The rise of the prince

Chapter 284 Luzhou Bureau

Chapter 284 Luzhou Bureau
April comes unknowingly, the trees are green and the flowers are lush.

Li Xingzhou looked at the thousands of corpses piled up in the pit, including people from Luzhou and rebels. He took a deep breath and threw down the torch. The pile of corpses that had been doused with oil suddenly burst into flames, black smoke rose into the sky, and the pungent smell It was disgusting, and he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't dare to be in the past life or this life. In his hands, so many people died for the first time.

At least the sacrifice is worthwhile after this battle is won, with one hundred thousand shi of grain and a lot of luggage.

In fact, there was no major incident at the granary that night. Although there were dozens of rebels guarding the granary, they were a small obstacle, but they were quickly cleared.

Li Xingzhou is not stupid enough to go up and kill the enemy by himself. The sword has no eyes, and killing him is only a matter of one shot. In addition, the light is dim. In such an environment, life and death are not determined by material resources, but by luck, not a joke. .

After several rounds of volleys from the Shenji Camp, no one could stop them anymore. Yan Shen hacked to death a rebel who pretended to be dead and made a surprise attack, and Li Xingzhou took the opportunity to get some blood.

After dawn the next morning, the blood on his body turned into various stories about King Pingnan taking the lead and fighting the enemy bravely.

And among the common people, it became more and more magical, and the more it was passed on, the more lifelike it was. Some people said that he beheaded more than a dozen, some said he killed hundreds, just like Guan Gong, and some people swore that they saw a bloody path in the rebellious army of King Pingnan. , beheaded several hundred.
In short, the blood was not bad, he was really smart at the time.

But Li Xingzhou is not a child. Although he won a big victory, he laughed for several days, but he was not to the point of being dazzled by the victory.

Winning is winning, but if the rebels react and counterattack the camp, they will not be able to defend anyway.

At the beginning of April, under the order of Li Xingzhou, the people burned the camp, burned all the corpses on the spot, and then buried them simply.

Many people opposed it at first, but Li Xingzhou strongly demanded that it be burned. Thousands of corpses, and the temperature gradually rises at the turn of late spring and early summer, and the air in the south is humid and hot. If you are not careful, it will cause a plague.

Then they withdrew back to Luzhou with food and luggage, seventy or eighty thousand people, not to mention other things, it was very convenient to move things.

After this battle, the people of Luzhou rejoiced, the whole territory of Luzhou rejoiced, and the morale was high. Everyone said that King Pingnan was good, and some even said that they would build a temple to worship him.

One hundred thousand shi of grain is enough to meet the urgent needs, but people have immediate worries without long-term considerations.

When she returned to the city, my aunt had brought a group of people to the city gate and was waiting for them. When she saw that he had returned safely with many people, she couldn't hold back her tears. She cried and laughed at the same time, holding him and talking for a long time.

The next day, Li Xingzhou set out to dismiss most of the people and let them return to their hometowns to farm.

It's the end of spring now, and they can barely catch up with the plowing. If spring plowing is missed at this time, there will be another famine in winter.

In addition, he left more than 1 strong men and re-armed. He wanted to keep more people, but unfortunately Luzhou is not Suzhou, and the treasury is limited, armor and weapons are limited, and there are too many people to support.

After rectification, he handed over 8000 of them to Commander Di Zhi.

8000 people can be counted as one box.

Although Jingchao's army stipulates that there are 2 people in one box, it is not strict.

For example, among the forbidden army, the Lingjie Army who has been guarding Guanbei Road for many years, and the Wulie Army who has been defending Jiannan Road, are smaller than the Shenwu Army (Yulin Army) who has been defending Kyoto all the year round, but they are more elite. people, or about seven to eight thousand people.

Although he is the king of Pingnan, he is only a ranger general in the army, an army commander, and cannot leapfrog the establishment.

So although there were 8000 people, a battalion was organized, called the Fifth Battalion of the Tenth Army, all under the jurisdiction of Di Zhi, and heavy weapons such as the god arm crossbow, boat crossbow, siege towers, and catapults all belonged to the fifth battalion.

The remaining more than 2000 people belonged to the horse army, and the horses were all captured from the rebel camp.

Jing State was no different than Liao State. If Liao State had a main army of 2000, at least [-] horses, half of which were war horses and pack horses. However, the rebel army had [-] troops, but in the end they only found more than [-] horses. Fortunately, most of them were good horses.

Pick out those who can ride horses from ordinary people and hunters, and train them temporarily. Naturally, such cavalry is not as good as the regular horse army, but it is better than nothing, and it will be organized into the sixth battalion. He originally wanted Yan Shen to be the commander, but after thinking about it, he decided to It was decided to let Qi Rui be the commander.

After all, Yan Shen is a member of the palace. He is familiar with gunpowder, firearm production and working mechanism, and has the most exposure to firearms. It is better to keep him by his side.

As the supreme leader, the most taboo thing is not daring to delegate power and being arbitrary in everything.

Di Zhi is very talented. In fact, from the previous assassination of the emperor, Li Xingzhou can see that he is very decisive and has strong execution ability. In addition, he was originally an officer of the Imperial Army and knows military affairs better.

The Yamen of Huaihua Prefecture also temporarily became the place where Li Xingzhou was stationed and worked.

Qifang had a lot of opinions, but she didn't dare to protest. Her father, the magistrate, who was bewitched by the great immortal of the world, finally found her. When she saw him, she kowtowed and worshiped him, she was ashamed, and she said that he said what he said, and it was nothing. opinionated.

It seems that what Qi Fang said is right, most of the big and small things in Huaihua Mansion are taken care of by their brothers and sisters, and it is enough for the father to be a magistrate who has nothing to do.

Li Xingzhou ordered Qifang, the Xiang army, to withdraw back to the Xiang army of Huaihua Prefecture, and then hand over the city defense affairs to Di Zhi, while the Xiang army was in charge of public security in the city, which was equivalent to handing over the entire Luzhou city to Di Zhi.

Qi Fang had a strong desire for power, so of course this woman was extremely unwilling, and she even complained to him a few words, but fortunately, she was quite knowledgeable, and the complaints were nothing but complaints, so she obediently handed over the city defense to Di Zhi, because Di Zhi knew more about military affairs.

Moreover, his second brother Qi Rui took over the sixth battalion of the horse army, which is also a good thing for them to get started.

Di Zhi was very grateful. He was just a commoner. Before he met King Pingnan, he thought that his life was nothing more than the end of his life. He didn't expect that now he was in charge of a large army and the defense of the capital. I can leave my name.

Then he received the four house numbers, door keys, etc. from Qifang, took over the defense, deployed the city to take turns, and repaired the gaps in the city wall.

Qirui's horse army was ordered to investigate the area south of Luzhou. Li Xingzhou repeatedly told Qirui that if they encountered the enemy, they could not fight and they would withdraw immediately. The task of their sixth battalion was to disperse patrols and investigate and monitor the enemy's situation.

As for the situation in Suzhou, of course Li Xingzhou had no way to deal with it. After all, Luzhou in Suzhou was separated by Linyang City, which was like a fortress.

But he didn't need to guess, because Wang Lun, the head of the Wang family of the rich Suzhou family he had met before, had already told him how they planned to bring down the prefect Su's family, how to win the hearts of the people, etc., but these were not important.

The most important thing is that according to Wang Lun's dictation, the big families in Suzhou, Fen's family, Wang's family, etc. are all dissatisfied with Ding's family. They didn't dare to attack before because Ding's family monopolized power and held the army, but now they have suffered such a big defeat. , the wall fell down and everyone pushed it, and the Ding family must have a hard time.

When it comes to the game at the strategic level, the thousands of people who died are probably not important. The important one hundred thousand shi of grain and the many supplies, even if the Suzhou family has a big business, it is equivalent to cutting a large piece of meat.

This will give Luzhou a chance to breathe.

Although they won for a while, Li Xingzhou was still sober. They were not the opponents of the rebels. To win in the strategic situation, they had to delay. The longer the delay, the worse it would be for the rebels.

And this victory gave them the capital to drag on.

(End of this chapter)

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