The rise of the prince

Chapter 31 What to do with the wife who fell from the sky

Chapter 31 What to do with the wife who fell from the sky

The old man Degong just said that the wine is still drinking, the palace is in a difficult situation, and Li Ye can't afford such a good wine out of his own pocket.

"Cheek-skinned boy." Degong scolded with a dark face, Li Ye laughed and ignored him, the old man was lenient, and he was lenient, and most people who have experienced big storms are lenient, and it is just like this that they are easy to make friends with.

Seeing how thick-skinned he is, he couldn't help laughing: "You are a strange person, and I can't see through you. If I talk to other people, I will talk about the way of a gentleman, literary and ink poetry, and it seems that I can't talk to you. If you want to say it, you can only say the truth of doing things.

I think you can do things, and you can do things. Your scheming is admirable and shocking.But as an old man who has been through it, I still have to say a few words, of course scheming is necessary, and the right way is to do things for the truth!

Practice is the main thing, scheming is just a tool, you must not get carried away and put the cart before the horse. "

The old man spoke so seriously, Li Ye also bowed and said: "I will remember."

In fact, Li Ye was quite moved by these words. He never thought that in such an era and such a place, an old man could say such words to him. This must be something the old man has realized all his life, and he would definitely not say it casually to ordinary people.

Li Ye sat upright, held up his wine glass and offered a toast to De Gong: "Thank you De Gong for your teaching."

Degong drank a cup and said with a smile: "Hehe, you usually have a playful smile, why are you so solemn all of a sudden?"

"Does Degong study history?" Li Ye brazenly handed the wine glass to Gillian while talking.

"Nonsense, of course the old man studies history." De Gong said dissatisfiedly while holding his beard.

Li Ye took back the filled wine glass: "Reading history makes people wise. Throughout the dynasties and dynasties, when the country was founded, there were talents in large numbers. Lin Li, the people's sentiments are not up to the sage, why?"

"Why?" Gillian, who never spoke and poured wine quietly, couldn't help but leaned over.

"The truth is actually what Degong said. The human relationship is the sediment in the river. It is a good thing to circulate water and soil at the beginning and widen the river bed. But it will accumulate over time and become a disaster. It would be good if there is a wise king. If you don't know how to sort it out, it will become disaster.

The king does not think about the country, the ministers do not govern the country, they intrigue every day, speculate on the holy will, form cliques for personal gain, and play power tricks. Over time, it will be a national calamity.

Degong taught me to focus on practical work, scheming is just a tool, and this is the reason why you should not put the cart before the horse. It is indeed true.

Even those who are close to you should not say these things indiscriminately. It is good for you, an old man, to say so casually to a dude like me, but it really touched me. "Li Ye said with a laugh, and drank another cup.

Degong stared at him for a long time after hearing this, and then slowly said: "You can hear it to such an extent that I am amazed by this old man. You can understand all these. It seems that this old man's preaching is superfluous."

Li Ye was slightly dizzy from drinking, subconsciously stretched out his hand to find something to support him, and then put his arms around Qiu'er and Yue'er who were kneeling on both sides.
Sure enough, you can't be greedy for drinking, even if the degree is not high: "How can things be judged casually based on whether they are useful or not? I understand what you mean, and it's all for my own good. Besides, you must be the only outsider in the capital. It’s for my own good, and we’re friends just for that.”

"You brat, what nonsense are you talking about? When will this old man meet you?" De Gong stared and said, "However... if it's just talking and drinking, then that's fine too."

"The ancients are hypocritical." Li Ye couldn't help but whispered, and then passed the wine glass over.

De Gong took two mouthfuls of food and asked: "The emperor promised you the talented Queen Lianshan in Kyoto, how do you think about it?"

Li Ye didn't expect him to ask this: "Hehe, how can I look at it, if a good wife falls from the sky, I will be very happy."

"." Degong glared at him.

Li Ye spread his hands: "What else can I say? You see, it is so hard for me to raise a palace now. How can I have money to support a wife? I only need Qiu'er and Yue'er." All of a sudden, he blushed.

"Hmph, it's disrespectful and degrading, if the old man really believed your nonsense before!
It can be seen that your actions, means and scheming these days are always unexpected and get twice the result with half the effort. If you can't support your palace like this, most of the people in the world will starve to death. "De Gong held his beard.

"Okay." Li Ye was about to say something, only to find that the wine glass that had been handed over for a long time had not been handed back, and Gillian stayed there with the wine glass.

"Ajiao, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, it's okay, the little girl was distracted for a moment, which made the prince laugh." He said hurriedly filled the wine, and then offered it with both hands.

Li Ye didn't care. He took the wine glass and continued, "I can only blame the talented woman Wang for her bad luck. What can I do? I'm also very desperate. I'm even more unlucky. I offended two families at once, and I dare not resist the order.

This matter was obviously provoked by the Wang family. In all likelihood, Ms. Wang agreed to the marriage of a high-ranking member of the imperial court, and she was a very high-ranking official, at least the most important of the prime minister, wearing a purple robe.

The emperor certainly didn't want to see such a situation, and he didn't want to offend too many people, so he asked me to help.The fault is their fault, they did not have the brains to provoke it, but at that time, they will definitely put this account on my head, who told me to take love with a knife.

The ordinary affairs of a head of civil servants, plus an unknown court official, all offended all of a sudden for no reason, what do you think I can do. "Li Ye drank a cup sullenly. He actually thought about this matter for a long time. When he realized it, he found that the emperor was really cheating on his grandson. He wished he could kill him. Since ancient times, the ruthless emperor's family is not fake at all. .

De Gong stopped talking, and after a while, he sighed: "This matter. Well, what you said is reasonable. It is indeed the Wang family's stupidity, and you have suffered an indiscriminate disaster. Have you thought about how to deal with it?"

"Response? Why are you asking this?" Li Ye looked at him puzzled.

"The old man is just curious, how will you handle this matter with your behavior, haha." De Gong said and quickly took a sip from his wine glass.

Li Ye didn't care, it wasn't a big deal in his plan.It's true that you can't have a fiancée, otherwise you will offend the Dangchao Tongzhong Shumen, and at the same time offend another big family that you don't know about.

This is actually very easy to do: "Actually, this matter looks complicated, but it is also easy after you understand the key points.

Although what your Majesty said is a golden eloquence, it is only an oral order, not an imperial edict drafted by Zhongshu, painted by Your Majesty, and approved by the Sealing and Refuting Department.

As long as you procrastinate, it's over. I'm 16 years old now, and there are still four years before the crown. Before the crown, I can always find a reason to procrastinate.Anyway, I'm a dude, so it's not surprising that I mess around.After the coronation, I will definitely entrust the capital outside of Kyoto, and this matter will be over. "

"But if Your Majesty still remembers." Gillian who was quietly warming the wine suddenly interjected.

Li Ye glanced at her and said with a smile: "How is it possible? It is probably an expedient policy for him to issue this edict. It is just to prevent the Prime Minister's family from marrying another big family. Form a party, the goal has been achieved long ago, and I still remember what to do.”

"Oh." Gillian responded lightly, then lowered her head.

"Hey" Degong looked at him in surprise: "You are not in the court, and the news in the court can only be heard, why can these things be said so clearly, in an orderly manner, and with a clear context?"

Li Ye waved his hands, and imitated the tone of Duke De and said: "Because this son is an outsider, bystanders are clear, and after a little thought, you can understand why the emperor gave me a marriage. Is it possible that I am the one with high virtue?"

(End of this chapter)

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