The rise of the prince

Chapter 315 The Liveliness of Kyoto

Chapter 315 The Liveliness of Kyoto

Degong met Meng Zhiye when he was leaving the Changchun Palace, the two bowed to each other without saying much, and then walked away slowly.

For some unknown reason recently, Meng Ye, who was clearly in Yushitai's prison, was suddenly pardoned by His Majesty, and Doctor Zhengfeng was sent to work in the History Museum.

Mr. De didn't want to ask too many questions. There have been many affairs recently. The war in the south, the death of the queen mother, and the army's supplies are all on everyone's heads.

The war in the south is not just in the south, but also collects grain and taxes from Jiangzhou, Jingxi, Jingnan and other places to maintain the expenditure of the army.

Naturally, the people in several places complained again and again, leading to the breeding of bandits, and some of the transfer envoys took the opportunity to enrich their own pockets and make a fortune for the country. Some people risked their lives to report to the court, and the court was able to find out.

But the emperor was different from the past, he didn't pay much attention to it, so he left this matter to the political affairs hall, and finally handed it over to Yu Chengan, who can still feel at ease in handling affairs.

But he was not only afraid of the South, but also the Liao people.According to rumors, the army of the Liao people began to gather in Shangjing, ready to go south. If the Liao people really go south, we can only look at the Guanbei Army
Since the southern rebellion, Degong has not had a good night's sleep for a long time.

Obviously, in old age, it is time to enjoy family happiness, but in the end, you are still so busy and worrying.
After thinking about it, it is all thanks to that kid Li Xingzhou. If A-Jiao is not deceived by him, the Wang family can take care of themselves. If they can take care of themselves, there is no need to disturb this muddy water.

Degong couldn't help sighing and shaking his head, this is fate!
Up to now, it's useless to say those things, Gillian and her family have all lived in the palace, and they can still come back, but I don't know if this step is right or wrong, if they go wrong, their Wang family may also decline.

That kid is talented, but if the man is gone, what's the use of being talented?
While thinking about it, Degong felt sullen, and when he left the Meridian Gate, the Xiangfu's carriage was already waiting outside.

Just as he stepped into the carriage, he suddenly saw someone galloping into the Meridian Gate shouting: "Great victory in the south! Great victory in the south! King Pingnan defeated [-] rebels and besieged Suzhou city!"

The sound went from far to near, and then quickly from near to far, and disappeared in the distance after a while.

Degong stepped on the ground and almost fell, and the servants around quickly supported him: "Master, be careful!"

Degong broke free from the support, and walked forward a few steps, as if he wanted to chase the horse, he looked at the soldiers, there were not many people who could enter the palace with horses and horses, either the royal family, or the emperor gave him special permission.

However, there is a special case, that is, meteors report horses.

Meteor Reporting Horse is responsible for emergency battle reports, allowing horses to enter the palace, reporting directly to the Privy Council, reporting to His Majesty, and red and yellow flags entering the city. It is a good news. If the battle is defeated, no words are spoken. If it is a good news, they will enter the city from the south gate and let the people know. .

"What did Meteor Horse say?" Degong's arm was shaking with excitement, but he was afraid that he had heard wrong, so he couldn't help but tightly grasped the coachman's arm and asked.

The coachman grinned his teeth in pain, but he didn't dare to break free, so he hurriedly said: "Master, he said that the south is a great victory, the south is a great victory! It seems that King Pingnan surrounded Suzhou City!"

Only then did Degong let go slowly, his expression changed, and he burst out laughing after a while.

"Go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, hurry back to the Prime Minister's Mansion." De Gong was elated, pointing forward and ordered.

The coachman nodded, and then quickly left the imperial city.

In the imperial garden, luxurious chariots were placed aside, an ice basin was placed in the corner of the courtyard, incense was lit in the furnace, and the maids and eunuchs were serving far away.

The emperor was still looking through the books of sages and sages carefully, finding out the treasonous words in them word by word.

Fu Anjing quietly waited on the side, and did not dare to intervene. He knew that this matter is more important than any other major issue in the family, country and world. , is not a matter of one generation.

"Hmph, what kind of sage is this? Meng Ke is not worthy of being a sage!" The emperor paced slowly, his face frosty, and said to himself: "I just said, how can there be so many rebels in the world? How can there be so many rebels in the world?" Books naturally breed so many thieves! This statement must be corrected, so that future generations and even infinitely benefit my heavenly family, otherwise the country will be in trouble."

Fu'an didn't dare to intervene. Scholars' affairs are dangerous.

"Fu'an, go tell Meng Zhiye to come to the palace, come and go quickly, don't act ostentatiously."

Fu'an received the imperial decree and went down to do business.

The emperor continued to flip through the "Mencius" in his hand, without any expression on his face, just watched silently, and then wrote down one by one, muttering to himself in a low voice: "It is more difficult to kill a scholar than to kill a warrior. If you kill a warrior, you will be gone. But scholars can kill people, but they cannot kill words.

Therefore, if you want to harm his words, you must use your words to punish them. The First Emperor did not understand this truth."

The emperor shook his head slightly. At this moment, a young eunuch hurried in, knelt down excitedly and said, "Your Majesty, a great victory in the south, a great victory in the south! King Pingnan defeated [-] rebels and has arrived at the city of Suzhou!"

The emperor was taken aback, frowned and said, "What did you say?"

The little eunuch repeated again, the emperor remained expressionless, and just asked again: "Where did you get the battle report?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Guazhou Meteor Speeding Horse has traveled day and night and has just entered the Meridian Gate." The little eunuchs responded one by one.

The emperor gasped slightly: "Where is the battle report?"

"Report to Your Majesty, it has been sent to the Privy Council." The little eunuch replied honestly.

The emperor nodded, without a trace of expression on his face, and then waved his hands: "Go down and go to the Inner Court Division to receive the reward."

The little eunuch kowtowed, and then left happily.

The emperor backed away the surrounding maids and eunuchs again, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, "Hmph, hehehe, hahaha." The voice seemed to be suppressed, and it seemed to be laughing, but no matter what, it was somewhat cheerful.

Great victory in the south, Pingnan King Li Xingzhou led the Luzhou Army to defeat [-] rebels, besieged Suzhou City, and wiped out the rebels just around the corner.

Within two days, the news had spread throughout Kaiyuan.

The public opinion was in an uproar, and the government and the public were shocked. Naturally, some people didn't believe it at first. Li Xingzhou, who is so dangerous in the capital, is a dude, how could he fight a war?
But after the morning court on the second day, the Privy Council issued an official notice to thoroughly confirm the truth of the matter.

For a while, Kaiyuan exploded up and down.

The people were overjoyed, and the ministers were laughing from ear to ear. After all, everyone was afraid of war, and public opinion never believed it.

In any case, this great victory gave the people of Jingguo a reassurance for the people of Jingguo who had been repeatedly suffering disasters and defeats in the past two years.

If it hadn't been for the empress dowager's great funeral, there would have been people singing and dancing, and the whole country would have celebrated.

At the same time, Li Xingzhou's name was well known and very popular.

Because this matter is too dramatic, a domineering and domineering harm to Kyoto, at a time when the country is in peril, turns into a great hero who saves the country.

Not to mention the proud achievements, not to mention the specific battle, just this dramatic change is enough for people to talk about it after dinner, and the topic can last for a long time.

Of course, the most excited one was Prince Xiao's Mansion. After the people in the mansion heard the news, many people shed tears on the spot. They were the ones who were truly prospered with Li Xingzhou, and lost with each other. Only they knew about the torment and hope without a backbone, and outsiders were insignificant. also.

From then on, people who go out of the palace can walk with their heads held high.

Kyoto is lively, and the south is also lively.

(End of this chapter)

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