Chapter 317
"What did he say?" Qifang asked curiously when Li Xingzhou returned to the front of the formation.

Di Zhi, Ji Chunsheng, Jiao Shan, Yang Hongzhao and many generals around him all looked over curiously.

Li Xingzhou smiled: "Justifying himself, he's scared."

Everyone also looked at the city of Suzhou in the distance and laughed.

"It seems that the broken city is not far away." Yang Hongzhao said slowly, stroking his beard.

Following the news of the released prisoners of war, the situation in Suzhou became more and more tense. In addition, a hundred thousand troops were stationed outside the city day and night, besieging but not attacking. People in Suzhou were panicked and riots continued.

At first the Ding family was able to intimidate them with the yamen servants and the remaining defenders, but as time went on, it became more and more difficult.

Many yamen servants and defenders defected out of the city one after another, climbed down from the top of the city, and surrendered to the imperial army.

But when Ding Yi was overwhelmed with anxiety and trying to stabilize his heart, the old man of the Ding family suddenly ordered people to start preparing for the canonization ceremony, to make himself the emperor of Xu, and then sent people to arrest beautiful female relatives everywhere, saying that he would be buried for him.

This suddenly became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

On May [-]th, the defenders in Suzhou City turned against each other. All the big families and common people jointly captured the Ding Mansion and tied up the Ding family. Those who resisted were killed on the spot, and then Kaesong surrendered. Wang Lun, the head of the Wang family, a great merchant in Suzhou.

Headed by him, many country gentry, wealthy households, and common people in Suzhou City all went out of the city gate to kneel down and confess their sins, begging King Pingnan for forgiveness.

Li Xingzhou didn't know what happened in the city, it happened a little faster than he expected,
As the saying goes, the culprit must be punished, and the intimidated will not be questioned. Politics has always been like this, to win over the majority and suppress a small group. Naturally, Li Xingzhou will not be so stupid as to hold them accountable.

He personally got off the horse, helped Wang Lun and many squires, and announced loudly that they were only bewitched by the Ding family and the Su family.

And more than a hundred members of the Ding family, including Ding Yi, were all taken into custody by the army.

Suzhou city is so broken.

That afternoon, chickens and sheep were slaughtered in the city. The officials of Xu State stood on both sides of the road, and the common people knelt down along the road.

Of course, only more than 2000 people from the Shenji Battalion went in, and more than 2000 from Di Zhi's heavy infantry, and the rest of the troops were still stationed outside the city.

Then quickly control the city defense, government treasury, Ding family mansion, and Su family mansion, without daring to neglect in the slightest.Too many people have died in this turmoil. If there is no decisive action, the number of dead will increase. Li Xingzhou is already a little terrified.

After all, although he was a gangster leader in his previous life, everyone called him the boss of the underworld for the sake of face, but in the stable security environment of the country, he had never witnessed a killing of this scale, and he was still apprehensive. It's normal, it's normal.

By the afternoon of the [-]th, the imperial army had completely taken control of Suzhou city.

At this point, it took half a year to revolt vigorously, defeat the imperial army, traverse Lusu and Jiangsu, establish itself as a country, and lead a rebellion of tens of thousands of soldiers, and thus came to an end.

Many people were filled with emotion and booed endlessly. In just two months, tens of thousands of armed troops were defeated by the 16-year-old prince so quickly with the momentum of a big victory.The three characters of King Pingnan are as impressive as the brilliance of the scorching sun, so dazzling that people dare not look directly at them, and it is difficult to conceive them.In Ansu and Huaihua prefectures, it can be said that everyone knows it, and everyone knows it.

That night, big merchants in the city contributed money and manpower one after another, preparing wine, meat and food to reward the troops in and out of the city.

Li Xingzhou did not stop them, these big merchants are not false, but they also have a share in the rebellion, the death penalty is inevitable, and the living crime is inevitable, let them let bloodletting, and these big merchants headed by the Wang family and the Fen family, at this time Guilty.

Especially the Fen family, when Ding Yi planned to assassinate the emperor, they were the cover of the Fen family, but this cover also depends on how they say it, if they insist on it, they are the crime of copying the family and exterminating the whole family, if it is less serious, they are just ignorant people, it doesn't matter.

In short, whoever has the right to speak can determine their fate.

Among these people, although Yang Hongzhao is the commander-in-chief, if anyone can speak up, it is naturally Li Xingzhou, the king of Pingnan County.

At night, there was a lot of excitement inside and outside the city, and Li Xingzhou ordered three chapters.

The people jumped for joy and supported him one after another.

The so-called three chapters of agreement are also a manifestation of the political means of the great ancestor Liu Bang. After Liu Bang's army invaded the capital of the Qin Empire, he finally refused to take any money from the palace's gold, silver, jewelry, and beauties.

From this comes the three chapters of the covenant: the murderer dies, the wounding and theft are punished.

In the lobby of the yamen, several major merchants hosted a banquet for all the generals in the army, and Li Xingzhou also brought Di Zhi, Ji Chunsheng, Qi Fang, Jiao Shan and others to the banquet.

After staying for so long and experiencing so much, everyone naturally drank and ate to their heart's content, and everyone was a warrior, so they didn't pay much attention.

On the contrary, Li Xingzhou, as the king of Pingnan County, sits at the top of the table. From time to time, people come up to toast him. He is also happy today, and everyone comes. The atmosphere of the banquet is warm. place, that is the delicacies of mountains and seas.

Until the middle of the night, drunk so dizzy that several people fell asleep lying on the desk, Li Xingzhou staggered up to the top of the city, watching the bustle in the city, the flames outside the city, the night wind blowing, The wine sobered up by three minutes.

There are sergeants on duty at the head of the city, otherwise he would not dare to lead people to eat and drink so much.

"Brothers have worked hard!" Li Xingzhou was half drunk and half awake, waving his hands in a daze.The soldier hurriedly returned the salute, and he hadn't walked a few steps when he suddenly tripped over a dent in the wall and almost fell down. The soldier hurried over to help him.

"Is your lord all right?"

"It's all right." Li Xingzhou waved his hand and patted the shoulders of several people: "Thank you for your hard work tonight, all of you are going to eat and drink, my lord, I can't worry about hiccups, you are heroes, you are great heroes!"

Several soldiers smiled smirkingly, "My lord, be careful, we will help you go."

"No, I'm not drunk, just hiccup, I can't get drunk." Li Xingzhou wanted to speak, but he always felt that his tongue was knotted and he couldn't speak clearly. His brain was like cement and couldn't be stirred.

After a while, a voice came from behind: "I'll take care of him, go get busy."

"Yes, Qidutong."

Li Xingzhou looked back in a daze, saw Qi Fang, and didn't say anything. In fact, what was accumulated in his chest was not only drunkenness, but also other things. He won the war, but many things were not put down just by saying.

Like tens of thousands of lives in his hands.
Sometimes when he closes his eyes, he can see the red river water of Lengfengqing, the broken limbs and broken arms that blocked the river, and piled up mountains of stinking corpses. In his previous life, he would never have dared to imagine such a situation.

"Ding Yi is clamoring to see the lord in the prison, isn't the lord missing?" Qi Fang helped him to sit down on the top of the wall.

"There's nothing to see." In the middle of speaking, Li Xingzhou threw up lying on the top of the wall, and Qifang hurriedly beat his back.

After a burst of vomiting, the smell of alcohol poured into his mouth and nose, and he was so uncomfortable that he burst into tears, but most of the alcohol was gone.

After finally recovering, Li Xingzhou understood what Qifang wanted to ask, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, although Ding Yi can't be handed over to you, he needs to be escorted to Beijing and handed over to the emperor. Without him, more innocent people will die, but You don't have to worry, he won't succeed in his unique skill, the revenge of your two elder brothers has been counted as revenge."

Seeing that he couldn't hide it from him, Qifang also nodded, and then said: "This is an extraordinary achievement, enough to be recorded in the annals of history and passed on to future generations, but it seems that Wang Ye is not that happy."

Li Xingzhou chuckled, "I'm so happy to be here."

She nodded, then shook her head: "Of course I am happy to avenge my brother, but if there were no disasters, the two brothers would not have died."

"Yes, people are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that death will be boring. Qi Rui is actually fine. He was a tough man until he died. He died for the blessings of the people of Sulu and Lu. I don’t know why I died, and for whom I died. But it’s like driving cattle, sheep and livestock to go to the battlefield, and like cattle, sheep and livestock, they die for no reason.”

Li Xingzhou smiled wryly and shook his head: "They are called Baishi, the real ghosts."

"My lord is right." An angry voice came from the side, Li Xingzhou turned his head, and it was actually Yang Hongzhao.

He took off his majestic armor and only wore ordinary black and green military uniforms, showing his old appearance immediately.

He walked over slowly and sat down on his buttocks: "That being said, there is no need for the prince to blame himself. The old man has wasted more than half his life. Although he has made no achievements, he has a little knowledge. There are many lonely souls and wild ghosts in this world. People who can understand why they died are rare. These princes can also embrace themselves, so if it doesn't rain, the princes should be blamed if their mothers don't marry.

It's up to man to plan and make things up to heaven, half is determined by man, and half is determined by heaven. As a human being, what can we do except do our best? "

After hearing what he said, Li Xingzhou was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, that's right, I was being stingy. Thank you, General Yang, for reminding me."

Yang Hongzhao also laughed and said: "If you talk about understanding and talent, the old man can't catch up with the prince, but you can talk about accidents, human relationships, and experience. I have spent more than fifty years, and I have a little bit of insight."

Then he stood up and patted his buttocks: "Although the lord is extremely intelligent and a proud son of heaven, you must not regard yourself as a heaven, and remember that no matter how powerful you are, you are only human, so you will not lose your heart. "After speaking, he slowly descended from the top of the wall.

Li Xingzhou breathed a sigh of relief, indeed, he is only a human being, and it is impossible for a human being to be perfect: "Go back, the court's decree, it will probably take a few days to arrive."

After mid-May, shooting star horses shuttled through the streets of Kaiyuan, and every time they came and went, there was the Red Emperor's flag behind them, and there were many good news!

(End of this chapter)

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