The rise of the prince

Chapter 329 Jiangzhou hidden danger

Chapter 329 Jiangzhou hidden danger
Xie Linjiang hurried into the back hall of the yamen, passed the courtyard, walked a few steps in, and turned around a marble vertical screen made of red sandalwood. There were a few green bamboos planted at the door, which meant noble character and bright integrity.

Entering the six-opened carved wooden door, there are already anxious people standing inside, except the Ningjiang Mansion master book, the judge, etc., the chief official of the Eighth House is also there, all bow their heads and dare not speak, the atmosphere in the room is anxious and depressed.

The magistrate Wang Tong hurriedly paced back and forth by the table, and when he saw him coming, he asked, "How is the situation in Xu County?"

"My lord, this subordinate hastened his horse and brought back the battle report of Xu County. The thieves suddenly launched an attack yesterday afternoon. Taking advantage of the defenders' unpreparedness, they broke through the county seat. The Xiang army had already rushed over this morning, and Jiang Xian's army also arrived in the afternoon. At the gate, the thieves have been beheaded to death, but..." Xie Linjiang's face was pitiful.

"It's just that there are hundreds of people in the city, men, women, old and young. The thieves entered the city, burned, killed, looted, raped prostitutes, and there is no one left behind in the city."

As he spoke, his voice became lower and lower. After hearing this, Shang Fang Wang slumped on the chair, almost collapsed, with an angry and puzzled look on his face: "I have sent back all the corvees, and sent back all the grain collections. Why? , Why are they still making trouble! Who are these thieves!"

Xie Linjiang said: "According to Xiang Jun, it should be a group of Black Mountain bandits, the leader is Xiong Da, who also died in the chaos.

In the past six months, due to the war in the south, the imperial court has continued to increase food and salaries. Many people are dissatisfied, and some families have been destroyed. Therefore, the bandits that existed in the Black Mountain generation have continued to grow, and Xiong Da is one of them. "

"Black Mountain Bandit!" Wang Tong was furious.

The judge of the Ningjiang Mansion stood up and bowed: "My lord, although the Heishan bandits are hateful, they are far away after all. Now that one group has been wiped out, they must be afraid and dare not commit another crime. The immediate problem right now is that the government prison is almost full. People who violate the law and do evil, the yamen servants can't take care of them, and they are too busy."

The judge is a branch of the Wang family, named Wang Ke, an old man in his 50s, who has seen a lot of the world, the magistrate is good at everything, he is a scholar, loves the people like a son, and has the style of a gentleman. Under his leadership, Jiangzhou has been thriving these years. The people are rich.

But his eyelids are soft and he has no choice but to do something clean, so now bandits and robbers are rampant around Jiangzhou, there are often lawless people in the market, people dare not go out at night, and dare not go through the market alone during the day.

Especially after several additional confiscations by the imperial court this time, people's grievances arose all over the place, causing Jiangzhou's law and order to become more and more corrupt.

The magistrate Wang Tong heard this and said: "Then send more yamen servants!"

Wang Ke raised his forehead, and sure enough, what he feared the most came again, and he said earnestly: "My lord, this law can cure the symptoms but not the root cause. If it would be useful to send more yamen servants, Jiangzhou would have been at peace long ago. But now the prisons are overflowing. There are more and more things every day!

Strict laws and strict law enforcement can deter Xiaoxiao and solve the root cause! "

"As a parent and official, one should love the people like a son. There is no reason for cruel officials to inflict punishment. Don't talk too much about it. If there are not enough yamen servants, you can recruit more. Now that the Jiangzhou government treasury is abundant, don't worry." Wang Tong shook his sleeves. road.

Wang Ke swallowed his words again, feeling aggrieved in his heart, how could he not know that the magistrate doesn't like cruel officials like him, but if there were no cruel officials, the public security in Jiangzhou would not know how corrupt it is now!
In the end, I could only sigh heavily, not to interrupt, benevolence does not lead to politics, kindness does not lead to soldiers, and I don't know when adults will understand this truth.

In fact, two months ago, Li Xingzhou felt that there was something wrong with the poetry. She looked like a strong woman, frighteningly strong, but she had low self-esteem in her heart.

In psychology, true emotions are often not revealed intuitively and need to be analyzed, and the same is true for the expression of inferiority complex, which is layered.

The first level of inferiority complex is: the arrogance to attract others' attention.The root cause of low self-esteem is distrust of oneself. The less confident one is, the more one wants to show off in front of others, and the more one wants to attract others' attention, so one does a lot of actions and behaviors that exaggerate oneself.

The second level of inferiority complex is: exaggeration to cover up vanity.There is a principle in psychology, the more you want to cover up something, the more you lack something. Therefore, when you cover up your vanity in front of others, say exaggerated things, and do exaggerated things just to regain your self-confidence, obviously this strategy is not successful. .

The third level of inferiority complex is: irresistible jealousy.The essence of jealousy is that you are dissatisfied with yourself, but you can’t see the good of others. The stronger the jealousy, the deeper the person’s inferiority complex. Looking at herself, this secretly jealous inferiority complex is even more terrifying.

The fourth level of inferiority complex, the most serious one is: showing off without response.Showing off is a kind of pride, human nature, but when showing off to the point where no one responds, it is extremely inferior.

Generally speaking, the first and second levels of inferiority complex can be alleviated by self-adjustment of mentality.But at the third and fourth levels, it is recommended to see a psychologist for psychological counseling.

And Shiyu, who seems to be a strong and strong woman, has actually reached the fourth level. Before he left, Li Xingzhou was very worried because he found that Shiyu liked to talk to Gillian, and sometimes he would show off her things in his voice, and Gillian often She looked puzzled, because she was a talented woman, but she didn't know how to do business.

This kind of showing off without being proud and without responding is actually a manifestation of people's low self-esteem in front of someone or something.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly, what a silly girl, she was very good and powerful, but he didn't know it.
Li Xingzhou took Meixue by the hand, and when he arrived at the gate of Zhenbao Pavilion, he saw a few barefoot children running past him in a hurry, singing "Li Xingzhou, King Pingnan, Sixteen Years, Xiaojunhou" in unison. , the Heavenly Peerless Divine Machine Camp, one hundred can break a hundred thousand."

The sound is from far to near, it is a nursery rhyme like a jingle.

Junhou must be talking about Hou Weiqing, the champion of the famous general of the ages. Li Xingzhou's achievements are naturally inferior, so the child sang about Xiaojunhou. .

After he entered the Treasure Pavilion, there were a dozen or so rich young women and middle-aged men who were picking things out. As soon as he saw them, he said loudly: "Everyone, please go back, the Treasure Pavilion is closed today." After saying that, he cupped his hands .

Everyone looked at him curiously, and looked puzzled at the blank expression on the other side of the counter. Someone recognized him and hurried forward and said, "I've seen King Pingnan."

Now that the Zhenbao Pavilion exploded, King Pingnan actually appeared here?Immediately realized that this is the property of the palace
Everyone came forward to salute one by one, Li Xingzhou accepted it, and told them that there is something to do today, that the Treasure Pavilion will be closed, and come back tomorrow, since it is King Pingnan, he can naturally make the decision, and no one dared to offend, so they all withdrew.

At the same time, he took a ambiguous look at the poetry beside the counter, the rumors seemed to be true.
"Do you know how much money will be lost today!" Shiyu looked at him dissatisfied.

Li Xingzhou leaned over and looked down at the much haggard woman: "I am willing."

Shiyu was dumb, and he gently pinched her beautiful chin: "Why don't you go see me?"

"I don't want to see you."

"You are the shopkeeper of the Treasure Pavilion, this is your job."

"Physical discomfort"

"Oh." Li Xingzhou smirked: "Come upstairs and I'll check for you."

"No." She exclaimed as she spoke, and was picked up. Li Xingzhou was tall and burly, still growing. He felt a bit taller after going to the south. Shiyu was no match for him.

"It's not okay to avoid medical treatment, hehehe, I'm here to check it out for you."

"Asshole, it's still daytime" she said anxiously.

"Wouldn't it be better in the daytime to see clearly"

(End of this chapter)

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