The rise of the prince

Chapter 311 Offense and Defense

Chapter 311 Offense and Defense
It was very windy at the top of the city, and the summer was scorching hot, and the sun was shining in the sky, but Ding Yi was recovering from a serious illness and couldn't stand the wind. He even wore a fur cloak, and realized that he was sweating profusely.

These days, Jingguo's army besieged but did not attack.

He was able to take the opportunity to recruit soldiers from the city and outside the city. In order to increase the source of troops, he ordered that all men over the age of 12 must join the army. The people complained, but it was too late.

Immediately afterwards, he sent people to stop half of the prisoners of war released by the Luzhou Army, and added about a thousand more. Li Xingzhou is very powerful, but he is also a dude with little experience in life and loves to talk about wars on paper.There is no reason for the captured prisoners of war to be released again. He really thought that benevolence, justice and morality can restrain the world, and he was really stupid for reading sage books.

Thinking about it this way, Ding Yi is somewhat more psychologically balanced, and Li Xingzhou is not omnipotent.

After mid-May, Lin Yang's defenders had gathered tens of thousands.

With so many troops crammed into a small county town, conflicts and riots were inevitable. At first, the people in the city protested and were dissatisfied. Then the defenders from all over Suzhou clashed with the people in the city, and the conflicts intensified.

In the end, it even killed someone!
Ding Yi naturally knew clearly in his heart that no matter right or wrong, he could only face the soldiers, otherwise, at this critical moment, who would fight for him?

He executed the people who clashed with the soldiers, and then the defenders became more and more arrogant. The people in the city fled with their families and their families. Except for a few bold and unattached bachelors who wanted to stay and fish in troubled waters, Rinyang City has now completely become a military force. fortress.

With tens of thousands of defenders and a fortified city four feet high, Ding Yi is full of confidence in defending the city.

Looking at Wang Qi on the hillside outside the city, he slowly narrowed his eyes, Pingnan Wang Li Xingzhou!
Looking at the busy Luzhou army outside the city from a distance, about a thousand steps away, you can see faces, but you can't distinguish expressions, but you can also see that the morale is high and orderly.

Ding Yi looked left and right, and his guards at the head of the city of Xu State seemed to be whispering. Seeing him looking over, he quickly avoided and stopped talking.

Ding Yi smiled, he was not angry, but rather relieved.

The battle is imminent, and they can talk about it, which shows that they are not afraid of the Luzhou Army.

Thinking about it this way, he became even more happy, and stepped forward and said, "What were you talking about just now?"

The faces of the two soldiers became flustered, and they knelt down in fright, shouting: "My lord, spare me, the villain didn't say anything, I didn't say anything!"

Ding Yi was taken aback, frowned, and said, "Just a casual question, why did this happen?" He was also surprised, but he was afraid to be like this when he asked them what they were talking about.

One of them raised his head, paused and said, "My lord, when we were talking about the recent weather, we felt that it was too hot, it's okay."

Ding Yi nodded: "Get up, be careful on duty, and don't give the enemy a chance."

After speaking, he didn't say much anymore, his interest suddenly lost three points, and he recruited the horse boy to prepare the horse, and prepared to go back to the Yamen.

"Hasn't Liu Ji been found yet?" Ding Yi asked the general beside him as he went downstairs while the horse boy went to the stable to lead the horse.

Everyone shook their heads: "My lord, there is no news of Commander Liu. The fierce battle that day was fierce. Commander Liu led the horse army forward. I'm afraid...I'm afraid that bad luck will happen."

Ding Yi sighed, and then said sadly: "Liu Ji is my right-hand man. He didn't enjoy the glory for a few days, but he ended up like this. When we return to Suzhou, give his relatives a daughter, take his clothes, and bury him with dignity."

Many generals were grateful for hearing this.

After returning to the mansion, Ding Yi had lunch and drank iced lotus seed soup. After suffering from the heat, he took off his fur and fell asleep without knowing it.
Drowsy, he suddenly heard someone's hurried footsteps and calling, and when he woke up, it was the city guard officer in the courtyard.

"My lord, the rebels are moving! The rebels are moving!"

Ding Yi hurriedly got out of bed, put on his shoes, and before he had time to put on his fur coat, he rushed out: "Let's go to the city!"

The head of Linyang City is four or five steps wide from left to right. Soldiers coming and going nervously shuttle, carry arrows, and move stones piled up below the city to the top of the city. In the two corners of the city, under the lush persimmon trees, towers taller than people The cauldron has been set up and the fire has started to boil oil.

On the side of the latrine farther away from the wall, soldiers scooped out the contents of the latrine and boiled them in large ceramic pots, causing the stench to rise to the sky.

The officers went to and from the city, chanting loudly to order the soldiers to stand up for battle, and the atmosphere was tense for a while.

When Ding Yi went up the tower, all the soldiers made way for him one after another, and the carriage in charge of preparing food, rice and weapons arrived under the city wall in a short while.These things are all done by Zhong Li.

Looking down from the top of the city, [-] steps outside the city, many Luzhou troops are already in formation, and the valley in front of the gate is completely blocked, like the black tide on the river.

Ding Yi has never seen their formation before. There are people on the hillsides on all sides, and then the infantry is in the center, showing the shape of a "mouth". The horse army is placed on both sides, and it is far behind the infantry. There are three batches in the middle and right, and the military cover in the middle is different from that on the two sides.

Both sides are covered with scales and thick armor, while the central army is lightly armed with light leather armor. What's the reason?
The most strange thing is that after the three armies, there are no siege vehicles, no ladders, and siege equipment that crashes into cars!
Instead, there are many auxiliary troops with hoes, hammers, and shovels. Do they want to tear down the city wall?It's almost like a joke.

What worried him was the Luzhou people. Or it should be said that there seemed to be more Jingguo troops than before.

But if you look carefully, there should be no more than the defenders in the city.

In addition, they have strong walls, coupled with the scorching summer heat, hot oil, and gold water (boiled shi and urine can burn people and cause wound infection, which is a sharp weapon for defending the city in ancient times), and they are extremely easy to boil.With such a favorable time and place, even if Li Xingzhou was able to win by surprise before, so what can he do this time.

In the face of a strong city, there is no trickery to speak of in battle.

Down below, Jing Guo's army advanced a little, as if measuring the distance, and then retreated, orderly and orderly.

In the end, they stopped at a distance of about [-] steps from the city, and then the team began to spread out slightly.

The atmosphere at the top of the city was tense, the banners were buzzing, many soldiers quietly swallowed their saliva, under the command of the officer at the top of the city, the soldiers with large shields had already stood in the front row of the parapet, Jing Guojun's posture obviously wanted to shoot some.

But they also have the advantage of being condescending and shooting bows and crossbows at each other.

But a quarter of an hour passed, and Jing Guo's army didn't make any progress, but just got ready on the spot.

What are they doing?Everyone in the city had doubts in their hearts, and Ding Yi was right. As the saying goes, piercing Yang with a hundred steps is a perfect shot. These four hundred steps are obviously not within the reach of a bow and crossbow. Jing Guo's army is afraid!

Ding Yi took the opportunity and said loudly: "Soldiers, did you see that the people of Jingguo are terrified! They are too frightened to take another half step. Today we will fight against the enemy, and we will definitely stick to it!"

"Stay!" "Stay!"


Under the leadership of the officer at the head of the city, the soldiers all shouted, waving their knives and guns, and waving the banner, all of a sudden played a role in emboldening their courage and raising their morale.

Just after everyone calmed down, Ding Yi suddenly saw red dots dancing on the hillside about two miles away from afar. He squinted his eyes and saw that they were red double flags. The flags were very large. Can be seen from a distance.

What do you mean by dancing the flag?
(End of this chapter)

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