Chapter 320
Xie Linjiang drove through the street and looked out of the window. The market was bustling and full of people. Wherever he went, everyone recognized the government's chariots and horses and gave way one after another.

The prosperity of Jiangzhou is different from that of Suzhou.

The prosperity and splendor of Suzhou are obvious. The people wear multi-colored clothes, red makeup, and small bridges, attics and waterside pavilions everywhere, which are exquisite, ingenious, bright and dazzling.

In Jiangzhou's wealth, the people wear light clothes, and the smell of meat is everywhere. Looking at the high-rise courtyards, blue bricks and white walls, there are many leisurely people in the market, pure and simple.

The carriage turned the corner of the street, and there were two zhang-high stone lions squatting in front of the north gate of the street, and a vermilion animal-headed gate, in front of which were waiting a dozen or so gorgeously dressed people, who must have come to visit the magistrate, but were not allowed to enter.

There is a plaque on the main entrance of Fangzheng, with the words "Qingfengmingyue" in a big book.

The carriage didn't stop, and continued to walk west. Enter the west corner gate, walk a hundred steps, and stop at the corner. This is not the first time Xie Linjiang has come, so he asked the coachman to wait. A section of chasing corridor leads to the hallway.

On the ground is a marble screen made of red sandalwood, with an ink landscape painting of Jiangzhou City on it.

Turning the screen is a small room, and behind it is the main building courtyard. The three upper rooms on the front are all carved beams and painted buildings. There are corridors on both sides, and green bamboo branches and leaves are growing.

On the rockery and under the beams of the house, there are also birds such as parrots and thrushes, singing from time to time.

The young man waiting in the corridor saw him and hurriedly led him upstairs, saying that the master was already waiting upstairs.

Xie Linjiang hurriedly followed. That's right, this is Wang's Mansion, the mansion of Wang Tong, the magistrate of Ningjiang Mansion. It occupies half a street. It is luxurious and exquisite, which shows the heritage of the Wang family. This is just a mansion in Jiangzhou.

The servant led the way, and Xie Linjiang soon saw the magistrate Wang Tong. Wang Tong looked more than 40 years old, with a white face and little beard, handsome face, and a handsome appearance.

"I have seen the magistrate." Xie Linjiang saluted respectfully.

Wang Tong put down the pen in his hand, looked away from the official document in front of him, and said casually: "You don't need to be too polite, come and watch tea, Xie Jingcheng, please sit down, if you have something to say, it's okay to say."

Xie Linjiang thanked him, and then sat down on the huanghuali official hat chair in front of the case. The servants quickly brought green tea and put it at his hand. This drinking method has also spread from the capital to Jiangzhou.

Every time I get along with Mr. Wang, it is always a spring breeze.

Xie Linjiang didn't touch the tea, but first reported the official business: "My lord, according to the imperial court's order, I will collect a total of 290 four stones and six buckets of grain, mostly wheat flour and soybeans, accounting for [-]%."

Wang Tong nodded: "How about going south?"

"A total of eleven large ships and sixteen small boats were acquired, which is still too little. Even with the addition of land, it is estimated that it will take about [-] round trips to transport all the grain to Guazhou." Xie Linjiang's voice was a little heavy.

"Twenty times." Wang Tong frowned: "This is to move my Jiangzhou muscles and bones! But when the country is in crisis, how can we say no?"

Xie Linjiang didn't interrupt, but he sighed in his heart. More than 3 shi of grain was not just forced from the hands of the people. Jiangzhou is not rich in grain production. In addition, it has to be transported from Jiangzhou to Guazhou, and there is no big ship, so it can only be requisitioned temporarily. Merchant ships and civilian ships also need to recruit a large number of laborers, which is a waste of money.

But at this time of national calamity, one cannot sit idly by and be in a dilemma.

"How did the people react?" Lord Wang Tong asked.

Xie Linjiang looked a little unhappy when he heard this, and shook his head and said: "The people complained a lot, and they were quite resistant. These days, there are bandits and chaos everywhere in Jiangzhou. Although the officers and soldiers can suppress it for the time being, the next official suggests contacting Jiang in private. Idle army, in case of accidents."

After finishing speaking, Xie Linjiang looked at the magistrate, the room was brightly lit, he closed his eyes and thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Ningjiang Mansion is different from other mansions. Apart from the Xiang Army, there is another army, the Jiang Xian Army.Due to the important geographical location of Jiangzhou, the first army specially set up by the imperial court has a population of two sides, ten times that of the Xiang army.

Xie Linjiang breathed a sigh of relief, Mr. Wang Tong doesn't like warriors, he was afraid before that he would not inform Jiang Xianjun because of this, but this time he agreed happily.

"If King Pingnan hadn't gone south on his own will this time, there would be no disaster for Jiangzhou!" After agreeing, Wang Tong said angrily: "When the armies confront each other, they should have fought steadily and steadily. As long as they advance slowly westward and wipe them out step by step, the disaster will sooner or later." Neng Ping, he is obviously using his emotions to disrupt the situation!"

Xie Linjiang felt inappropriate when he heard this, so he said: "My lord, I feel that King Pingnan went south for Princess Qing'an, which is just a matter of human relations."

"Human relations are normal, but he has implicated countless Jiangzhou people in our Jiangzhou. This is also true."

Xie Linjiang was not afraid, he clasped his hands and said, "The rebellion in Suzhou is a matter of life and death for the country, so how could it be involved?"

"This..." Wang Tong was speechless for a while, and if he continued, he would become his own country and become a rebel. He finally sighed and said, "Forget it, to be blunt, I just don't like Li Xingzhou."

Xie Linjiang's heart skipped a beat, he frowned and said, "Prince Pingnan is your son-in-law."

"Son-in-law by riding the dragon? I'm wrong to say that you are ignorant, but I don't abuse words like you." Wang Tong shook his head, and then said with emotion: "At the beginning, I hoped that Gillian would marry a well-educated young man with a deep heart. Afraid of being involved in disputes between court and China, he decided on Zhong Li early on, the son of the Zhong family is not as talented as Gillian, but he is also the best choice, he has ambitions and can accomplish things."

As he said that, he looked back at Xie Linjiang: "And you are three points better than him. If I get to know a talented young man like you sooner, maybe it would be nice to promise Gillian to you."

Xie Linjiang looked embarrassed, quickly shook his head and said: "I dare not."

Wang Tong sighed, "But what's the use of saying that, after all, it's half a step too late. Gillian was promised to Li Xingzhou, and his father can't do anything about it. Li Xingzhou is nothing, needless to say, a dude, ignorant, Great harm to Kyoto."

"My lord, there must be a misunderstanding here, the son is not like that." Xie Linjiang quickly defended.

At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door was suddenly heard.

"What's the matter?" Wang Tong asked softly.

"My lord, the Privy Council of the capital has forwarded the order." The person outside the door reported.

"Come in."

After a while, the door opened, and under the leadership of the servant, a sergeant in red uniform came in. He knelt down on one knee: "The Privy Council's Meteor Express has seen the prefect, and there is a Privy Council's battle report order."

As he spoke, he took out his badge, and Wang Tong looked at the badge seriously, confirming the identity of this person, the Meteor Express Horse of the Privy Council, and then said: "Thank you, what's the matter, please report."

The Meteor Express pawn bowed solemnly, then took out the wax-sealed bamboo tube from his waist, poured out the secret report, opened the red fire seal, and read it seriously: "Southern Battle Report, Pingnan County King Li Xingzhou defeated the rebels, broke Linyang City, Entered the city of Suzhou on May [-]th, defeated [-] enemies, captured the head of the enemy, and returned to the court on the same day. Now the Privy Council has decreed that all the laborers in Jiangzhou will return to the fields, and the grain and rice collected will be returned immediately to reassure the people. .

The text was written by the privy envoy Zhong Daoyu and the privy envoy Wen Daoli. "

As soon as the words fell, the whole study room fell silent. Xie Linjiang's face was flushed with joy written all over his face, while Wang Tong blankly pointed at the messenger and opened his mouth slightly: "What did you say? Please say it again."

(End of this chapter)

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