Chapter 297

Wang Feng is from the Wang family of a rich family in Suzhou. His father is Wang Lun, the patriarch. He is the eldest son of the family.

He is 32 years old, and he is the most valued young generation by the Wang family, that's why he was sent to the army.

The Wang family is deeply rooted in Suzhou, even the Ding family has to give face, so he is the commander of the army as soon as he arrives in the army, although there are only about [-] troops under him.

Wang Feng has never been a peaceful person, he has always been the pride of heaven, an incomparable pride of heaven, until the appearance of Ding Yi.

Looking at the dark night, grilling a warm bonfire, eating honey-soaked barbecue, and drinking fine wine, Wang Feng did not say a word. There were young talents from several other big families sitting opposite him. They lowered their heads and frowned. , a few of them were even slightly trembling and afraid, not as calm as Wang Feng.

Seeing this, Wang Feng put the barbecue back on the fire, wiped the oil from the corners of his mouth, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and his eyes were somewhat disdainful: "I said, this is the last chance, when the troops withdraw back to Xu State, the Ding family will still be the Ding family." , with a large army in hand, think about how the Ding family oppressed you back then, and think about how much of my country Xu's power is in the hands of the Ding family.

God will not give us a second chance. Now that Ding Yi is ill and Liu Ji is in dire straits, together we hold more than half of the troops. I have bribed Zhong Li who lives in the Central Army, and he will open the door for us. The gate of the big tent, as long as Ding Yi can't return to Xu State, then the Ding family will have a share in the great power of Xu State!
As for Ding Yi, he can be taken away by wild beasts in the mountains, or shot to death by random arrows from Luzhou people, whatever, how? "

Everyone quieted down, the flames danced, the lights and shadows flickered, and the faces of the people also changed with the flames, but no one made a sound.

Wang Feng was annoyed in his heart, and just about to get angry, at this moment, Fen Juyu, a member of the five generations of the Fen family, cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Wang, my nephew is willing, a man is a man, you should fight when you are alive, if you are born to be vigorous, if you die, you must fight!" You have to do something. You are right, if you miss this time, when Ding Yi returns to Xu State, there will be no chance!"

Wang Feng was overjoyed to see someone supporting him.

Among everyone in Suzhou, the Fen family had the best relationship with their Wang family, and they were hostile to the Ding family, because the Ding family used them and betrayed them.

He stepped forward to grab Fen Juyu's hand, and said happily in a low voice: "Well, well, sure enough, young people are courageous and courageous. If things come to fruition, I will never treat Nephew Fen badly!"

Fen Juyu took the lead, and the rest of the people also began to express their willingness to join. In the end, the few remaining people did not dare to say anything, and quickly expressed their willingness to contribute. After all, it is very dangerous to be a minority.

In late April, Xu's army suspended the siege of the city. After the rainy season in early summer, the sky began to clear up, and it became dry and dry, and the heat was unbearable.But it's not just the air that's restless, but also people's hearts.

Ding Yi's most trusted deputy commander, Liu Ji, desperately ordered the army to pull out the camp and retreat back to Xu State, obviously out of fear of accidents.

But because the people did not listen to his orders, the camp moved slowly for several days, but there was still no progress. The defenders at the head of Luzhou City and the people cheered when they saw them pull out the camp, but they did not dare to open the door to fight. Luzhou several times.

After April 25th, the east and west battalions moved slowly. Although they obeyed Liu Ji's order, they demolished one or two camps every day, which was extremely inefficient.

On the night of the 28th, the agreed time came.
The sky is clear and cloudless, and the summer night stars are shining brightly. Even if you don't light a torch, you can see the road clearly.

In the middle of the night, many black shadows quietly set off from the east and west battalions, walked to the south side of the woods next to the camp, and approached the Chinese army camp.

Wang Feng had a sword on his waist, followed by a hundred people, all dressed in black and without armor.

These are the most trustworthy elites in the army. The reason why they no longer cut down forests in the west camp and build siege vehicles is to challenge Liu Ji and refuse to accept his command on the surface, and the second is to not destroy the forest to the south of the camp. .

Walking from this woods, you can use the woods as cover, and detour behind the large tent of the Chinese army without being discovered.

After a while, the teams from all around gradually gathered together. They used the chirping of tits as their call, one long call, two short calls, and one long and one short call to be their own.

Soon, after more than a dozen nobles from the Xu family, they all brought their own soldiers to join in, most of them were a dozen people, two to thirty people, and the most was Fen Jiafen, who brought about a hundred people.

Wang Feng liked this young guy very much. He was the most courageous and the first to support his plan.

Wang Feng patted him on the shoulder to show his approval, and then they waited quietly in the woods for more than half an hour just to be on the safe side.
They waited until the middle of the night, when almost everyone in the Chinese army camp had fallen asleep, that they slowly entered.

Wang Feng held his breath and took every step carefully. They walked from the back of the big tent, and the sentries in front couldn't find it. When they reached the outside of the Chinese army's big tent, the gate had already been opened, and Zhong Li kept the agreement!

Wang Feng felt complacent, and couldn't help getting excited.

Ding Yi, Ding Yi, the smart one was confused for a while, when Zhong Li spoke for them, Ding Yi made a face to him, then Wang Feng knew that Zhong Li should be a wolfish and ambitious person, and Ding Yi was just forced by the situation, more What is meant is to cling to the power, not to be dead set.

But Ding Yi let such a person live around the Chinese army tent because of his friendship!

Sure enough, just as he thought, several times of private contact and persuasion, and the temptation of money and power, Zhong Li quickly agreed to help them open the gate of the Chinese army camp from the inside.
"Ding Yi, Ding Yi, what a proud son of heaven, it seems that I have the better skills!" Hiding behind the big tent, Wang Feng whispered triumphantly.

The cold light came out of the sheath, and immediately shouted to kill. Wang Feng gave an order, and hundreds of people rushed to the big tent of the Chinese army in an instant. The soldiers guarding the front door had no time to react. He moved slowly, and was cut down to the ground before he ran far.

Hundreds of people swarmed up and rushed into the big tent of the Chinese army where Ding Yi was.

Afterwards, flames broke out everywhere, and Wang Feng was squeezed into the center by the crowd. He could only hear shouts of killing everywhere. Seeing the flames shaking, he wanted to squeeze out excitedly, but there were too many people.

Excited in his heart, he raised his arms and shouted: "Those who kill Ding Yi will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver!"

Immediately high morale
The night wind howled, all kinds of messy sounds mixed together, and the situation outside could not be seen clearly.There were so many figures, Wang Feng couldn't get out and could only wait for the result.

But slowly, his smile froze, and he gradually realized something was wrong.
Outside is the sound of swords and soldiers colliding, and the shouts of killing are getting louder and louder. It is like thousands of people. It is good to have high morale, but...
But he only has a few hundred people!Where is there such a loud shout of killing!
Also, he gradually realized that they came here by moonlight, without a torch, how could there be firelight!

Wang Feng's heart beat wildly
(End of this chapter)

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