The rise of the prince

Chapter 353 Disagreement

Chapter 353 Disagreement
"My lord, it's not an easy thing for me to ask for, but I'm worried about the old and young at home, so I want to ask my lord to take care of me."

What Chen Yu said surprised Li Xingzhou, taking care of his family?
Chen Yu is a member of the Ministry of Rites and Judgment. He was sentenced to the Tokyo Imperial College and a scholar of the Hanlin University. Why should he help take care of his family.

Chen Yu didn't say much, just bowed and asked.Li Xingzhou did not refuse, and asked in puzzlement, "Why is the old man like this?"

"A gentleman has a righteous spirit in his chest, he sticks to righteousness and cuts words for the people, so there are things he has to do." He said something that made Li Xingzhou confused, but he didn't explain it.

It was rare for the old man to speak in such a low voice, even though he didn't understand, he agreed.

In this world, Chen Yu is probably the kind of real scholar he has seen. Even if he almost beat him to death, he still holds grudges outspokenly, but when it comes to judging right from wrong, he is not biased in the slightest.

Furthermore, his son Chen Wenxi also went to the palace to pay New Year's greetings in person, and the two families are still neighbors.For a gentleman, this is benevolence. Li Xingzhou is not a gentleman, but he respects such benevolence.

The Confucian "benevolence, righteousness, ritual and music" may make many people dizzy and confused.

"Benevolence and righteousness" is the core idea of ​​Confucianism, and "ritual and music" is the system advocated by Confucianism, which can be roughly understood as the system of the Zhou Dynasty.

Simply put, "benevolence" means love, and "righteousness" means killing and punishment. "Liyue" is a kind of system.

Many schools of thought contended in the pre-Qin period. Many people said that Confucianism won in the end and influenced China for thousands of years. In fact, this cannot be said. Since the Han and Wu Dynasties and after that, the dynasties have not used the Confucian ritual and music system, but the Legalist royal law. .

Therefore, it should be said that Confucian benevolence and righteousness are used in thinking, and legalist kingship is used in ruling.Abbreviated as Outer Confucianism and Internal Law.

After getting off the car at Meridian Gate and saying goodbye, Chen Yu tremblingly bowed to him, Li Xingzhou also returned the salute, and then he was going to walk to the court, but because of the emperor's special permission, Chen Yu allowed him to enter the court by car.

After getting off the car, Li Xingzhou walked towards the court alone, without taking what happened just now to his heart.

The main reason is, who in Jingguo would dare to touch Chen Yu?

Li Xingzhou didn't believe it.

If you want to touch him, even the emperor would have to think twice, he is a great Confucian in the dynasty, a scholar of the Hanlin University, sentenced to the Tokyo Imperial College and the Ministry of Rites.

When it comes to princes, generals and ministers, people often forget that the world is made up of one individual, and the legal rationality of rule is the result of the game between the imperial court system and ordinary people.

Disputes of interests between princes, princes, generals and ministers, there is their game, this is the game of power, intrigues.

But on a larger level, ordinary people and the imperial court have a larger game. The common people and the imperial court have common interests, so they need to cooperate, and how the interests are distributed is the result of the game.

It is true that the imperial court has a lot of resources, but the common people also have the power to pull the emperor off the horse without hesitation, and this power is very powerful. If there is a little carelessness, the country will perish. The rise and fall of the past dynasties are lessons.

This is the so-called jurisprudence of governance.

Most of the people who can speak out for the people are scholars, because they are educated and knowledgeable. This is a very powerful force, and Chen Yu happens to be the spiritual leader of Jing Guo's force.

He is a real Confucianist in the dynasty, the principal of the Imperial College, and the world is full of peaches and plums, and the emperor dare not touch him casually.

But what he said to himself today
Li Xingzhou didn't understand, just at this time he met He Zhao who was frowning, and there was no one around him, so he went up to say hello.

Seeing him, He Zhao's face darkened.

Li Xingzhou laughed, he didn't remember when the two of them formed a relationship, but he liked to tease He Zhao, a serious, straightforward but taciturn honest man.

"Master He looks so good today, maybe something good happened." He asked with a smile.

Sure enough, He Zhao's face turned darker, probably scolding labor and management in his heart, does his face look good?
Although He Zhao was very angry and the consequences were serious, he also told him about his recent troubles along the way.

The underground waterway in the west of the city has been in disrepair for a long time. The previous heavy rain caused the sewage to overflow the streets, and the everywhere was filthy.

Li Xingzhou asked curiously: "Did Mr. He report to the emperor?"

"Hmph, the old man has reported it naturally, and it has been reported for several years." He Zhao said.

"The emperor didn't reply?"

He Zhao nodded, then shook his head again: "There was a reply a year ago. A few years ago, the emperor agreed to rebuild the entire underground dark waterway in the capital after repeated requests from the people. I was so frightened that I returned home.”

Li Xingzhou was speechless, and couldn't help laughing. The Ministry of Industry and Justice has such a strong desire to survive.

Indeed, the sewer project is very complicated, not only because of its huge size, but also because of the difficulty of the project. You must know that the sewer has to pass through the water, not only to bear the pressure, but also to be waterproof. The construction is inconvenient, and the difficulty is very huge.

Building waterways with bricks and stones cannot prevent sewage from seeping in, and because the best adhesive is glutinous rice water, the strength is not enough.

Therefore, the ancient sewer system used ceramics to make pipes, and then buried them in the ground for drainage. However, the pipes made of ceramics also have big problems.

The first big problem is expensive!

The cost is really too high, which is why the former Ministry of Industry judge gave him 100 million taels but did not dare to do it, and would rather resign.

The second reason is that the diameter of the pipe fired by ceramics is small, and it is easy to block; if the diameter of the inner wall is increased, the strength will be greatly reduced to the point that it is difficult to support the earth and rock pressure, and it will be damaged and ruptured.

Because of the small inner diameter, the third problem also came
That is, the pipes made of ceramics are easy to block, and it is difficult to clear them if they are blocked. Therefore, once the ancient city is aged, these problems will follow one after another, and there is almost no solution.

He Zhao shook his head sadly and said, "In the past few days, I have been closed at home, and even seldom go to the yamen, alas."

Li Xingzhou expressed deep sympathy.

It was a small court that day, and those who went to the court were all important officials in the court, mainly talking about replying to the Jurchen envoy.

"Yesterday, the Ministry of Rituals came to tell us what the Jurchen envoys of the Ming Dynasty came here to join us in the Jing Kingdom's expedition against the Liao Dynasty. What do you think?" the emperor sat at the head of the seat and asked.

These words were like dropping a depth bomb, and everyone started talking about it.

Li Xingzhou stood aside and closed his eyes to rest.

In the previous life, it was the Northern Song Dynasty who took the initiative to find the Kingdom of Jin to join forces with the Liao Dynasty, but now it is the Kingdom of Jin who seeks out the Kingdom of Shangjing, but the purpose is to jointly conquer the Kingdom of Liao
The defeat of Liao can be said to be a turning point in fate, and it was also a major strategic misjudgment that led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty to a large extent, because Song Huizong wanted to take back Youyun Sixteen Continents, so he asked envoys to cross the sea and unite with the Kingdom of Jin to conquer Liao. As a result, the Kingdom of Liao fell At that time, the Jin people became bigger and then went south. The Northern Song Dynasty lost half of the country and suffered the shame of Jingkang.

He couldn't figure out the current situation, because Li Xingzhou couldn't tell whether the Jurchen's fighting power was as explosive as in the previous life.

"Your Majesty, I think this is a god-given opportunity. If we take this opportunity to advance and attack from the southeast, we may be able to regain the lost ground of the previous dynasty." Tong Guan, the commander of the infantry of the guards, first expressed his opinion.

Zhong Daoyu also added: "It is indeed a good time to send troops. Your Majesty can agree to see the effect. If the Jurchens are really capable and attack the capitals of Shangjing and Zhongjing, we can send troops to take Nanjing and Xijing directly from Guanbei. , when the north and the south of the Liao Kingdom cannot take care of each other, they will surely suffer a crushing defeat."

The emperor above has not yet spoken, and seems to be weighing.

Zhao Guanghua, the commander of the Ma Jun of the Guards, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I agree with you. Now King Pingnan has won a big victory in the South, and the Guanbei Army has won a small victory. It is a good time to take advantage of the victory and march."

Several generals agreed with Zhong Daoyu's statement.

The civil servants seemed to be still thinking about it, while the prince looked left and right, frowning, as if he didn't know whether he should follow up.

"March into the army, where do you get money and taxes to march into?" At this moment, Yu Chengan stood up and asked back.

"I think that although both the south and the north are victorious, the south's victories are against rebels, which cannot be compared with Liao's cavalry elite soldiers; the victory in Guanbei is also a small victory, which is not enough to prove that we can send troops.

Furthermore, months of wars have spent a lot of money in the treasury, and the people all over the country are full of complaints. If they go out again, corvees and taxes will inevitably be added. "

After his words fell, He Zhao stood up and said, "Master Yu's words are justified, and I agree with you."

Duzhi envoy Xue Fang also stood up: "The minister seconded the proposal"

Li Xingzhou glanced at the prince next to him, his expression was tangled, his index finger and thumb were pinching his sleeves, he hesitated again and again, he stepped forward and whispered: "My minister seconded the proposal."

Therefore, Yu Chengan's argument was also supported by He Zhao, the crown prince, and Du Zhi envoy Xue Fang.

Li Xingzhou nodded inwardly. Indeed, what Yu Chengan said is objective. Jingguo has spent a lot of money and material resources on the war this year, and the treasury can no longer support another large-scale war. I heard that there are already people in Jiangzhou who are dissatisfied with the heavy taxation Corvée caused chaos.

He Zhao and Xue Fang are probably the ones who understand the court's lack of money best. One is the Governor of Kaiyuan and the other is the Duzhi envoy, so they support Yu Chengan's statement. As for the crown prince.
So the two sides argued, and the generals headed by Zhong Daoyu, Zhao Guanghua, and Tong Guan felt that they should fight because the opportunity must not be missed.

On the one hand, led by Yu Cheng'an, He Zhao, Xue Fang, and the crown prince believed that the treasury could not support them, so they could not send large-scale troops.

The two sides couldn't argue for a while, but this matter needs a conclusion after all.

 The number of chapters in the previous chapters was wrongly written, more than 300 chapters were written as more than 200, please forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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