The rise of the prince

Chapter 346 The Rise of the Jurchens

Chapter 346 The Rise of the Jurchens
Gillian thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I've never heard of such a person."

Immediately, Li Xingzhou sighed slightly. He didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed, and he couldn't tell.

"Why did the prince suddenly ask this?" Gillian asked him curiously.

Li Xingzhou smiled and shook his head: "Maybe I'm suspicious."

At night, the emperor stood in front of the window, quietly looking at all the files related to the rebellion case in Suzhou, including the statements of the Ding family in Yushitai Prison, and the details handed in by Pingnan King Li Xingzhou and the commander Yang Hongzhao. battle report, etc.

Behind him was Concubine Tian who was waiting on him. While putting on a robe to keep out the cold, she dipped the candle in wax.

The emperor nodded while watching, and slowly frowned again, looked back and forth several times, and then frowned deeper: "Concubine Tian, ​​what do you think of this child Xingzhou?"

Concubine Tian put down the gold hairpin in her hand, stood up and walked slowly in front of him: "What else can I do, of course he is a young talent, there is no one in a million, His Majesty can't hear the praises from the court and outside the palace these days .

That kid is only 16 years old! At the age of 16, he can do such an earth-shattering feat, isn't it worthy of His Majesty's pride? "

The emperor nodded: "Indeed, I think so too, that's why I entrusted him with such a heavy responsibility, but what I don't understand is why he always protects several major merchants in Suzhou in this battle report.

Although Yang Hongzhao also mentioned that several major merchants finally captured the thief leader and went out to surrender, which can be written lightly, Xingzhou has rewritten this matter in the battle report, for fear that I will not see it, you say"

The emperor turned his eyes when he said this: "Will he take benefits from several major merchants? Although he also stated that he finally took gold and silver from several merchants, and kept some in the princess's mansion, and then sent Luzhou soldiers to use it for the big business." Count, may there be more, some did not tell me"

Concubine Tian opened her mouth in surprise, and thought about it carefully: "Isn't it possible? The palace in Xingzhou has the general's brew and perfume, not only outside the palace, but also in the palace. It can be said that it is making money every day. Why bother?" in this way."

The emperor nodded, then took the file and said: "I'm not afraid that he will accept benefits. As the grandson of the heavenly family, it is only natural to accept offerings from others. I am afraid that he will conceal it from me and not report the truth."

Concubine Tian adjusted the collar for the emperor: "Your Majesty, why should you be so suspicious? Since Xingzhou is the son and grandson of the emperor, it means that my family will talk about their own affairs and retire tomorrow. Just call him to the back hall and ask if he is right. People, what can't be said."

Seeing Concubine Tian's unabashed speech, the emperor was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Perhaps you are right."

thump thump.
There was a knock on the door outside the hall, Concubine Tian stepped forward to ask someone to come in, as soon as the door opened, the sound of rain came in from outside the hall, at the same time a little eunuch came in and knelt down and said: "Return to your majesty, the governor of Kaiyuan Mansion, He Zhao, please see me."

"The night is getting dark, He Zhao must have something important to come to see in the rain, Concubine Tian, ​​please avoid it first." The emperor said.

Concubine Tian made a blessing, and then retreated into the curtain. After a while, He Zhao, whose clothes were half wet, came in, and immediately bowed to him.

"Why did you come here late at night?" the emperor asked directly.

He Zhao was wet with clothes, shivering slightly from the cold, and said, "Your Majesty, the Kaiyuan Mansion received news that the Jurchens sent envoys to the south and landed from Laidi, and now they have settled in Yingtian Mansion. Discuss with Jing Guo."

As he spoke, he carefully took out the battle report hidden in his sleeve and submitted it. The emperor was shocked when he saw it, and then waved to the eunuchs: "Find him a coat to keep out the cold."

"I don't dare to use the property of the Heavenly Family!" He Zhao said hastily.

"I told you to use it and you use it." The emperor could not doubt: "When will this newspaper arrive in Kaiyuan."

He Zhao asked the little eunuch to put on a coat for him, and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, I arrived at Kaiyuan this afternoon, but I was afraid that it might be fake, so I checked again and checked again and again. I was sure that the sky will be dark later, so I can only enter the palace now." .”

The emperor nodded, and then said solemnly: "Okay, you've done a good job, those people in the Privy Council, I gave them so much time and didn't get any news. Now that it's all over, I can rest assured when I have news."

As he spoke, he put away the battle report, put it down on the desk, and said, "Do you think the Jurchen Envoy has seen it or not?"

He Zhao also became serious: "It is reasonable to say that the Jurchen tribe belongs to the Liao Kingdom, has no real state, no name of a king, and is not equal to our Jing Kingdom. It should be seen, but I always feel that it is better to see it now. .”

The emperor didn't reply after hearing this, but just nodded: "It's late at night, I'm working hard on He Qing today, you should go back and rest earlier."

He Zhao nodded, and then solemnly withdrew.

The emperor quietly looked at the rain curtain outside the door, wondering what he was thinking.

The next day, Li Xingzhou got up early as usual, because today is the grand dynasty, and all the officials above the fifth rank in Beijing gathered in the Changchun Palace to discuss the affairs of the dynasty, so he couldn't be late.

The rain hadn't stopped yet, but it was much lighter. After Gillian and Yue'er helped him wash up, Li Xingzhou and Ji Chunsheng had no choice but to go to court in a carriage.

Outside the Meridian Gate, when I met Degong, it was not easy to get out of the car to talk, but to say hello in the car.

After getting off the car in front of the Meridian Gate, many eunuchs in the palace had already been waiting to give umbrellas to others.

All the way to the Changchun Palace, hundreds of ministers in purple and red court clothes have crowded the sides.

As soon as Li Xingzhou entered, many people he didn't know immediately came up to salute and chatted. He nodded casually to deal with it, and then walked to the front.

The order of the court was ranked by title. Although he, the king of Pingnan County, did not have the power of Duke De, he was still side by side with the crown prince, standing in front of Duke De and Zhong Daoyu. If so, everyone is looking forward to it.

It was not until Fu'an sang the newspaper that the emperor came out from the back hall and boarded the throne in the middle.

Then all the ministers knelt down and bowed, the emperor agreed to be flat, and then Fu'an said a few more auspicious words, and the grand court meeting officially began.

Small dynasties discuss matters, while big dynasties are more like work reports. Inside and outside the imperial city, various departments began to report the recent situation to the emperor one by one.

Li Xingzhou couldn't understand many things at all, so he just wandered off, until his feet went numb and his stomach was rumbling, and the report was finally almost finished.

At this time, the emperor spoke, first symbolically praising many department officials for their diligence, hard work, and making profits for the people, and then he said some words to encourage them to make persistent efforts.

Logically speaking, at this point, if there is no major event, the great dynasty will almost end, but at this time the emperor waved his hand, and Fu An next to him handed over a letter.

The emperor said loudly: "This is the northern battle report. I also received it overnight last night. It says that the Jurchens have broken through the Liaoyang Mansion in Tokyo of the Liao Kingdom, and have occupied the southern part of the Huaihai Plain, and most of the Tokyo Road in the Liao Kingdom."

As soon as the words came out, there was an uproar all over the court, and many ministers were dumbfounded, whispering to each other.

Li Xingzhou's heart skipped a beat, what the hell!There is no Anyan Aguda, but what should come is still here.
(End of this chapter)

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