in dire straits, suffering terribly, but the emperor sent such a A piece of trash to resist the rebels in Suzhou? My younger brother is not talented and has never fought any battles, but he thinks he is better than him."

"Brother Liu, you can't say that. King Pingnan is amazingly talented and has his own strategies in his chest. Everyone can see this. Whether it is the Meiyuan Poetry Meeting before or the Shangyuan Poetry Meeting last time, which time is not skillful? Besides, the emperor has many princes and grandchildren, so it must be reasonable to choose Li Xingzhou among so many people."

"Hey, brother Bao, you are still too young. How can you understand the affairs between the big men above? Can things be so simple? There must be all kinds of ulterior secrets in it."

"Oh, what kind of secret can there be? It's nothing more than the minister's trust and His Majesty's love. What else can I do?"

"Hahaha, brother Liu, you are not deeply involved in the world, so it's too simple to think, I'm someone who has experienced it."

"That's right, it's not that simple."

"That's right, if the world's major affairs are so simple, wouldn't it be possible for me to govern the country."

"Yes, yes, in my opinion, there must be something hidden."

"Yes, and it must be an ulterior and shocking secret."


Everyone was talking about it, Yue'er upstairs was a little unhappy when she heard it, and stood up abruptly: "They are slandering the prince."

While checking the accounts, Shiyu gently pulled her to sit down, and said with a smile, "Let them talk, they're just a bunch of idiots, nothing to worry about."

"It sounds irritating." The little girl pouted, Shiyu stroked her little head, and then calmed her down.

Shiyu has met many people and done many things, and understands that these people are just talking nonsense and talking out of thin air.

As the bastard said, uninformed people will always complicate simple things, and then the more they think about it, the more difficult it becomes, and the more they think about it, the more magical they become. This is not only because they are ignorant, but also because it is a kind of psychological self-hypnosis.

Say things are difficult, complicated, or mysterious, and if you don’t fight for it or do it, you have a reason to comfort yourself in your heart.

It's not that I don't do it, it's not that I'm lazy, but that the fact is too difficult, it's really unpredictable, and I really can't understand it.

Therefore, those who are willing to make progress will simplify the complexity and try to make one thing simple and feasible.And lazy people will deliberately complicate things to comfort themselves.

The only benefit after complicating things is that there are more things to talk about, and you can have something to say, but things stop at talking.

The people below were still arguing fiercely, and finally the scholar named Bao had nothing to say under the siege of everyone.Everyone then turned to talk about whether Pingnan King Li Xingzhou's trip to the south could solve the disaster in the south.

Most people hold a pessimistic attitude, so Li Xingzhou, who has had mixed reputations, is now being reviled by most people.

There was a lot of noise downstairs, the words were impassioned, and the reasons for scolding were all kinds of strange. Some people said that Li Xingzhou's going south delayed the general's going south.

Shiyu is a little bit funny, she has met the general, he is quite old, can he go south can bear it, let alone, is he going south to seize Yang Hongzhao's power?A general, a commander in front of the palace, who of them has the final say?Then there is no need to fight, but infighting first.

Some people say that he is too young, so he must be unstable; Water, the humidity in the south is heavy, it must be overcome
In short, the reasons are messy, and the more people talk, the more excited they become, and the more they talk, the more they feel that they are reasonable, like-minded, and all kinds of reasons emerge in endlessly.

Yue'er's face turned dark when she heard it, and she almost wanted to rush downstairs to curse, but was stopped by Shiyu.

Pull the little girl into her arms to comfort her, in fact, if she is unprepared, she also wants to curse.

But before leaving Beijing, that bastard hugged her on the bed and said those things, he had already expected that, he repeatedly told himself and Ji Chunsheng, who was in charge of the security of the mansion, to calm down if something happened, and not to get angry when he was not around.

"Once a person likes something, he will even like its opposite indiscriminately; once he doesn't like a thing, he will even irrationally deny his positive side."

Shiyu clearly remembered what he said to himself that night, he also said it was called "halo effect" or something
She didn't understand what that guy was talking nonsense, but she remembered his advice, and now the general situation in Beijing was exactly as he expected, just like the bet she made with herself back then.

He is obviously not in the capital, Shiyu bit his lip a little bit unconvinced, why does he always know everything
"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!" Meng Zhiye blushed and shouted in the hall, the jade wat in his hand was almost crushed by him, and all the officials behind him could only watch.

"Why not?" The emperor sat in a high position and asked coldly.

"Xiao Wang's son Li Xingzhou misbehaved, he was domineering and domineering, he didn't look like a heavenly family at all, the emperor's grandson was elegant, the people scolded everywhere, and he rode horses in the palace, he was Li Xingzhou"

"My lord, the emperor has decreed that Li Xingzhou be the king of Pingnan County. The imperial decree was drafted by Zhongshu. Your Majesty's royal paintings came to review under the door, and the minister sent them personally. Every item is reasonable and reasonable. It has been sent to Pingnan King. You should Call him King Pingnan!" He Zhao, who usually doesn't talk much, suddenly interrupted him with a blank expression.

Meng Zhiye was stunned, he never thought that He Zhao would refute him!

The old man was furious immediately, his eyes widened and he said: "This old man is the emperor's teacher. The Ministry of Rites judges the affairs of the Ministry and governs the country's legal principles. How dare you talk to me like this. My name is Li Xingzhou. He is the son of Prince Xiao. What do you want to do with me!"

He Zhao was expressionless, bowed his hands to the emperor calmly, and then said: "Your Majesty also heard that the Chinese scriptures were drafted, His Majesty's royal paintings were sealed by the door, and the imperial decree issued by the Shangshu himself, Mr. Meng, unexpectedly did not recognize it. Afterwards, the system of ministers insisted on denying the king of Pingnan County appointed by His Majesty's decree, what is this not against the decree?"

As soon as He Zhao's words came out, the court fell silent, but the emperor's eyes lit up.

Meng Zhiye was also stunned, his pupils dilated instantly, his eyebrows raised, and his nostrils dilated. Only now did he realize what a big mistake he had made in anger!Just when he was about to say something, he found that the face of the first emperor had completely changed.

"Master Meng! You are an important minister in the court and my emperor's teacher. I never thought that you would commit such a heinous crime today." The emperor shook his head in grief, and he was convicted instantly with one sentence, leaving no room for rebuttal.

Meng Zhiye was so frightened that his whole body trembled, he quickly knelt down and said in a panic: "Your Majesty, the old minister never meant that, he just slipped his tongue for a moment. Li Xingzhou is the King of Pingnan County, he is the King of Pingnan, Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Master Meng taught me how to teach me in the first place. If you don't change it, it's too much! These are the words of a sage, have you forgotten the teacher?" The emperor looked unbearable.

"This, this, this..." Meng Zhiye was completely anxious, but he couldn't find anything to say.

He is usually full of the words of the sages, saying that the words of the sages are infallible, they are the foundation of studying and governing the country, and they are things that he will talk about all his life. Now that His Majesty is blocking him with a sage's words, how can he refute?

Meng Zhiye hurriedly turned his head to look at the many ministers, they all looked at Fang Liang, and none of them pleaded for him.He was so anxious that he never expected that the absurdity of his words in a hurry would force him to this situation in just a short moment!
"According to the etiquette and law of our court, those who resist the decree and do not obey the nine clans will be implicated, but Master Meng is the emperor's teacher, so naturally we can't generalize it. What do you say?" the emperor said, and he looked at the second group standing Mao Luan took a look at the Ministry of Industry.

Meng Zhiye had a little hope in his heart, and he didn't care about his arrogance, so he quickly looked at the people behind him with pleading eyes.

Mao Luan, the judge of the Ministry of Industry, stood up, "Your Majesty has great virtue and kindness. I can't bear to see my teacher end up like this. He is really a model for all the officials."


"Your Majesty is wise."

"Lord Mao is right!"


All the ministers agreed, and Meng Zhiye's complexion improved a lot, and he stared closely at Mao Luan.

Holding the jade wat in his hand, Mao Luan went on to say: "However, national law is also the foundation of the country, and it cannot be lightly abolished. Otherwise, how can we serve the people and rule the world? In my opinion, His Majesty can pardon Mr. Meng for the crime of implicating Mr. Meng. If you want to ask the crime, you can ask Meng Only one person is enough. This is not only worthy of the kindness of master and disciple, but also not damaging the law of the country."

Meng Zhiye was stunned for a moment.

The emperor nodded: "Mao Luan's words are reasonable, so I will pardon Master Meng's crime, but if there is no trust, Master Meng will bear the crime of resisting the decree. Come on, let the Ministry of Rites judge Meng Zhiye, the minister of the Ministry of Rites. Escorted to Yushitai prison and imprisoned, waiting for Yushitai's trial."

Now Meng Zhiye cried in fright, no matter how he was tried for the crime of resisting the decree, he would not survive even with ten heads!

Two mighty Shangzhi personal guards entered the door and dragged the old man out. Meng Zhiye cursed Mao Luan while being dragged away, and disappeared outside the Changchun Hall in a short while.

Most of the officials shivered silently in their hearts. Meng Zhiye, the emperor's teacher and the Ministry of Rites judged the matter, because of the impeachment of Li Xingzhou, the newly named Pingnan County King, unexpectedly ended up like this!
It can be seen that His Majesty loves you so much, and thinking of Li Xingzhou becoming king at the age of 16, he kept reminding himself that this Li Xingzhou must not be messed with!
However, the few ministers who knew about it, such as Mao Luan, knew that the emperor wanted Meng Zhiye's death not because of Li Xingzhou, but because of the deep resentment. Today, he finally found a chance. revenge.

But most of them are not Mao Luan, nor the empress or concubine Tian, ​​they have no idea how much the emperor hates that Meng Zhiye.

From their point of view, Meng Zhiye's death was nothing more than the impeachment of King Pingnan in court.

Sometimes the world is such a coincidence.

Holding the letter paper in his hand, Yang Hongzhao paced around the big tent, a little surprised, while the prefect of Guazhou and the deputy general stood behind him without saying a word.

"Why do you say rebels?" He frowned, and turned around to ask: "The army of rebels is overwhelming, and they are all stationed at the border of Luzhou, but they have not marched for a long time."

The deputy general interjected: "According to reports from the spies, they have been stationed for almost a month, and their strength has been increasing. From about a thousand at the beginning, it has grown to more than ten thousand, but they are still motionless. They are just nailed to the south of Luzhou."

The magistrate of Guazhou said: "Could the thieves be afraid?"

Yang Hongzhao shook his head: "It is absolutely impossible. I would have seen Anxia in person that night. There are at least a hundred thousand people who can fight in Suzhou. Besides, they have won new victories and their morale is booming. It is a good time to fight again. Luzhou has a vast land and people. Not to mention, the total number of Xiang troops is less than three thousand, so how could they be afraid."

Everyone stopped talking, and the situation in Suzhou became more and more confusing. Everyone in the big tent couldn't figure out what the thief was.

At this moment, a guard came in and reported: "General, Prince Pingnan, the commander of the Tenth Army of the New Army has arrived ten miles outside the city."

Yang Hongzhao's thoughts were interrupted, he was a little impatient, and dissatisfied: "When you get outside the city, you can come in by yourself, why don't you have to go out of the city ten miles to meet him!"

"General calm down, let him finish his sentence first." The magistrate of Guazhou comforted him, and then gestured to the guard with his eyes.

The guard hurriedly continued: "King Pingnan wanted to ask the general where the camp was left for him, and he said that he would come to see the general in person after setting up the camp."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Li Xingzhou, the murderer of the capital, to be so talkative.

Besides, he was very polite, but Yang Hongzhao felt a little embarrassed. He thought for a while and said, "Send out the Seventh Army of auxiliary troops, let the commander of the army lead the team, personally lead King Pingnan to the camp, and then help them set up camp."

"Yes!" The guard took the order, took the command flag and left.

Yang Hongzhao was a little confused, he always felt that something was wrong.
(End of this chapter)

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